MOIST"what is moist may never dry"
Moist is a group of friends that originates from the game Darkfall, with our current game being The Elder Scrolls Online in the Daggerfall Covenant alliance. Several of us have been gaming together for nearly 5 years, and many of us know other members in real life. We enjoy each others company, work well together and have the same mindset when it comes to gaming - we love PVP. The most important thing to us, is having fun. We can and will be immature, loud, jokingly racist and obnoxious. What that said however, we are all capable of cutting the ***, getting serious and clearing comms when required. We make fun of each other constantly, but make-up with lots of bromance.
[what we want from you]"*** rush, don't suck"
If you join us, we want to be your clan. You can join multiple clans, but we need to be your home as we don't intend to mass-recruit, we are looking to recruit people who will be a member of Moist for months, even years. We do anything for each other, and we don't want someone who is half dedicated to another clan. When you're online, be in mumble even if you're solo. Many times, others will join you. If you don't want to talk, mute yourself. Be social though - if you see everyone Xing up in clan chat to head to Cyrodiil then JOIN US! If we ask for 1 more to come to the dungeon, JOIN US. Understand that we will make fun of you, therefore you must have thick skin and don't be afraid to throw punches back at the rest of us. There is also a general "30-ish day recruit period", no pressure. It's just to see whether or not you mesh well or if we need to send you on your way.
[our relationship with VAMP]"if you're not moist, what are you?"
When you join Moist, you will often hear about, see and group with members of VAMP. #DAMP is the alliance of two clans: Moist & Vamp. This alliance was formed in Darkfall Unholy Wars and we were very successful. VAMP and Moist get along very well, and have decided to continue the alliance in The Elder Scrolls Online. VAMP hosts mumble.
[please review our rules]subject to change
1. You must be 18+ years old to join!
2. If you are in game, be on comms!
3. If you are streaming or recording, let the people in comms know or stay in the streaming channel!
4. You are allowed to join multiple guilds, however Moist needs to be your primary guild if you plan to join!
5. You must have thick skin and be able to joke!
6. Participate on the clan forums!
7. This isn't the Lifetime channel, NO DRAMA!
8. Approximately 30-ish day trial period - You either fit in or you dont!
[The Scroll & The Slaughterfish: A Tragicomedy]