my apologies for this misleading thread, sad to report this is FALSE

after reading other threads i have come to realize this was NOT a fix but rather a UI error. i then re-booted my PC and restarted the game and now realize it was a UI error not loading the stupid end very frustrating and just basicly stupid HUGE messages blinding me was just a UI error and have now returned

below is the orginal thread message ....
i was really annoyed by the IN YOUR FACE messages that we had in eso, especially about the cryodiil scroll or emperor or quests or anything. i am soo happy to announce that i am no longer seeing the messages

you have no idea how happy and comfortable this makes me feel as i play eso.
i love it that its no longer in my face (center screen)
but i must say i like the messages just not in the spot they were in. would be so nice if we could keep those messages but just not center screen. somethinmg discreet like on the left or right bottom or even top of the screen because it wasnt the messages i hated it was the in my face thing (centered on screen) that was annoying.
soo happy to see thier gone ... so happy

thank you zenimax
Edited by Gilvoth on June 25, 2014 3:04AM