My Lvl 36 sorc has been Lvl 50 prov since sometime around Lvl 8-10... I disremember, but it was forever ago.
I haven't found but one blue Lvl 20 recipe for food in all that time, and that was close to starter area.
I searched religiously through every place I could find all the time until that 'reduced reach' nerf. I'm looking fewer hard to reach places lately, but still looking all the time.
Whats up with the blues being so hard to find, too?
It's not just the purples.
I've found 3 purple drink recipes, but gave those to friends, because... lets face it... drinks alone aint where it's at.
Khenarsthiis roost.
Malabal Tor.
Reaper's March.
Obviously the further out I go the more I have to stock different ingredients to accommodate whatever recipe I hope to find, while still finding/stocking the stuff from my starter area to be able to use the one recipe I DO have.
I am growing weary of stupid crap like this .
The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.