Ctrl+1 keybinds

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Would it be possible for someone to make an addon where you can keybind Ctrl+whatever?

Have a Logitech g600 and it has a built in Ctrl button, would be nice to bind some of the things I dont already have on it to the Ctrl+numbers like my inventory or party menu. Already have all the main buttons used up. When trying to do it in the normal keybinds it only assigns the Ctrl button and doesnt care what other button is being hit at the same time.
  • zgrssd
    Yes and no.

    Yes, addons can figure out wheter the Modifier Keys (Shift, Alt, Ctrl) are pressed and react accordingly. So if you set up some Keybind for your Addon, you can respect them as modifier Keys (instead of as Action keys)

    But no, they cannot do most stuff you can do with the Interface. There is a clear seperation between "Addon Stuff" and "User Interface Stuff". In particular addons cannot do anything combat, movement or chat related.
    So at tops we could put Addon Interface stuff on those Keybindings.
    Edited by zgrssd on May 21, 2014 9:41PM
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
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