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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Weapon and Class combinations!

This game could definitely use more useful and unique skills to make more viable build options. Right now there aren't many.

I propose class and weapon combination skills. Each weapon should have multiple skill lines aside from the existing ones. The new skill trees would represent the class you wish play.

For instance each weapon should have a unique skill that benefits a tank, healer, or dps. Once that skill is selected several other skills for that combination should be unlocked. For instance if you want to use a melee weapon as a healer, there should be some attacks that heal and buff you and allies as you strike. Or for a tank, skills that raise aggro and defense.

You should be able to select a different class type for each weapon. For instance I might want to play a healer with two handed melee weapons but cc (tank?) with a bow. This would definitely increase customization and give each weapon skill tree much needed depth.

I originally thought weapon skills should reflect your chosen class but that would be more restrictive and the goal here is to allow more flexibility with weapon and class combinations.

Edited by Erotes on May 21, 2014 3:02PM
  • Maximis_ESO
    I like the system they have now. You can create tons of different and unique styles and builds to play. They don't need to change it IMO.
  • Marukeru
    I have to agree with @Maximis_ESO here.
    I, personally, feel that the way the weapon system is setup atm is acceptable. I admit that I'd enjoy a few more skills here and there for the weapons to add a small bit more flexibility, but who knows, that could happen someday.

    Personally, I'd rather see new weapon skill lines introduced to bring in potential new styles.
    For Example, what if they added a type of Halberd or Spear weapon? What if it was a good mix of the Trinity? Maybe have good damage skills, offer a bit more reach and cone attacks? Maybe have a Taunt or CC like a disorient? What if it offered a self/team buff or AoE Debuff? These are possibilities for the future.

    With the system in place, why scrap and go back to the drawing board to redesign when you can slowly add more to the system to allow for flexibility?
  • Erotes
    @Marukeru‌ , perhaps I didn't make it clear but I never suggested they redo the skills. I suggested they add to them. I do agree that new weapons are definitely needed. *I reworded the first paragraph just in case*

    @Maximis_ESO‌. I have to disagree. When you consider the number of players playing, There aren't enough viable skills to create unique play styles. This game definitely needs more skills that think outside the box.
    Edited by Erotes on May 21, 2014 3:26PM
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