your favorite race

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my favorite race has got to be the argonians.

i have loved them since morrowind.

but- in morrowind what i really loved were the dunmer and their customs and villages. i was really excited when i came across an argonian village in ESO and i cant wait to go to black marsh :D
hello :)
  • a_good_kidub17_ESO
    Argonians, they just look so badass.
  • esoone
    Orcs and Bretons.
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Khajiit. Because every time I hear them talk they sound so innocently dumb.
  • Natjur
    My main is an Argonian vampire, looks a little odd at stage 4, but still cool.
    And swimming across rivers in PVP that others get eaten by slaughter fish is fun when the enemy follows you.

    My Argonian is in the Daggerfall Covvenant, so I don't see many other Argonian, and the black marsh is in Shadowfen, which is a V8 zone, so its nice to know my 'home' everything there wants to eat you and even at V10 most still can.

    I created a Bosmer, but then I found out about the Green Pack and had to delete it causing eating all my enemy's was making my toon fat.
    Edited by Natjur on May 19, 2014 10:38PM
  • Shiaxi
    I like Bosmer and Breton

    got me a v1 bosmer vampire nightblade
    and a 36 breton dk
  • Sihnfahl
    Khajiit. Because every time I hear them talk they sound so innocently dumb.
    And yet they're considered the master traders (you don't see Nord or Dunmer trade caravans as much as Khajiiti ones...)

    Khajiit are intelligent. The traders and town cats just SOUND that way to deceive.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Shame you didn't make a poll for this.
    Redguard for myself. I love the desert and their nature.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • PBpsy
    If you had to make a thread to determine that Dunmer are the best you must be a filthy argonian.

    edit. Yes I made the post before reading the OP. ;)
    Edited by PBpsy on May 19, 2014 10:47PM
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  • lavendercat
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Shame you didn't make a poll for this.
    Redguard for myself. I love the desert and their nature.

    i was going to, but then i realised i would have to list them all, and im tired :P
    hello :)
  • Dorgon
    Altmer followed by Dunmer. I like all races really but those two are my most played.
    Jekhar Mokhan - Altmer Sorcerer of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Tamriel Fisherman's Guild
  • BrianESO
    Bosmer for me. I didn't like them in oblivion but they remade them in skyrim and I fell in love with them. I have a bosmer nightblade :)
  • lavendercat
    i really liked bosmer in morrowind, but yeh oblivion had some pretty awful looking races.
    hello :)
  • czar
    khajiit, have played them since morrowind. then dunmer, then redguard, i think.
    stam scrub
  • PBpsy
    i really liked bosmer in morrowind, but yeh oblivion had some pretty awful looking races.

    I think you mean character creation without mods not races. ESO is the first one that does it decently.Oblivion was indeed horrid (even with the best mods around).
    Edited by PBpsy on May 19, 2014 11:05PM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    The 100 meters.

    It's short.

    Joking aside ... Orc and Redguard.
  • pborerb16_ESO
    I've always played a Breton - in Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and now in ESO, too. The reason: Where available, I tend to play humans or very human-like races in games, probably because I'm human and can relate to them best :-) And of the human-like races in the Elder Scrolls universe, I prefer the Bretons because they're intelligent, versatile and not quite as clichéd as the Imperial "Romans" and the Nord "Vikings".
  • Worstluck
    I have two, Breton and Dunmer. I usually play as Breton (my main is) as I enjoy playing 'mage' type characters and I don't care for high elves (even though bretons may have mer blood in them). I also enjoy their lore, the history of high rock, the reachmen, etc. The Bretons have always have been pretty powerful since their inception.

    I really like the Dunmer lore, how they were originally the Chimer and became the Dark Elves because of Azura, the tribunal, Nerevarine, the destruction the Dwemer, how some worship the Daedric princes...all very fascinating to me.
    Edited by Worstluck on May 20, 2014 3:03AM
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
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    Daggerfall Covenant
  • Eivar
    my top 3 are khajiit bosmer and breton, as far as eso goes i've gotta say breton, all that magicka stuff makes them fantastic as any class.
  • Vrixx
    Khajiit, I've always loved them from the start. I intended on using all 8 character slots to make different races, because I love them all and I like the feeling and lore between different races, but Khajiit dominate 4/6 used slots!
  • Natjur
    The number of players who pick the cannibalism Bosmer really surprise me.
  • Sakiri
    Nord, but I have a thing for Scandinavia.

    I also play dunmer in other games, or khajiit. Wish the tails werent so awful in skyrim....

    Here, my main is Nord, v1 sorc alt is Bosmer. Both ww. Have a few redguard alts, mostly because I could make them look punk.
    Edited by Sakiri on May 20, 2014 4:47AM
  • Eivar
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Nord, but I have a thing for Scandinavia.

    I also play dunmer in other games, or khajiit. Wish the tails werent so awful in skyrim....

    Here, my main is Nord, v1 sorc alt is Bosmer. Both ww. Have a few redguard alts, mostly because I could make them look punk.

    I'm actually a huge fan of norse mythology myself and usually have norse themed names, but celts all the way....i mean breton.... lol
  • Shiaxi
    Natjur wrote: »
    The number of players who pick the cannibalism Bosmer really surprise me.

    ... why?

    bit of an odd thing to say seeing how your character can't actually engage in cannibalism and furthermore it's a game; gamers have played far worse characters than mere cannibals :|

  • Misty
    The pussycats, they are so cute. :)
  • lavendercat
    Worstluck wrote: »

    I really like the Dunmer lore, how they were originally the Chimer and became the Dark Elves because of Azura, the tribunal, Nerevarine, the destruction the Dwemer, how some worship the Daedric princes...all very fascinating to me.

    yes, me too :)
    hello :)
  • lavendercat
    Natjur wrote: »
    The number of players who pick the cannibalism Bosmer really surprise me.

    i think the females are cute :) but- cannibalism ? i dont know anything about that, will have a look into it.
    hello :)
  • Eorea
    Orc the most. Redguard and Nord tied for a very close second.
  • Sihnfahl
    but- cannibalism ? i dont know anything about that, will have a look into it.
    It's part of the Green Pact. They're required to eat their enemy's dead bodies. Including other Bosmeri.
  • AlexDougherty
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    It's part of the Green Pact. They're required to eat their enemy's dead bodies. Including other Bosmeri.
    Yup, it's in several books too, one even tells you that the more important you are the more likely they are to eat you. (can't remember the name but it's a four book set in skyrim, morrowind and oblivion).
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  • Eivar
    While the stuff about Bosmer cannibalism is interesting, I don't see why it would matter when it comes to race choice :P
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