Well, people, you clearly know this isnt't an elder scrolls single player game anyways. It has to have mechanics to multiplayer and pvp.You've not played an ES game before, have you?
Nickdorlandb16_ESO wrote: »I freaking love this system !! It gives a lot of tactical gameplay, stop whining and use it to your advantage
All classes having sneak/stealth is ridiculous. Remove croach stealth! It is a LOL in pvp that anyone can stealth so easily on the maps.
Instead add invisibility spell for mage guild, make it an aoe invis (for your group) and moving will make you visible again. Making it possible to hide a bunch of people under a "dome" of invisibility on the map. Counter it with the possibility to see it when in range (longer range than stealth) for magelight ability.
Add a "hide" ability into fighter/undaunted that works similar to the invisibility spell above, but it will only work on self and will have a much shorter distance of detection. Moving will make you visible again.
IMPORTANT thing is that if you wish to sneak/stealth, you should SLOT an ability for it! Even NB should. It should be their shadow cloak. Make the cloak work like crouching now, and let it last until you get hit or remove it IF you are not in combat. If you are in combat it should work like now, only for 2.5s.
LadyDestiny wrote: »All classes having sneak/stealth is ridiculous. Remove croach stealth! It is a LOL in pvp that anyone can stealth so easily on the maps.
Instead add invisibility spell for mage guild, make it an aoe invis (for your group) and moving will make you visible again. Making it possible to hide a bunch of people under a "dome" of invisibility on the map. Counter it with the possibility to see it when in range (longer range than stealth) for magelight ability.
Add a "hide" ability into fighter/undaunted that works similar to the invisibility spell above, but it will only work on self and will have a much shorter distance of detection. Moving will make you visible again.
IMPORTANT thing is that if you wish to sneak/stealth, you should SLOT an ability for it! Even NB should. It should be their shadow cloak. Make the cloak work like crouching now, and let it last until you get hit or remove it IF you are not in combat. If you are in combat it should work like now, only for 2.5s.
Don't think that would work for NB. That is the way the class is meant to be. Sorry but NB has enough problems as it is right now without another nerf. Most depend on stealth to survive and if you remove the ability to stealth and put it on the bar, they are totally screwed as if they aren't already. As is, I have reapers mark, ambush, blood craze, steel tornado and siphon, with VoB as ultimate not in that order. Almost every skill is bugged and ults just dont fire off 50% of the time. That would be a death sentence for those that choose to take the stealth path. NB just have a larger radius and can do it better because of passives. The other classes, I don't know. The stealth can't be anything like NB for crouching. I don't see anything wrong with other classes having the ability to not be seen a little.
Nickdorlandb16_ESO wrote: »I freaking love this system !! It gives a lot of tactical gameplay, stop whining and use it to your advantage
Confirming in real life not everyone can hide, only the select few with years of training know how.
Honestly I love the fact anyone can stealth, being able to hide a whole raid for an ambush is a really fun and enjoyable mechanic. There are penalties for hiding (stamina drain when moving) and spells accessible to everyone to help break players stealth (mage light).
Maybe the game could use some tweaks in the mechanic but I don't think a removal is the best way to go.
Nickdorlandb16_ESO wrote: »I freaking love this system !! It gives a lot of tactical gameplay, stop whining and use it to your advantage
^^ This.
LadyDestiny wrote: »All classes having sneak/stealth is ridiculous. Remove croach stealth! It is a LOL in pvp that anyone can stealth so easily on the maps.
Instead add invisibility spell for mage guild, make it an aoe invis (for your group) and moving will make you visible again. Making it possible to hide a bunch of people under a "dome" of invisibility on the map. Counter it with the possibility to see it when in range (longer range than stealth) for magelight ability.
Add a "hide" ability into fighter/undaunted that works similar to the invisibility spell above, but it will only work on self and will have a much shorter distance of detection. Moving will make you visible again.
IMPORTANT thing is that if you wish to sneak/stealth, you should SLOT an ability for it! Even NB should. It should be their shadow cloak. Make the cloak work like crouching now, and let it last until you get hit or remove it IF you are not in combat. If you are in combat it should work like now, only for 2.5s.
Don't think that would work for NB. That is the way the class is meant to be. Sorry but NB has enough problems as it is right now without another nerf. Most depend on stealth to survive and if you remove the ability to stealth and put it on the bar, they are totally screwed as if they aren't already. As is, I have reapers mark, ambush, blood craze, steel tornado and siphon, with VoB as ultimate not in that order. Almost every skill is bugged and ults just dont fire off 50% of the time. That would be a death sentence for those that choose to take the stealth path. NB just have a larger radius and can do it better because of passives. The other classes, I don't know. The stealth can't be anything like NB for crouching. I don't see anything wrong with other classes having the ability to not be seen a little.
What i mean is that for NB stealth works like the shadow cloak ability. You will have to slot it though. Having invisiblity in an MMO should not be a FREE ability on your CTRL button. Its just pathetic beyond laughs.
It is not a nerf but an upgrade for NB. Making their shadow cloak work better.
Of course you will have to actually BE A STEALTH NB to use it. If you rather put stuff into your bar and not use the stealthing you shouldn't have it.
You have not played a MMO game before, have you?You've not played an ES game before, have you?
You have not played a MMO game before, have you?You've not played an ES game before, have you?
EOS = more mmo than ES or it is going to fail hard which it is already on the way to. Not because of this particular issue adressed here, but the fact that people think like you, and probably the devs too, resulting in a game that do not work well in multiplayer and mmo environments. Just take a look at the bots. The devs had no clue and wasn't prepared the slightest the game would almost completely break because of it. If you mention EOS to any gamer now, the first thing you will hear is "bot infestered" game.
All classes having sneak/stealth is ridiculous. Remove crouch stealth! It is a LOL in pvp that anyone can stealth so easily on the maps. One of the most powerful abilities to become INVISIBLE should NOT be a FREE ability on the CTRL button!
Instead add invisibility spell for mage guild, make it an aoe invis (for your group) and moving outside of the the spell range ("dome") will make you visible again. Making it possible to hide a bunch of people under a "dome" of invisibility on the map. Counter it with the possibility to see it when in range (longer range than stealth) for magelight ability.
Add a "hide" ability into fighter/undaunted that works similar to the current crouching mechanics. Allow movement, but VERY slow. Much slower than current crouch speed.
IMPORTANT thing is that if you wish to sneak/stealth, you should SLOT an ability for it!
Even NB should. It should be their shadow cloak. Make the cloak ability work infinite out of combat, and let it last until you get hit. If you are in combat it should work like now, only for 2.5s when activated.
I don't PVP ever, but even in PVE I agree with this idea, it never ceased to amuse me when I was able to successfully sneak right behind a mob in Oblivion while I was wearing full metal plate!now maybe there should be bigger penalties for those sneaking in heavy armour (less stamina regen while hidden) but that's something which needs constructive and educated discussion on.