Why does Bow feel so clunky?

The damage is nice an all but I feel like it has its own ping and randomly lags out. Sometimes my char would keep shooting arrows even after I clearly stopped clicking. I would also find trouble using a "power" attack with a bow, my character wont release the arrow even after I stopped holding down attack.
  • Liquid_Time
    Odd, I have never come across these bugs. Does not mean they don't exist however.. Sorry for your trouble.
    Edited by Liquid_Time on May 20, 2014 2:27PM
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • Memnock
    I think that this is more related to the server lag or poor server optimization , since the bow attacks aren't the only ones that behave like this. As an example , i find my sorcerer , spamming an extra Crystal Shard even though i stopped using the skill and started to activate a new spell , same with destro staff skills and regular light/heavy attacks.
  • ArRashid
    Bow is just a whole lot harder to use because:
    - it has set draw timer. No amount of haste/attack speed is going to change it
    - practically takes forever to draw (about 3 sec?), even though the drawing animation itself is affected by haste (and therefore you have to wait a good while longer at full draw or suffer reduced damage)
    - has the lowest (along with 2h) dps of all weapons. Even 1h/s is better. Staves are all better and dual is doing about 80% more dps (counting heavy attacks, not skills - destro staff just pwns anything else using skills).
  • smokes
    snipe suffers from long casttime lag effects - if whoever you're aiming at (usually another player from a keep wall) moves out of range, or too close, then snipe can bug out and leave you locked inthe animation for a bit.

    have had laggy effects all the time, especially in cyrodiil and quite often will use knockbacks from the bow in combat and not see anything happen until about 3 seconds later and all of a sudden there are bodies pinging around everywhere.

    there is some funny things that can happen with bows and the animations when cast times and range are in play.

    would like to see the minimum range on snipe removed for a start - very annoying to cast on someone just inside the max range who is running towards you, who then passes the minimum range before the 3 sec cast is complete. unless you move backwards while aiming - which sometimes isn't enough, you can waste the shot altogether and never have another chance to use it in the same fight.

    it's pretty sweet for pve though, but i get much better damage returns sneaking up behind the mob and cracking them around the head with a 2H.
    Edited by smokes on May 20, 2014 3:56PM
  • YourNameHere
    @smokes What you wrote is agreed completely.

    The Snipe animation is my biggest pain being locked in the animation. Please fix this Zenimax so if it is greyed out when you accidently use it, it doesn't work, not go through the stinking animation and you can do NOTHING.
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • Tamanous
    ArRashid wrote: »
    Bow is just a whole lot harder to use because:
    - it has set draw timer. No amount of haste/attack speed is going to change it

    I agree there needs changing for all stamina weapons but at least Haste will soon work with bow. Coming with all the "future" NB changes.
  • Khazaad
    It's because you actually have a staff equipped.
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