Utility Templar
AA trials
this is currently what ive been doing as it requires you to be completely immersed in buffs you put on boss and keeping all abilities up for maximizing your groups dps yet also healing as backup if needed and keeping down circle of protection during key times on fights also seige shield on second fight this tactic has been invented(or as far as we know) used by me and some friends i play with that complete AA trials nightly this class is used for maximizing your groups dps and backup healing it allows others to keep the skills for dps and such on their bars instead of wasting skills they could be using on the junk skills ultility must be a templar resto staff with destructo staff backup using nova ult for damage mitiagtion breath of life for fast instant healing in desperate times, healing springs, lingering ritual, spirit siphon, and necrotic orbs on first bar for the second bar using breath of life, ring of preservation, backlash(i use power of the light morph), elemental drain(weakness to elements), and swapping the last abilty between seige shield( for second boss) annument/harness magicka(for third boss) and necrotic orbs for the rest. keeping the ring of preservation up during second boss during the explosion after mobs of third boss and entire last 30% of the mage will help everyone and keeping the elemental drain, backlash, and spirit siphon up at all times will greatly increase the groups dps and less damage taken use nova to help the nightblades if they cannot get veil of blades up these skills can be used by anyone and split up between the group but we have found that assigning a templar to do this with backup heals makes the fights faster and easier on the rest of the group