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Will you use Werewolf for Combat?

Werewolf currently has a lot of negativity to it right now, so for those Werewolf users I wonder how many actually use the Werewolf form for a valid tactic in combat against NPCs, or enemy players.

Currently as the Werewolf stands, would you continue to use the Werewolf in combat?
Edited by WhitePawPrints on May 19, 2014 4:51PM

Will you use Werewolf for Combat? 61 votes

IagoClutchSpyfox007_ESOSakiriAleriSadasIndorilBrasseurfb16_ESOScardyFoxV19312Brittany_JoyAurilis_SungazeNaturesCorruptionPurpleFoxprophetSonjaBigswangaLocksolinatewookariella321ArdekiFjordkeeper 21 votes
chimneyswift_ESOXexpodrowned.thought_ESOWhitePawPrintsGeeYouWhyZhoyzuJade_Knightblazerb14_ESOPyatrafakemasterdeb16_ESOsmokescris13crossb16_ESOploddab16_ESOserenity_paintedOrihara_Izayaadam.s.jonesub17_ESOCyrdemaceb17_ESOAnath_QTargolakleandro.800ub17_ESOHodorius 40 votes
  • ScardyFox
    Yes - I do use it, but its more for fun than anything else. Secondly I use it for practice, for the day it does actually become good. The only time I have ever used it for a real world, truly useful situation, was in PVP where I saved my team from an ambush using it.

    However, that circumstance was so situation, it doesn't count for me. I simply happen to be in a very good position to use howl to my full advantage.
    Edited by ScardyFox on May 19, 2014 5:13PM
  • WhitePawPrints
    @ScardyFox Don't get me wrong, I still use the Werewolf Transformation a lot, because it's fun. That's why I haven't cured it and gone over to Vampire because I love being a Werewolf. I just can't use it on Combat, especially in the Veteran zones. PVP is unforgivable but it's cool to hear that there was a situational experience that it was actually useful :)
  • ScardyFox
    @ScardyFox Don't get me wrong, I still use the Werewolf Transformation a lot, because it's fun. That's why I haven't cured it and gone over to Vampire because I love being a Werewolf. I just can't use it on Combat, especially in the Veteran zones. PVP is unforgivable but it's cool to hear that there was a situational experience that it was actually useful :)

    Nah, I understand - I do tend to use it less in Vet zones myself. And I'll probably never get to play the wolf hero again, once in a blue moon kinda thing (pun slightly intended).

  • Brittany_Joy
    I still use the werewolf transformation even though it is underperforming in PvE and PvP . It is fun to play as a werewolf and I do hope ZoS improves it to actually make it viable in PvP and PvE.

    There is one memorable moment that happened in Cyrodiil; My guild members and I managed to gank a raid of 10 who was farming in a cave. We all transformed and started pouncing, roaring, and clawing them to death! Then we feasted on their corpses. It was glorious!

    But the devour fix left most of us sad 'cause playing as a permawolf was tons of fun and actually made being a werewolf worth it. Which is why I hope ZoS gives us tons of time in werewolf form and tons of chances to use our werewolf transformation because people who seek the gift of Hircine obviously want to use it constantly.

    Now I am one of the only werewolves left in our guild. ZoS should really rethink their design and intention for werewolves 'cause rarely transforming makes little to no sense. Why would the werewolf skill line make the player anything but the werewolf! Obviously, people want the werewolf skill line to actually make them a werewolf.

    So ZoS needs to learn from Dawnguard and the feral druid. Dawnguard came up with a more convenient mechanic for beast form shown with the vampire lord; were you can shapeshift at will and stay in form for as long as you want. Making the werewolf a shapeshift at will ability is a convenience and fun change that I hope happens.
  • Oronell
    In its current form, no. Stopped using the transformation after I hit VR content. I keep it slotted on my second action bar but just because I haven't given up hope and the blood rage passive seems to help build ultimate for DK standard faster, which is a far superior and more helpful Ultimate than Werewolf.
  • Sakiri
    Yes, because I'm a stubborn sod and I <3 my werewolves.

    Yes, I have three of them.
  • Ardeki
    Soul Shriven
    I love werewolf too much to stop using it entirely.

    What I want most is for them to fix the bugs and drop the ult cost. I'd love to be a little stronger, but even just those things would profoundly improve the experience.

    As a stam-heavy build, I've found it IS worth using and hits pretty hard...when I can build it up and successfully stay in form for the duration. I was actually able to get past a quest boss only because my transformation was ready at just the right time; chain fearing/knocking down a tough enemy is incredibly powerful, in the situations you can actually do it in.

    Granted, I'm also only level 35 and it sounds like it gets gimpier the higher you go, which makes me sad. :(
  • Zhoyzu
    i did for awhile. im looking forward to seeing the patch and fixes for WW tomorrow.

    i removed it from my bar because it became a waste of an ult spot when the ult reset far too often for no reason and the fact WW is weaker then *** atm.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Emencie
    I wanted to, I really did. But it's just so bad I'm literally stronger and more durable outside of form. I wonder though if there are tons of people that still use it because they don't care or know they are weaker, so ZMO sees that X amount of people are werewolves and think it must be good enough.
  • WhitePawPrints
    If the patch notes are accurate about the Pack Leader, then I will use the Werewolf Transformation more now because it's fun. However, my answer will have to stay the same about using the Transformation for combat.
  • PurpleFox
    As much as I love it, i feel like it needs a massive overhaul before its usable at my current rank, v5. The thing is, I run a very delicate build on my character, where i can take a lot of dmg. But one mark target kill overcharges my health regen to fully heal me. When i go wolf, I can't stay alive, the build itself runs on speed/stealth crits.
    I still use it sometimes when i need to tank though, fear is extremely helpful at times.

    If Werewolf were a toggle...that might be a different story.
    Edited by PurpleFox on May 22, 2014 4:09PM
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • ScardyFox
    What am I missing about pack leader that is great about it? Seems like faster attack speed and a bleed is better.
  • WhitePawPrints
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    What am I missing about pack leader that is great about it? Seems like faster attack speed and a bleed is better.

    White Werewolf :P

    I do agree that the Pack Leader bonuses are practically completely useless; and the description really doesn't explain what it really does. I posted another thread with suggestions to make it actually useful, but for now I don't even use Werewolf for combat. I use it to play around so the White Werewolf is what I like.
  • drowned.thought_ESO
    Until they fix it, I keep on the backburner and slotted in my secondary skill bar for the passive.

    Otherwise, no.
    I managed to make full use of Werewolf before they got rid of the devour though.
    Fully leveled Werewolf Nightblade. At the time before the nerf I was running a Stamina, medium armor, 2hand/bow build with the 2hand skill bar slotted with werewolf, so I could take advantage of the 2handed passives while in Werewolf.
    Not gonna lie, it was effective, but it still wasn't effective enough to be worth a 1000 point ultimate. (435 in my case, but still my point remains the same).

    At the moment, the whole way it works is just broken.

    Why am I having to invest 30 skill points, build around crit, attack speed, and stamina, just for one ability?
    Would make sense if the ability was a toggled form, but it's not.

    Honestly, if I could take advantage of some of the Werewolf passives (probably having some buff that applies having devouring something that will stay for 2 hours stays after the transformation) I would be so mad about only being able to use it once a day or 2, but I can't.

    So really, it's all just a flat out waste.

    Regardless, how many MMOs have had a Werewolf / Vampire Disease function?
    Edited by drowned.thought_ESO on May 22, 2014 6:45PM
  • Bigswanga
    Soul Shriven
    They need to do something. I am a fan of them letting us turn when we want and give us more skill while in wolf form. As of right now is just disappointing. Really hoping that changes.
  • WhitePawPrints
    It would seem that most would not use it for combat but we still wont' go cure it just because it's weak. It's still fun to use and play with, just not viable for actual combat.
  • Pyatra
    I have only ever seen werewolf transformations twice in veteran content, and they were mangled. Players were good and doing fine. Pop Werewolf... dead.
  • Drachdhar
    I use it currently, but only for leveling the skills and whatnot... And of course for the cool factor. But once I am done leveling the skills I will probably shelve it when it comes to actual gameplay since every other ulti is about ten times better or more.
  • Iago
    I have found that MY WW does more damage against daedra than my normal DK.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Clutch
    All the time, especially PVE. Unless if it's an elite, Roar works wonders. My issue however is how much stamina Roar and Pounce cost for someone like myself (A tanky-Nightblade) whose all stamina. I'm only level 20 mind you but still, one pounce and one roar is all I got before I'm OOS.
  • Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO
    Clutch wrote: »
    All the time, especially PVE. Unless if it's an elite, Roar works wonders. My issue however is how much stamina Roar and Pounce cost for someone like myself (A tanky-Nightblade) whose all stamina. I'm only level 20 mind you but still, one pounce and one roar is all I got before I'm OOS.

    I am thinking if would be best to have Leech Stam Weapon enchants on. Sure its small but it helps.
  • dr_zed
    The ww won't change, at least, not in a considerable way. I suggest you just cure the lycathronpy.
  • Drachdhar
    Clutch wrote: »
    All the time, especially PVE. Unless if it's an elite, Roar works wonders. My issue however is how much stamina Roar and Pounce cost for someone like myself (A tanky-Nightblade) whose all stamina. I'm only level 20 mind you but still, one pounce and one roar is all I got before I'm OOS.

    I am thinking if would be best to have Leech Stam Weapon enchants on. Sure its small but it helps.

    He cant use that in WW form... And besides, that skill is abit further down the road when one is lvl 20ish.

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