Ok, this isnt as you probably expect "community creation", but I think a lot of thinking actually is sort of "creation". Well, here you go. My solution to some TESO issues. Feel free to comment. I tried to make it easy to implement.
Light (easy) variantProblem:
Bots make multiple characters to abuse quests/game itself.
Cooldown on character delete. You can create 8 characters, but you cant delete them within certain period of time since creation. To be precise, you cant delete them within 24 hours (also more characters you have, longer is "cooldown").
Quest abuse solved (without need to actually change quests).
Bots go in places where they shouldnt. Sorta low-level issue. While I like "you can explore whatever you want" way of thinking, if you go outside your "natural" zone, everything can kill you pretty fast anyway.
So like it was with Guild creation, until you are level 10, not only you cant go to Cyrodiil, you cant go anywhere except starting area. First 10 levels are reasonably fast and easy for normal players, so it really shouldnt be an issue. Since a lot of people play for PvP and they dont have issue with that, I see no reason why others should. And no Im not exactly fan of PvP.
Bots abuse nodes, steal from players.
Nodes are "player only", like containers type of drawers etc. They will have 30-60 minutes cooldown (respawn timer). I leave exact time upon you, but in Skyrim, there was even hint "come back after some time, there will be flowers again". I see no reason why it shouldnt be that way. Maybe slight buff to deconstruction. Also cooldown will be "account based" not character based (like those drawers).
These solutions are I think pretty player friendly while being heavily bot unfriendly.
Hardcore variant
I will write down only changes against "light".
Player can make only 4 characters, until they reach level 50. Im against myself on this, cause Im altoholic (I have 6 chars and 1 bank char). But in this case, its simply for greater good. Yea I know, greater good is very dangerous thing, in this case its really for better. Make community vote (another suggestion) if you want.
Im still for exploring, except Coldharbour would be like VR stuff, off-limits till you have quest. No guildie teleport.
Also guildie teleport on cooldown for everyone (1 per 30 minutes or so.. nothing too drastic, just like heartstone in certain not-mentioned game). Port-on-guildie defies teleport system in game now anyway. But, keep phase syncing teleport on party. Thats pretty much needed due your design.
Now, Im not sure if bots are using multiboxing and "one account for 8 bots", or 8 separated accounts for 8 bots. If it is first case, well.. one account can have only one character active at any given time. Period. In case you think otherwise, please go and play another game. I think multiboxing is as much evil for MMOs as is goldspam.
Ugly hardcore prevention to "easy make another char". Well, not really ugly..
Tutorial area isnt skippable. Thats till you are lvl 50, then you can. It isnt that hard and frankly I think you made mistake even with skipping starter islands cause it messed up leveling for people and also made hole into the story. You should never listen to whiners. It destroys ANY game. Also starter islands are fastest way for level up and now most people is actually looking "how can I go there". That was seriously worst decision so far.
I know it wouldnt be easy now, but if it was by me "starter islands are not skippable either". After that, play as you wish.
Well, Im quite positive that if you implemented at least "light" version, you would have much less issues with bots (if any). While having grateful players on other hand.

I have also one crazy idea about gold and few fun ideas about login/character creation. Thats in case you are further interested into my ideas.
Best regards, Mescalamba (EU server .. one of them depending on phase)
Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..
I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.
Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.