This is for those that cant figure out how to find the Pale Senche. I spent like 2 hours looking for this thing and the quest marker would not disapear from the skeleton so that just added to my confusion. Almost gave up on this quest thinking it was bugged but it aint. Used crouch and noticed a bush that would become highlighted. This is a hint to the tigar's path it took. Was the only one I could find in the
area so I just ran around until I actually found the tigar. Not sure if there is more clues(assuming there is) but I could not find any. Ended up finding the Pale Senche almost between Moonhenge & Seaside Overlook. Was closer to Seaside Overlook though just off the road. Hope this helps! ^^
“Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.”