Hello all. I think this will be the best place to maintain a journal of my time on ESO. I won't be writing fiction; I'll be writing about my experiences of the game and about my characters' progression. My thoughts, complaints, amazements, etc.
So, why I am doing this? Well, in a couple other MMOs I've played, I maintained a blog on their forums as a way to track my progress through the game so I could write down my thoughts, reflect and come back to the journals later on and see how I progressed through the game... from noob to expert. I found those blogs to be very useful and I just enjoy writing so I plan on a similar process here.
Let's start then. I'm a fan of the Elder Scroll universe. Not a hardcore fan; just someone who thoroughly enjoyed the games from Morrowind onward. Couldn't tell you how many hundreds of hours I put into the games... especially Oblivion. So I was quite eager to play ESO when I heard about it. I didn't get a beta invite until early February so I have some pre-launch experience of the game but not a terrible lot. From the beta, I got a good idea about what I wanted to do during the real game and that is primarily crafting. I really enjoy crafting in any game I play and I love how they did it in ESO.
From 5 day early access, I made 6 characters; one for each craft. I define my characters by their craft, not their race or class. Kuratla (Blacksmithing). Montador (Woodworking). Incantatrix... "Immacolata" was already taken so I'm not the only Clive Barker fan out there. She's my Clothing crafter. Sartori (Alchemy). Vatcher.. my last name... (Provisioning) and Mordeus (Enchanting).
I, of course, am not leveling up all 6 characters at the same time. I would never get to end game that way. Instead, I'm working on Kuratla. He's an Dragonknight Orc - going full tank with him. As he explores and levels up, I put all the non-blacksmithing mats I find in the bank and transfer them to the appropriate crafter a couple times a day to clear out bank space and for them to use. So far it's been working well. Each of the crafters has either reached a good rank in their respective craft or have stockpiled a ton of mats which I will use later.
My provisioner is up to rank 31, for example, and my alchemist around rank 14. Blacksmithing is slow to rank up but I still reached rank 8, mainly because I wanted to be able to research two traits at the same time as soon as possible due to researching times becoming extremely long as you go on.
I got all of the Keen Eye skills on Kuratla to help with his crafting mat searching and I spend a lot of time stopping and searching barrels, trunks, etc. I search everything I possibly can. I often see people running past an alchemy flower or ore vein and not bother to stop and get it. Don't understand why they don't. Even if they aren't crafters, they can still sell what they find.
My level progression is going slowly but I have no interest in power leveling. Several people in my guild are in the 20s and good for them. I explore more and craft more. I explored all of K. Roost, did all the quests, got all the Skyshards and then moved on to Auridon. I'll do that entirely before I move on to the next area as well. Kuratla's at level 10 right now and I did spend a couple hours in Cyrodiil... not pvping but exploring, getting mats that I won't be able to use for a long time and finding as many Skyshards as I could.
I'm in Thailand and lost the entire day yesterday due to the NA server being down for maintenance. Additionally I am (and will be) offline every Thursday and Friday until Friday evening due to weekly work obligations. Due to my unusual work schedule, I'll have large blocks of free time to play ESO but other times (like today) when I'll be offline completely. So day-long maintenances during one of my free days off really hurts.
I plan to post of this thread and update my ESO journal once per week, every Thursday morning. Rather use my work time to do so than my ESO time at home.

I'll start getting some screenshots of my characters and interesting stuff I find in the game and begin posting screenshots in this blog next week.
Thank you for reading.
V14 Templar Argonian Healer, V12 DK Orc Tank, V2 Sorcerer High Elf DPS, V1 Templar Breton DPS, V1 Nightblade Bosmer DPS, and 3 low levels.
Check out my ESO journal["