An idea for Crafting styles

I was thinking, when I crafted a Breton jack and didn't like the look of it, i changed it to imperial, i didn't like that either.

So what if you couldn't just change it to imperial, but if you had the motif and the style ingredient then why shouldn't you be able to go to a crafting station and just change the style?

And i was also thinking, why not be able to see what the armor would look like on you before you craft it so you don't waste your materials. Tell me what you think of the idea in the comments
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A horse walked into a bar. Several people got up and left as they spotted the potential danger in the situation.
  • Pele
    Yes to previewing items before crafting. Check out if you want to see what the different styles look like.
  • pierceoftheender
    @Pele Thank you
    A horse walked into a bar. Several people got up and left as they spotted the potential danger in the situation.
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