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The Growing pains of a veteran 2 templar

  • Nidwin
    Nah bro.

    As we don't have any combat logs and I've still an old version of Combat Cloud I can't be certain.

    Normally wispmothers should have their offensive arsenal entirely based on Frost Damage. That's possible as I don't see any damage done "numbers" on me during the fight with my old version of Combat Cloud. There's not entry for Frost damage in that version.

    I made a ring with 675 Frost resist and it did seem to help mitigate some of her damage. Just a feeling as I don't have any numbers to back this out.

    Wispmothers should also be completely immune to Frost damage but I haven't tested that. Fought her with shock glyph in staff during my tests.

    Her main weakness against us Templars is that we can turn her strength against her by using and abusing Puncturing Sweep. The more stuff (wisp and mirrors) she spawns the more damage she will take while we'll be able to self heal. It's just a matter of stepping/jumping out of the red spots, keeping as many of her spawns in front of us. Side straffing and using mouse turning helps a lot too.

    All damage done to her spawns will aslo damage her as they're not separed entities but part of her. At least how it should be and I think it works that way.

    It's a very aggressive fight against wispmothers, melee actually, so I think you should enjoy it with a bit of practice.
    Nidwinqq Templar (healzzz) United Warhammer Vets
    Nidwinqq RR100 Magus till the end, R.I.P. Badlands
  • jesterstear
    I don't think the Whispmother takes damage when the whisps are hit because in a couple of the fights I video'd, I had 5 of the whisps down to almost zero health through aoe from puncturing sweep. The whisps had 2-3k health and the boss only 3.3k. That should have killed her 4 times over. In the end, whispmother's low health made me decide to just focus on her, but I used my restoration staff light and heavy attacks , because when I tried to hit her with puncturing sweep (the penultimate attempt) the whisps got in between me and her and absorbed my attacks, shielding her.

    Since the 1.2.5 patch this whole thread is so irrelevant. I just logged to do Fate of the Treeminder, was playing horribly and ate most of the heavy attacks, miscliked and mistargeted left, right and centre, still won easily.

    Mobs don't do enough damage now to overcome my regen/self healing. Honour the dead is fixed too and basically means a free heal for 500 health every 8 seconds. I no longer have to get down to 700 to proc the power return, it happens at 1200, which with reduced mob damage means I am in no danger of death from eating a crit. Also, the heal critting before would take my health over 50% and prevent the power return kicking in , but now the power return kicks in provided you are below 50% when the skill is cast , not after it lands, so however much you heal for you still get power back.

    Finally, veteran zones are suddenly crowded. There's loads of players around and i'm having a hard time finding 3 mobs to fight without someone filibustering their way in.

  • Kcttocs

    Finally, veteran zones are suddenly crowded. There's loads of players around and i'm having a hard time finding 3 mobs to fight without someone filibustering their way in.
    When I took on the whispmother the other day after dying once, I couldn't find anyone to help. But yes, it's getting better. I ended up going it a second time solo and just ran up to her like the other poster above mentioned and spammed the heck out of puncturing sweep. I've got all light armor and mostly majika build and was able to take her down before she wore out my majika. was pretty intense though, the more you have in front of you while you spam the puncturing sweeps the more you get healed. There really isn't too much a templar can't solo with puncturing sweep and lots of majika IMO.
  • Laura
    Finally, veteran zones are suddenly crowded. There's loads of players around and i'm having a hard time finding 3 mobs to fight without someone filibustering their way in.


    what game are you playing?

    no seriously what alliance and server because i'm not really seeing that
  • IceDread

    Be honest, am I just terrible, or is my character just pathetic?

    I know people don't usually start to QQ till VR6 or 7, but after 12 hours in game I have less gold than I did before the weekend (repairs) and i'm finding this tough going....

    I've seen templars do very well. All thou to be fair, the game is new and not balanced. So some skills are worth slotting and others are not.

    In your top post, state how much magica regen you have, your stats and what skills you use. I dont have time for movie sorry.

    As long as you go with min 5 light and have pts in light armor, restro/destro staff prefered, use magica based ablities.. those are the key to be successful as well as having cc ablities. Thou it depends on what you want to do and how.
  • Tatuaje
    I ma not seen mentioned in any of your posts: food. I keep my Templar at about +/- 25 to the soft cap. I run 100% of the time with blue food, it just about doubles my smurf juice. While I know you prefer the melee fighting, I usually cast 2 majika skills then a heavy restro for blue regen (I have never used a destroy staff since level 4).

    The one spot I could use a little help is stamina for kiting, I run out fast.

    For groups of 3 - 5, I drop Blazing Spear on them, rush in and use a mix of Solar Barrage and Biting Jabs. My crit rating with Inner Light bounces from 45% to 52% (have not figured out why it is a moving number). With the Blazing spear damage and my skills I typically win fairly easily on the trash.

    My back up skill with this line up bar is Binding Javelin for CC and distance.

    Hope some of this may help.
  • jesterstear
    IceDread wrote: »
    I've seen templars do very well. All thou to be fair, the game is new and not balanced. So some skills are worth slotting and others are not.

    In your top post, state how much magica regen you have, your stats and what skills you use. I dont have time for movie sorry.

    As long as you go with min 5 light and have pts in light armor, restro/destro staff prefered, use magica based ablities.. those are the key to be successful as well as having cc ablities. Thou it depends on what you want to do and how.

    I made this thread a month ago, things have changed vastly since the last patch (I have not died once). Since you don't have time to read the post, here again is/was my build

    All points in Health - 2350 or so
    About 1200 Magika and Stamina
    Health, Magicka and Stamina are just into softcap (thanks to passives and one regen jewellery piece for each primary stat slotted).
    Amour is 5 Light (Warlock set) 2 Heavy. Softcaps when Ransack used.

    Main 4 skills were ransack, honour the dead, repentance, degeneration.

    I wanted to be a heavy armour tank with some offhealing capability. I'd heard bad things about Templar DPS skills so avoided Aedric Spear and Dawn's Wrath, the skills i'd chosen fitted in with my low-magic concept for the character - low cost, sustaining, no flashy effects, low damage.

    I was quite happy to mostly defeat enemies with light and heavy attacks if the buffs, hots and dots would sustain me,.

    The problem is, they didn't. The main problem was Honor the Dead being broken, which severely impacted my survivability. Defence all round is borked however. Having the patience to take longer to kill mobs should reward you with more safety, but in this game it does not. Also, the sword and shield line is awful. It adds a little to your defence, which is important tanking a group instance, but you give up so much healing, power restoration, CC, and interrupts to equip it and are forced to stand in melee.

    As I levelled up, I continued spending points in passives to upgrade these skills, but eventually reached a point where I had bought every upgrade and they were still too weak, and I had no skill points left to take a punt on a new skill line nor enough cash after all the deaths and soul gems, to afford a respec.

    It's much harder to avoid cast spells that move towards you , like heat wave , that little frost tornado, up close than at range, where you can easily strafe to one side at walking pace. Theoretically, you can interrupt these, but that uses stamina and you have less time to react. With multiple mobs interrupting one at a time is not on, mobs other than your target can get in the way, and stamina quickly runs out blocking interrupting with 3 mobs on you. Sword and Shield has a skill "absorb magic" but it doesn't work against most of these attacks, since the fire/frost is "physical". It only stops one attack and costs far too much of the very limited Stamina. Really, I think holding down normal block should stop 90% of spell damage if you have a shield equipped. Spells are basically range attacks and block should mitigate them as it does a volley of arrows (which btw , should only be blocked by a shield, parrying arrows with your sword is ridiculous).

    Finally, the issue of moving out of red circles, this is also perilous. In melee all three mobs can surround you with red stuff, so that moving out of one attack puts you in danger from another - at range, gaps open up. You also don't get your movement physically blocked by the presence of an enemy.

    Rather than mess around with single target, melee range interrupts and dodges, it's much easier to use skills like Blazing Spear , Volcanic Rune and Puncturing Sweep . These knock down groups of enemies from range, effectively an AOE interrupt on casters, which also stuns and damages the opponent. Far better to do this and avoid the incoming attack in the first place , than let them cast/do that power move then try block/dodge it.

    Basically sword and shield is good for dealing with a single mob, where CC is not possible and where other people are healing you and dealing the damage. IE boss tanking.

    I'm doing ok now, but can't help feel disappointed at how often the game degenerates into 1 button spam. The great majority of skills you might invest in are garbage, but there are a few that are just "win" buttons. Templar has their fair share of these now, but it's a little unsatisfying. Encountered a quest boss, a pyromage with healing abilities also and an ogre pet.

    I set up carefully, put mutagen on myself, dropped rune focus on the floor, pulled with force syphon and vampire's bane, buffed myself with ransack, and tried to juggle all 3 resources while light attacking, dodging, interrupting, blocking, healing. However I couldn't catch his heals fast enough and the fight was a stalemate.

    So, I just sat in front of the caster, and held my finger on the [5] key, which is mapped to puncturing sweep. Spam, Spam, Spam, he jerks around like a ragdoll under the constant barrage and can't heal himself. I don't bother trying to move, block or dodge anything, just keep stabbing that one button . He dies before I run out of magika and his pet despawns. I suspect most fights are like this and I would probably win spamming this one skill, but i'm starting to feel like a bot.

    Edited by jesterstear on July 15, 2014 11:05AM
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Had same issues mate when i went to VR with the gear I had no issue during 1-50 (7/7 HA, Shield, Mace)

    And I was stupid enough, to try keep pushing for almost two months more in the VR content, instead of going back to the drawing board and make an NB or DK.

    The only way to cut through as Melee Templar is
    a) put 1060 Armour on a purple jewel. (purple glyph)
    b) put as much as you can on power (melee) on another purple jewel.
    c) Respec to 2H or DW and Medium armour. (Hunding Rage set)
    d) Optional become a vampire (and have invigorating drain all times slotted).

    Have resto staff and spells on Qbar 2. 3 2H skills on qbar 1, plus a heal and eclipse or invigorating drain.

    You can cut your way though the trash & bosses, and yes you will die, but is not as bad as trying to go with a shield or templar spells only.

    If your are AD, the Shadowfen (VR3) going to frustrate you, but on the other hand I was still trying to figure my build then.

    Thats what I have done, and while is tough playing the game on "very hard mode", I do not use the "easy mode" solution of light armour and destruction staff. Because there is no skill involved doing that either way.

    There is no reason to use destruction as Templar we have multiple aoe class skills and no class synergy with destruction. Don't just go around regurgitating. Yes before when dk flame passives were global to fire and not to skill tree- dark elf/ light/ fire was over the top, old news, it doesn't apply to everything; restoration is vastly more used. There is aso little reason to go 7 heavy because 2 of light or medium will round u out more.
    And I'm curious. if you utalize all the changes to improve your stam build will there also be no skill involved? Or does that only apply to those of us that could see the strengths of our class skills and developed strong builds around the resource that casts them?
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