Ultimates as a Vamp

Just a quick question for you friends..as a Vamp, shouldnt the tooltip for Ultimates change as you progress through the stages of vamp? My ultimate at Vamp stage 4 still says it costs 200ULT. Shouldnt this number go down being in Vamp lvl 4? This might be a add-on required feature, but was curious so I thought I would ask the knowledge base.

Solid-Nightblade of AD
  • ariella321
    Passive skills have a tendency to stop working at times...especially if you die. Relogging seems to help, and I've heard zoning does, too. Vampire passives seem very prone to this.

    So, to answer your question...yes it should visibly reduce the cost, but the reduction only works if it hasn't bugged out.

    Edit: I think changing vampire stages can fix this problem, too. Since you are already stage 4, you would have to feed on someone to reduce your stage to 3.
    Edited by ariella321 on May 21, 2014 2:02AM
  • LIQUID741
    Thanks for the answer...re-logging to fix is just insane. It gets old for the stealth speed increase. Didnt know that the Ult. was that way as well..although I should have figured as much. Thanks again!
    Solid-Nightblade of AD
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