n.englishb14_ESO wrote: »....Ones first experience is always the best.
AlexDougherty wrote: »Close for me between Oblivion and Skyrim, but chose Skyrim.
I tried to play Morrowind once, but after Oblivion it was just to slow, twenty minutes of running along a road before I found anything, um no thanks.
Sorry didn't get that far in, it sounds like if I had played it before Oblivion I would have loved it (from a great many sources), but I didn't, sorry.AlexDougherty wrote: »Close for me between Oblivion and Skyrim, but chose Skyrim.
I tried to play Morrowind once, but after Oblivion it was just to slow, twenty minutes of running along a road before I found anything, um no thanks.
well it did have a travel system in place of silt striders, boats, teleportation spells and mages guild portals.
but it did encourage new players to simply explore the world.
I suppose I can see why some players wouldn't like this, but for me it was one of the biggest draws of the game.
although the temple quest to walk the entire length of morrowind did take it a step to far for my taste... mark > recall FTW
merwanoreb17_ESO wrote: »For instance, there is more gear and items placed around in the world. For instance there is only one complete set of deadric armor in the whole game, and you have to find all the pieces.
merwanoreb17_ESO wrote: »For instance, there is more gear and items placed around in the world. For instance there is only one complete set of deadric armor in the whole game, and you have to find all the pieces.
hmm wasn't there a pauldron missing of the "complete" set of daedric armor?
Not sure, I didn't wear heavy armor; was light or medium all the way
Morrowind i feel so nostalgic, everything was perfect, the storyline,the gameplay and.. the music was so beautiful !
Morrowind theme enjoy
starkerealm wrote: »merwanoreb17_ESO wrote: »For instance, there is more gear and items placed around in the world. For instance there is only one complete set of deadric armor in the whole game, and you have to find all the pieces.
hmm wasn't there a pauldron missing of the "complete" set of daedric armor?
Not sure, I didn't wear heavy armor; was light or medium all the way
Both pauldrons were missing. Daveth Fyr (I think) wore a complete set, sans helmet, but he was also a critical part of the main quest. If you weren't willing to kill him, there were gauntlets, a cuiriass, greaves and boots, but you had to wait for Tribunal and Bloodmoon to get the pauldrons, one in each.
There were also... I think, three different helmets.
starkerealm wrote: »merwanoreb17_ESO wrote: »For instance, there is more gear and items placed around in the world. For instance there is only one complete set of deadric armor in the whole game, and you have to find all the pieces.
hmm wasn't there a pauldron missing of the "complete" set of daedric armor?
Not sure, I didn't wear heavy armor; was light or medium all the way
Both pauldrons were missing. Daveth Fyr (I think) wore a complete set, sans helmet, but he was also a critical part of the main quest. If you weren't willing to kill him, there were gauntlets, a cuiriass, greaves and boots, but you had to wait for Tribunal and Bloodmoon to get the pauldrons, one in each.
There were also... I think, three different helmets.
heh.. or.. you know.. player.giveitem
ThatArgonianGuy wrote: »Oblivion because the spellmaking and enchanting system was amazing. Enchanting in Morrowind was too hard to do yourself without a mod and too expensive to have npcs do it. (100,000g for an enchant? really?) I did love the mudcrab merchant in Morrowind lol. I love all of the games, though I couldn't really get into Arena (Daggefall's game play is much better).
isengrimb16_ESO wrote: »ThatArgonianGuy wrote: »Oblivion because the spellmaking and enchanting system was amazing. Enchanting in Morrowind was too hard to do yourself without a mod and too expensive to have npcs do it. (100,000g for an enchant? really?) I did love the mudcrab merchant in Morrowind lol. I love all of the games, though I couldn't really get into Arena (Daggefall's game play is much better).
Ah, someone who played Daggerfall.
I have Anthology, and my version of Arena and Daggerfall are both in their original states, apparently (unfortunately). This means I can't use the ini file cheat with Daggerfall for godmode.
Ok, so I walk out of the cell and explore around, and grab that one sword that's available (I never found anything else). I learned really quick not to go into the basement, because there's some heavy armour dude who three-shots my face. So I go upstairs, to beat the guy behind the table to open the door to the stairs. So I can beat him, but at a health cost to myself.
My health is so low (and apparently does not regenerate?) I can't beat the ghosts or whatever they are on the outside stairs. That's as far as I got. No food or potions. I did try resting! But when I woke up, heavy armour guy was there and three shotted my face again.
I'm stuck! 30 seconds into the game, and I'm stuck good.Please tell me, did I miss something I should have found and need to do this?
I'm afraid to try Arena .... :O
As for voting, I guess Online, because I _CAN_ play it without cheats, woo, go, me.
oh shadowrun returns is awesome.. or well.. the dragonfall expansion is awesome; the original was good.. but a bit.. lackluster
Norrønt_Språk wrote: »1st - Morrowind
4th - Skyrim (too "casualized", castrated nsc guilds - a guy who can't magic, can to become the boss of the mages? i must not search for the thieves guild, they find me. ...ok...and so on...)
isengrimb16_ESO wrote: »oh shadowrun returns is awesome.. or well.. the dragonfall expansion is awesome; the original was good.. but a bit.. lackluster
Mmm. Shadowrun. I'm thinking here of the tabletop RPG .... good game and backstory, but I wish they'd put out a new Earthdawn game of ANY sort; I really liked that one (same universe as Shadowrun, but set in the distant, mythical past. The magic is diminishing, rather than growing, and people are just coming out of their mountain strongholds to face whatever Horrors might still be around. Yeah, the future of Shadowrun is bleak; once that magical field gets strong enough .. never mind the mutants. ) We had a good GM for Earthdawn, and he really knew how to put the creepy fears into his players.
One guy stopped to have a drink in a river while the party was resting and we were deciding our next move. Turns out the water was .. infested .. with .. very small Horrors, micro-Horrors. Three days later, my character got to witness him being literally torn apart for no apparent reason. In a marketplace.