Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Are you happy with the current state of the game?

  • Bhakura
    Gonna let rest of months run out, if nothing changes by then, its unsub.
  • DragonFlyM13
    - The EU Server is still located in North America, which causes Lag and High Latency.

    - The game is still littered with bugs:
    - Quests that do not work correctly
    - Achievements that do not trigger.
    (And that is just naming a few)

    - The Party system in ESO is LACKING big time
    where every party member has to do everything for him/herself.
    (Except the odd: Kill mobs parts)

    - and don't forget the whole LEGIONS of bots that are still running rampant!
    and what do they do about it? They NERF stuff hurting the players that play legit.
    Why not make all gatherables 0 gold while you guys are at it? will certainly destroy all the harvesting bots!
    Edited by DragonFlyM13 on May 20, 2014 11:58AM
    VindyaMiriel (Nightblade) on Aldmeri Dominion

    I really wish there was a bow based class...
  • N1LegionXDeath
    could be better
    bots,gold seller, bugs,...
    N1 For Life
    Nothing is true; Everything is permitted.
    Imperial Templar ωΩωΩω Ebonheart Pact ωΩωΩω NA MegaServer
  • Dita
    ^^^ - This. Just a little tip. We all know, what Customer Service ignores us, when you file a ticket, but then you unsubscribe from a game - they send you an e-mail almost right away, "just to make sure its not a glitch" (lol) and offering you to resubscribe you, so if you need to contact them fast (or normal time would be at any other MMO) - just unsubscribe , deal with the issue and then if you want ask them to resubscribe you again. Idiotic , I know , but hey its Elder Bots Online after all !
    Edited by Dita on May 20, 2014 12:12PM
    "Begun the Bot Wars has"
  • DDemon
    - Unable to follow the storyline with friends.
    - Broken passive skills.
    - Bots all over the place
    - Limited/expensive storage space.
    - Lack of an auction house.
    - Armour breaking really fast, and expensive to repair compared to the amount of profit made during the time it wore down.

    I have 1 v10 Sorcerer and am working on a veteran Dragon knight, but I am starting to lose interest in the game, as are my friends.

    Most of the time I play and run quests solo, due to phasing making it nearly impossible to group up with friends.

    These issues make the game no fun for me and my friends.
  • Erotes
    I voted no. I am a fan of the series and really want to like the game, especially after paying $80 and convincing 2 of my friends to do the same. But overall the game is dull and underwhelming.

    They clearly spent a lot of time and money in the story and actors but the actual playability of the game is vastly unimaginative. I dread questing but keep pushing myself hoping things get better and my GOD there is a lot of questing. I get sad whenever I find a new quest after thinking I'm almost done with a continent. The magic and fun of exploring an open world that the elders scrolls games had seems replaced with a sense of linear and chore-like Gameplay.

    The skills are very boring and crafting is useless. I still have 30 unspent skill points and I don't have anywhere to put them. I have retconned several times to try and get excited about new skills but every weapon is (sorry) boring and impractical ( I play a healer). The only one I like is the bow- but as a healer I focus mainly on the healing staff which I hate using but like the skills it comes with. And before I get heat for calling crafting useless, hear me out. Gold has no purpose in the game except for repairing things. So if you limit your death count it is easy to save enough gold to buy what you need. It may not be the best gear but I get a long fine without having to suffer through tedious crafting.

    The combat and "class" system is antithetical. It makes no sense to force us into classes that don't work. Aggro is a mess. Mobs, when engaged, seem to go off randomly. And, I know it is possible to tank, but it makes playing a tank irritating. In order to do the job you have to select the few certain skills that increase aggro which in turn contradicts the "play your way" concept of the game. In fact the whole idea of "play your way" gets shoved aside when the developers advertise the new trials as being for the best of the best players. In order to be the "best", certain classes have to use certain weapons. I like the idea of melee combat but again as a healer, I really shouldn't if I want to keep my team alive. I'm not saying any silly combo should work, I'm pointing out that there aren't enough viable skills to avoid cookie cutter builds.

    My last observation is that in an mmo world, there should always be something to do and work up to. Aside from questing and crafting, there should be fun things to do to keep a player with a sense of accomplishment like building a home or attending social events but this game doesn't have anything to keep you involved and immersed. When I log in, if my friends aren't on, I find myself logging out after a tedious quest or two.

    I will continue to play and remain loyal because I have high hopes for the game. It is new and has so much potential and clearly the developers are working hard to create something amazing. I just hope it takes more risks with going outside of the box.

    As the game stands, despite the skill system, there really isn't anything new or innovative about it. The attacks and magic in the game are very cookie cutter and lack imagination (I can't emphasize this enough). I know the dev's have mentioned "spell crafting" which I hope makes me eat my words. But for now the magic and combat are bland. Aside from that there is nothing else. The pvp also gets boring after a while. I know most wouldn't like this but I would LOVE open world pvp. Alliances should be able to enter enemy territory and you should be able to betray your alliance. That would definitely make the game a lot more exciting.
    Edited by Erotes on May 20, 2014 1:20PM
  • seaef
    I am as happy as a mudcrab...
    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
  • felixgamingx1
    could be better
    To the point I believe the bots should be dealt with way before the remaining bugs.
  • AvalonRanger
    <<Excellent hardcore game>>

    At a first glance, It looks like impossible to handle enemy.
    Boss is too strong or too many enemy.
    But,try to serching enviroment around you carefully. There are surely
    something hint or weak point of enemy. Or,somtime you'll find secret route.
    When I notice or find ingenious game logic mechanism in there,I'm very impressed. Oh,what a beautiful game is this !
    Do you know "splintercell blacklist" ? That's good example.Thief4 is also good.
    (I don't mention about stealth game,but I say about good game logic example)

    <<Bad hardcore game>>

    There are no mechanism or No various solution,but just only ridiculous impossible difficulty. Mostly,those thoughtless game logic crash game balance.

    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • RianaTheBosmer
    could be better
    It definitely could be better but I am having a lot of fun, have 8 characters I am messing with.

    1) The bots and the email spam have to go. It's getting frustrating and ridiculous to know that I can't fly through the damned air like they can. For PITA's sake, give me the ability to fly too or get rid of the bots.

    2) Stop the nerfing all ready, really. I want to not see every single drawer empty and I feel entitled to my motifs. How else will my characters be the best dressed in all of Tamriel?

    3) Fix the passives. I want my nightblade to be the shiniest and beastliest of all.

    4) Give me housing with lots and lots of storage. I mean damn, sharing a bank with 7 other characters I hardly know. How am I to make sure they don't steal me blind?

    Ok enough of my attempt at humor.

    I do love the game. I think in 6 months, they'll have it pretty much figured out and then they can work on more fun stuff. Is it a good game? Yes, I might even call it a great game. It's keeping me playing and involved and though I do take some nights off, I am in game as soon as I get home until I head to SWTOR for RP, if I do. If it's keeping me that interested then it fulfills my needs. I just want to fly, damn it!
  • Mopar63
    could be better
    The game could be better but is good enough I am enjoying it and will pay the subscription fee.
    True honor need not be named
  • mark.markandb16_ESO
    I got too tired of waiting for them to fix the issues with the guild bank. Six weeks and it still doesn't work. I un-subbed. I may well come back when they get around to fixing it, but it seems to me they are more interested in catering for the high end gamers.
  • tylarthb16_ESO
    could be better
    For me its one of the poorest MMO releases i've played. This is magnified due to all the experience of earlier MMOs mistakes, that ESO could have avoided and the huge gaming name elder scrolls series is.

    The terrible imbalances of class/race powers, inventory, bank and trade design. Excessive weakness to bots and RMT. Reality of veteran levels. All can be made far less aggravating but the time it'll take and massive cost in sub loss and damage to reputation of the game will mark the game as a flop, i'd like to be proved wrong, but i'm not seeing sufficient positive signs.
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    Perhaps a better title or poll should have been: "What do you like to be improved in the game and how". This thread nothing but invites too much whining and silly posturing for ZOS to spend a nano-second reading. We are already into subscription, time to stop the opinion thread, and more the constructive ones.
  • doggie
    I just returned 2 days ago, and already unsubbed and permanently deleted my characters so I won't be back.

    I was Vr5 when I returned and grinded through Aliki'r Desert, then Bangkorai and started on Auridon. At the end I felt really, really bored, the VR grind is just extremly booring. If there had been any new dungeons at around Vr5 it would have helped. But I had already run the Vr1-5 dungeons around 40 times, so running them more at Vr6 wasn't an option.

    I eventualy figured out that it wasn't worth my time to grind 3-4 more zones just so I could try the VR10 dungeons. I almost fell alseep in the game, even if I had just logged on.

    I also encountered a bank bug that I thought had been fixed long ago. On my main I had 142/160 bank slots, but on my alt I had 160/160 (ie: full bank on alt but 18 free on main) If I filled the 18 slots on my main and relogged 18 items in bank would vanish when I relogged back in as the bank would be back at 142/160.

    I didn't care, but that would be game breaking to some players.
    Edited by doggie on May 20, 2014 2:25PM
  • Carnage2K4
    My main issue...

    Human Infant Connoisseur
  • alphawolph
    Yes, but i Would like a convenient way to sell and buy from strangers.
  • Mix
    could be better
    While I am really enjoying the game there are things that need to be fixed so it could be better. Eidetic memory not working really bugs me (I know it is hardly the worst thing not working), rare fish not looting, and some achievements not working are also on my "list". I like to have a complete character and aim for all that stuff and the thought that my main may be unable to get some of it due to bugs is frustrating

    My other major problem right now is player guilds. Now I might just be unlucky, but it seemed that I never saw more than 50/500 people online in my trade guilds and the stores move stuff really slow. I have also had trouble finding a PvE guild just to have people to run vet dungeons with. I did join another PvE guild last night but was a tad disappointed that only 5 people were online and it wasn't late at all. I think an in-game guild finder would be nice as the forum for it seems under-used.

    As for selling things, well I end up vendoring almost all my surplus crafting mats:(
  • Arizona_Willie
    I've gotten two gold seller messages on HERE!! As well as gold seller emails on a REAL email address used to sign up for ESO.

    Their servers have all been hacked by the gold sellers and the gold sellers just create new accounts for themselves when they get deleted.
    If I wanted a Signature I would have a Signature --- but i don't want one so I don't have one.
  • Tannakaobi
    could be better
    It's really good up until VR content, then it takes a nose dive. Nothing the new content and some extra XP in PVP couldn't fix.

    but having to play through other factions quests as end game content is lame and not because of difficulty, that is the only saving grace.
  • felixgamingx1
    could be better
    I've gotten two gold seller messages on HERE!! As well as gold seller emails on a REAL email address used to sign up for ESO.

    Their servers have all been hacked by the gold sellers and the gold sellers just create new accounts for themselves when they get deleted.

    There's no hack if you look at your email closely you'll see the forum forward the message to your email
  • theflyingfatima_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    No, I am not. I won't be happy until I see some real progress made on fixing the innumerable number of bugs in this game. From specced shield bash doing top dps, to nightblade skills being broken, to skills not working correctly in Cyrodiil only, to walking through geometry whose collision doesn't render before the model does.

    And then there's the exploit where your server apparently listens to the client and does no sanity checking, resulting in bots flying through the air or under the ground.

    I don't care about Craglorn at this point. I'm not going to wait for it to come out just so you guys can start addressing all of these bugs. It is crippling-- no, killing-- the game.

    Also, I am unsubscribed. I just have game time still and may still re-sub if I see a significant enough improvement.
    Edited by theflyingfatima_ESO on May 20, 2014 3:14PM
  • nalimoleb14_ESO
    Been playing non-stop since early access, and every day I leave for work I can't wait to get back just so I can play more, lol. I guess it's because ESO is right up my alley; I can play the game alone, with some aspects of teamwork (happening upon a world boss with other random players and taking it down together, group dungeons, etc.) I hated other MMOs that would literally force you to group up for almost every quest in the game, which sounds fun, but not so much when everyone in the server has already completed the quest, and you're literally a sitting duck until you can find people to help you before you can advance through the main quest *coughTERAcough*.

    The quests are also my favorite part of the game, so getting to play in the other faction's zones and see what their quests are like doesn't turn me off at all.

    Bots were annoying as hell, but the good news is that I haven't seen any in the VR zones yet. *knock on wood*
  • drakuel1ub17_ESO
    I voted NO even though I unsubbed, reason is I bought a year subscription. I support the game for a year. However I currently do not play, my Main NB is broke and I am tired of waiting for the fixes on countless issues with the game..

    However bugs are really not my main reasons to stop playing and voting NO, it is deeper then this.. Some of the game design decisions , for example how you can't trade in this game without a guild. Or group easily due to phasing issues, just overall design decisions and support mechanics, that were intended has turned me away. Perhaps these things will change in a year we will see, till then I will move on and play other games and check back from time to time to see how my well earned money has progressed.

    To all the players still playing and fighting through the BOTS and issues, more power too you and have fun! Long as your having fun I have no bones to pick, for me I am not so I had to stop..

    Be well!
  • Kyotee0071
    No based on Client Hacking cheaters/bots, Bash spam, and animation canceling combat.

    But this game has huge potential, so I'm still subbed. *crosses fingers for major fixes soon*
    I didn't think my hangover was that bad this morning until I spent 10 minutes trying to log into my old Etch-A-Sketch

  • Thalmar
    could be better
    Implement crime system such a way people can kill, arrest or benefit from reporting bots... Would be a fun addition and people will never again complain against bots, just give players the power to eleminate them.
  • Spidermonk
    could be better
    I'm looking forward to the death review coming in 1.1. PvP right now is terrible when you go from 100 to 0 with no idea as to what caused it.

    I am a little saddened by the lack of a duel system. Being able to test different abilities, tactics, and defenses against other players (outside of coordinating with an opposite faction friend in Cyrodiil) would be a welcome addition.

    Flytext...probably won't happen (I know about FTC, I mean like popping above the enemies head similar to SWTOR). It can be a little difficult to tell what's going on in a fight atm.

    TREE CLIMBING!! I am a huge fan of being able to climb places others can' 1396764747_Broken.jpg

    ^ THIS

    Any additions to scaling walls or mountains would be awesome...and probably game breaking.
  • lotharlocnar_ESO
    Quest lines are bugged,pvp botting is horrid,light armor and staff is the best combo in the game right now for all classes there's a real problem,no name tags on NPCs or players,MMO designers refuse to fix issues in timely a manner,Devs turn blind eye to problems and lose players to the point of areas almost devoid players for groups.This game has snowball effect in losing customers and it's too late to salvage it.This MMO seemingly going the way of Defiance,Warhammer...etc.
    "No moment of despair is so great it cannot be overcome by a fifth of good bourbon and a beautiful woman in black seamed stockings and 6-inch stiletto heels."
  • felixgamingx1
    could be better
    I voted NO even though I unsubbed, reason is I bought a year subscription. I support the game for a year. However I currently do not play, my Main NB is broke and I am tired of waiting for the fixes on countless issues with the game..

    However bugs are really not my main reasons to stop playing and voting NO, it is deeper then this.. Some of the game design decisions , for example how you can't trade in this game without a guild. Or group easily due to phasing issues, just overall design decisions and support mechanics, that were intended has turned me away. Perhaps these things will change in a year we will see, till then I will move on and play other games and check back from time to time to see how my well earned money has progressed.

    To all the players still playing and fighting through the BOTS and issues, more power too you and have fun! Long as your having fun I have no bones to pick, for me I am not so I had to stop..

    Be well!

    Long time investment on anything new is a very bad move I'm sure by now you learned it. Maybe they'll refund you a few months
  • darthritis
    I unsubscribed. No reason to keep paying more money until they fix fundamentally broken parts of the game.
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