Are there plans to fix the currently useless Morag Tong armor set?

The sets 5p bonus is not in play atm, because there is no way you can use poison attacks with a melee weapon equipped. The only way a player can use the 5p bonus (your attacks cause the target to take +15% poison damage) is with a dagger equipped, but there are no abilities that can do this. Are there plans to make this set available without having to use a dagger?
  • GRxKnight
    4 set morag 5 set hundings...nuf said
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • Sethriel
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    4 set morag 5 set hundings...nuf said

    That really has nothing to do with the question asked, to be honest. Of course you can combine the set with less then 5 pieces, but that's not what is broken about the set. The part that is broken, is the 5th piece. I'd actually like to know if ZOS is aware of this, and if they are going to implement another piece, or if this set is purely intended for player made poisons when that is released?
  • nerevarine1138
    Does this set not apply to poison damage from weapon enchantments?
  • GRxKnight
    I believe the daggers have poison enchants on them so that's where it would apply from
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • Sethriel
    Needing to combine a 5 piece set for a 15% improvement on a dagger enchantment is not acceptable in my opinion. Considering vr12 Kuta Poison enchants add around 43 poison damage, 15% of that is 6.45 on every other hit that actually procs the enchantment. That is absurd for a 5 piece trait that ONLY drops in PvP vendor bags. You would be correct in assuming that that poison enchants do in fact benefit from this, but the 5th piece bonus remains useless, because no one is going to add a 5th piece for an extra 6 damage ever other attack.
    So the original question still remains, and its aimed at ZOS really, are you going to fix this set in future updates, or will it only benefit player made poisons when they are added?
  • nerevarine1138
    Sethriel wrote: »
    Needing to combine a 5 piece set for a 15% improvement on a dagger enchantment is not acceptable in my opinion. Considering vr12 Kuta Poison enchants add around 43 poison damage, 15% of that is 6.45 on every other hit that actually procs the enchantment. That is absurd for a 5 piece trait that ONLY drops in PvP vendor bags. You would be correct in assuming that that poison enchants do in fact benefit from this, but the 5th piece bonus remains useless, because no one is going to add a 5th piece for an extra 6 damage ever other attack.
    So the original question still remains, and its aimed at ZOS really, are you going to fix this set in future updates, or will it only benefit player made poisons when they are added?

    So don't use the 5-piece set, and get the bonuses from the 2/3/4-piece tiers. Each 5-piece bonus is not meant to specifically appeal to your playstyle.
  • Sethriel
    Sethriel wrote: »
    Needing to combine a 5 piece set for a 15% improvement on a dagger enchantment is not acceptable in my opinion. Considering vr12 Kuta Poison enchants add around 43 poison damage, 15% of that is 6.45 on every other hit that actually procs the enchantment. That is absurd for a 5 piece trait that ONLY drops in PvP vendor bags. You would be correct in assuming that that poison enchants do in fact benefit from this, but the 5th piece bonus remains useless, because no one is going to add a 5th piece for an extra 6 damage ever other attack.
    So the original question still remains, and its aimed at ZOS really, are you going to fix this set in future updates, or will it only benefit player made poisons when they are added?

    So don't use the 5-piece set, and get the bonuses from the 2/3/4-piece tiers. Each 5-piece bonus is not meant to specifically appeal to your playstyle.

    Are you seriously writing that? My playstyle has nothing to do with this set, the 5p bonus doesn't add anything, for ANYONE, hence my post here.

    Your comment implies that I demand every set to suit me. If you actually read the post, you would see I'm asking a question about the set that has nothing to do with me personally. Please refrain from making such comments, they are not helpful.

    *Edit: Forgot a key word
    Edited by Sethriel on August 14, 2014 6:46PM
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    honestly there are not enough pvp sets and the pros of them are weak compared to pve. The ones that are any good are prohibitively expensive as well.
    Edited by smeeprocketnub19_ESO on August 14, 2014 6:46PM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Cabot
    I guess I'm not understanding the problem to which the OP is referring. Someone mentioned you can enchant poison damage on weapons, to which someone else referenced daggers. There is a glyph that can be made that adds poison damage to any weapon, just like frost, fire or shock damage, etc.

    Nightshade and Viper's Sting sets also do poison damage but is restricted to melee weapons.

    This has nothing to do with all the negative effects of certain potions not being applied to weapons, like other ES games, you can hit them with poison by other means.

  • zgrssd
    Cabot wrote: »
    I guess I'm not understanding the problem to which the OP is referring. Someone mentioned you can enchant poison damage on weapons, to which someone else referenced daggers. There is a glyph that can be made that adds poison damage to any weapon, just like frost, fire or shock damage, etc.

    Nightshade and Viper's Sting sets also do poison damage but is restricted to melee weapons.
    Poision/Disesaes is a Elemental type, just like Fire, Cold and Electricity.
    Nord have resistance to Cold
    Dunmer to Fire
    Bosmer to Poision
    Werewolves are vulnerable to Posion, just as vampires are vulnerable to fire.

    Also the bow line has 2 Poision DoT effects (but not sure they should be affected by this, however).
    Could anybody who has the set make a test if the Poision enchantment is affected by the set bonus?
    What what about the 2 Posion Bow Attacks (the first one and the snipe morph)?
    Edited by zgrssd on August 16, 2014 9:40AM
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Sethriel
    The problem I'm referring to, is that that this set has 4 armor pieces available. To proc the 5th piece bonus, you need to have a dagger equipped. There are no class skills, or dagger skills that deal poison damage. The only poison damage available is in the bow skill tree. I'm not including enchantments, because as the math above shows, the damage increase you would get is not even worth mentioning, I wouldn't use a singe armor piece of armor to gain 6 extra damage when an enchant procs, let alone 5 pieces.
    So the problem being, you obviously cannot use bow skills while you have a dagger equipped. Apart from the bow skills, there is nothing this set's 5 piece bonus can effect in a significant way. As I've just stated, they cannot effect bow skills because you MUST have a dagger equipped to get the 5p bonus.

    So going back to the original question, ESO devs I'm looking at you, are there plans to make more armor pieces available, so that bow users can also use this item set, or will this set be specifically for when player-made poisons come into the game?
  • philip.ploegerb16_ESO
    Torug's Pact has a "30% increase on weapon-enchants" as a 5-piece-bonus, that one gives exactly 14 dmg every 3s (cooldown is also lowered by 1s) and gives back 4 additional Mana i. e.

    Still, it's one of the best sets for Rank8+ DKs because the other bonuses are very good.

    Ofc, this stands in no relation to i. e. the 8% reduced costs from Seducer, but seducer again got neither Spell-dmg nor Weapon-dmg, so even with Torugs having a weak 5-piece bonus, it's still very good.

    Could the same apply to the case of the named PvP-set maybe?

    Thx to Giny, Sarana, Thaili, Derra, Cherahim, Gloy, Raweelz and Drimacus, you make the game worth playing even with AoE-caps, no usefull progression past Assault / Support Rank 10, and with PvP being not even close to balanced.

    Chars: Sera - VR12 Templar (Heal / DPS) ||| Seraliah - VR12 Dragonknight (DPS / Tank)
  • JessieColt
    I think there is some confusion by some players.

    The Morag Tong set is 4 armor pieces and a dagger.

    This means that in order to use all 5 pieces of the set armor, you must include the Dagger that is part of the set.

    If you use a sword and board build, or any of the 2 handers, you cannot take advantage of the 5 Piece Set Bonus because in order to get the 5 Piece Set you have to use the Set Dagger.

    I think what the OP is really asking is "Does anyone know if there are plans to include an additional Armor Piece to this set so that you can get the 5 piece bonus without having to use the Set Dagger".

    I personally haven't heard anything at all about Z making another Armor piece for the set.

    They may have created this set specifically with Dual Wielders in mind who either use 2 dagger or a dagger and another single hand weapon.

    Since the Morag Tong is an Assassin Group, I do not imagine that Z would have plans to change the Dagger out for another weapon, or to add an additional armor piece so that the 5p set bonus can be obtained by non dagger users.

  • GreenSoup2HoT
    I want to know if you can you poison arrow or lethal arrow then switch to your dagger's and benefit off of it.

    -You wont benefit off the initial hit with poison arrow since it's instant but you may get increased DoT damage.

    -With lethal arrow since it has travel time, you may have enough time to switch weapons real quick.

    Can someone test this ?
    PS4 NA DC
  • Avonna
    poor OP lol i understood your question. got a little lost in translation there for a bit didnt it lol.
  • GuyNamedSean
    JessieColt wrote: »
    I think there is some confusion by some players.

    The Morag Tong set is 4 armor pieces and a dagger.

    This means that in order to use all 5 pieces of the set armor, you must include the Dagger that is part of the set.

    If you use a sword and board build, or any of the 2 handers, you cannot take advantage of the 5 Piece Set Bonus because in order to get the 5 Piece Set you have to use the Set Dagger.

    I think what the OP is really asking is "Does anyone know if there are plans to include an additional Armor Piece to this set so that you can get the 5 piece bonus without having to use the Set Dagger".

    I personally haven't heard anything at all about Z making another Armor piece for the set.

    They may have created this set specifically with Dual Wielders in mind who either use 2 dagger or a dagger and another single hand weapon.

    Since the Morag Tong is an Assassin Group, I do not imagine that Z would have plans to change the Dagger out for another weapon, or to add an additional armor piece so that the 5p set bonus can be obtained by non dagger users.

    You can use a dagger for One Hand and Shield. I've done it before. Sword, Mace, Dagger, or Axe makes no difference if the other hand holds a shield.
    Former Guildmaster of the Legion of Mournhold
    XBL: GuyNamedSean
    PC: GuyNamedSeanPC
  • Lettigall
    JessieColt wrote: »
    I think there is some confusion by some players.

    The Morag Tong set is 4 armor pieces and a dagger.

    This means that in order to use all 5 pieces of the set armor, you must include the Dagger that is part of the set.

    If you use a sword and board build, or any of the 2 handers, you cannot take advantage of the 5 Piece Set Bonus because in order to get the 5 Piece Set you have to use the Set Dagger.

    I think what the OP is really asking is "Does anyone know if there are plans to include an additional Armor Piece to this set so that you can get the 5 piece bonus without having to use the Set Dagger".

    I personally haven't heard anything at all about Z making another Armor piece for the set.

    They may have created this set specifically with Dual Wielders in mind who either use 2 dagger or a dagger and another single hand weapon.

    Since the Morag Tong is an Assassin Group, I do not imagine that Z would have plans to change the Dagger out for another weapon, or to add an additional armor piece so that the 5p set bonus can be obtained by non dagger users.

    Morag Tong have 6 pieces(also shown in link you provided)- 1)dagger, 2)helmet, 3)belt, 4)bracers, 5)boots and 6)necklace.

    Everywhere I look Morag Tong 6 pieces.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
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