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Frustrating not Fun

I am not rubbishing the game, it is well done I think the main problem is me. I am 71 years old never played an On Line Game before and I keep dying. I have tried four different Classes I get to level 10 then I run in to trouble. Example the first quest of the fighters guild tried to complete it at level 9 failed, waited until I was level 12 the quest turned green. I went back determined to complete the quest, died twice after a lot off running around using lots of life potions I defeated her. I had a headache and felt very hot in the face, so I decided to take my blood pressure, it was up to 190 - 110, not good. My subscription is due again in about 2 weeks I don't think I will renew it. To all you other Elder Scrolls fans enjoy the game, because there will come a time in your life when your body and mind won't work as well as it used to.
  • michaelpatrickjonesnub18_ESO
    Wow, 71.

    That's very cool.

    Gaming gets pretty intense if it's action-oriented. Without much experience your heart rate will rise, you'll sweat, and often quit out of frustration. That's very common.

    Working well under pressure only comes after months, or years, of practice.
    MMORPG's, strategy games and action/shooter games are click-fests. They might not be for you. Stick to games like Euro Truck Simulator or Pictionary.


    There are many games out there that don't require high intensity exer-gaming.
    Try out a few different genres. Games can be therapeutic. They'll definitely keep your motor skills, eye-hand coordination in check. And your memory will always be tested.

    Maybe try a turn-based strategy game, like Civilization 5. Where you have to think more than do.
  • Mortelus
    Try WoW, that's a game that you can leave on Auto attack and come back and everything is dead.

    But seriously, pretty awesome hearing of a 71 year old gamer :)

    This type of game is more action based and requires more involvement from the player than other MMO's. There are many MMO's on the market that are not quite as combat intensive for the most part.

    Raiding or PvP will usually always increase you heart rate until you are more practiced.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Vendersleigh
    You are not the only one to find Doshia impossible to beat until well above level. I have even succeeded only when the quest is grey on some characters, particularly my sorcerors. Partly it is arthritis in my hands, partly not as good a computer as I used to have so I cannot see the balls that come in to heal her.
    But it is a game, for fun. You can run away and it is not a reflection on you, despite what some trolls on forums may say. Just because a quest is labelled a certain level does not mean it is completely balanced for that level on all computers and all connections and for all types of player.

    I too die a lot and I treat it as a learning experience. And in the end it is just pixels :smiley: Slowly I improve and if you want to carry on, so will you. But it is supposed to be harmless fun so I can understand the desire to be cautious with your health.
    I hope you enjoy your pastimes whichever way you decide.
    Edited by Vendersleigh on May 19, 2014 1:20AM
  • Pintobean
    unfortunately the first mages quest and the first fighters guild quest are the two prime examples of quests that seem to be for higher levels than the game announces. Believe it or not, it is nearly a romp in the park, after those two.
    Oh, and EAT FOOD. It really really really makes a difference. I eat food that increased my health. Not health regeneration (if I knew it worked in combat i might, but no idea), but health increase.
  • Catflinger
    Oh, that's too bad you won't renew. I understand how you feel; I'm 47 and have multiple sclerosis, which causes physical problems that hold me back from being the most successful gamer in the universe. I think it took me something like six tries to kill Doshia and I had to come back to do it after leveling up. So don't feel bad -- really, you're not alone in this!
    Edited by Catflinger on May 19, 2014 1:19AM
  • Vendersleigh
    Yes, waiting till level 10 and getting hold of Blue food that increases 2 stats is a good way to go.
  • theyancey
    Lionelch, I am 64. Yeah, we don't have the eyesight or hand/eye coordination of the kids but the game can be fun for us. Since this is your first time playing one of these it will be safer to use a more rugged character. I find that DPS templars work well. I have a breton one and an orc temp. Do a search on sample builds to get you started in the right direction. Tamriel Foundry has a good section on that. Use the best armor yo can get. Same goes for food. If you get stuck at one level try hanging out with groups of others your level of a bit higher. I have also found that some quests just kill me while others several levels higher can be done easily. Go figure. Collect all of the sky shards you can. Those points can really boost your character. I would suggest staying away from crafting with your first guy. Just put all of his points into adventuring.

    I have sent you a message with my main toon's name. Send me a friend request and one of my lower level alts will be happy to help you along.
  • PVT_Parts
    I suggest finding someone to play with and holding off on the solo missions until you are more experienced with the game. Even for us veteran MMO players, this game is hard. We die a lot. Just hang in there and find a similar player to play with. If you want to start a new character, I'd be willing to play with you from the beginning and help you along. If you are interested press "O" in game and click add friend @Private_Parts
  • zhevon
    Food is awesome - I always do that - must have at least health. Silver bolts is also great. I had problems the first time I did the first mages guild quest and then I got the hang of combat plus silver bolts. Doisha however was always a disaster at their recommended level for each faction. I ended up doing it at like 14 or 15.
    Edited by zhevon on May 19, 2014 2:23AM
  • lionelch
    Thank you for all your suggestions. I have played Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall, as I have gotten older I have started playing games in the easy mode. I can understand why you can't have different modes such as Easy to Hard in MMO, so I will wait until some role playing game comes out that is not On Line. I still have 2 weeks of my subscription left so I will keep playing and see how I go. I will try the suggestions people have put forward. Thank you all again.
  • d0e1ow
    The evil machinations of Doshia strike again!

    My -25 YEAR OLD- S.O. got WHOOPED by Doshia for a solid hour the other night before I had to beat it for him!

    Don't feel bad, Elder Gamer! :)

    Never give up!
    "Her mystery was as essential to her as savagery was to Boethiah or treachery was to Molag Bal. To understand Nocturnal is to negate her, to pull back the curtains cloaking her realm of darkness." - Sigillah Parate "Invocation of Azura"

  • Misty
    Hi Granddaddy Lionelch. :)
    I am only a few years behind you and can also find some games difficult due to my slower lifestyle, but there is always a way.

    Try using your skills/traits more, they do more damage and slow your target down much more than any weapon in your hand.
    We are not young anymore, so let's be sneaky. Don't give up; Once you get the hang of it, you will find it pretty easy as well as enjoyable.
    Amount of deaths in ESO in my first week - 2,422,973. :)

    BTW: I now always go straight to easy mode in any game, it's my new normal. ;)
    Edited by Misty on May 19, 2014 5:31AM
  • Singular
    I recommend pretending you are a 20-something year old girl and getting someone to help you out with the tough mobs.

    Just kidding.

    In between quests, I farm mobs a bit to boost my level. That makes the quests a lot easier. Also, if you're having real issues, it's probably your 5-key set up. I'd recommend trying new skills or new combos of skills. You may also try changing the keybinds (which keys you press to get which actions).

    I personally use a razor 2 gaming mouse - it has the keys on the left side for my thumb to press. Very useful!
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • zinoviy22b14_ESO
    Doshia is extreme for a lot of reasons.. The room could be bigger so people can react to the health bubbles faster.. I've gotten her stuck twice in a wall where a bubble instantly heals her.

    Sir I salute you for trying something new!

    I'm 30 and have trouble with that fight.
  • wrlifeboil
    lionelch wrote: »
    I am not rubbishing the game, it is well done I think the main problem is me. I am 71 years old never played an On Line Game before and I keep dying. I have tried four different Classes I get to level 10 then I run in to trouble. Example the first quest of the fighters guild tried to complete it at level 9 failed, waited until I was level 12 the quest turned green. I went back determined to complete the quest, died twice after a lot off running around using lots of life potions I defeated her. I had a headache and felt very hot in the face, so I decided to take my blood pressure, it was up to 190 - 110, not good. My subscription is due again in about 2 weeks I don't think I will renew it. To all you other Elder Scrolls fans enjoy the game, because there will come a time in your life when your body and mind won't work as well as it used to.

    Whatever you do, I hope that you continue to squeeze in time for some social online video games. Even if you keep getting pwned, it probably help to keep the brain from stagnating no matter what age.

    If you can't be persuaded to stick with eso, try World of Warcraft. Why I would suggest WoW is because it is very casual friendly if you're not into end game. WoW has been around so long the game provides many different ways to get around hurdles. And for casual players, one of the best features is that all nine races have their own starter zones so even if you don't care to level to the max level, you'll still find it interesting trying different races and classes. Eso hasn't been around long enough to have that much variety or choices in the game yet.

  • Syntse
    I bothered to do Doshia 5 levels higher or so when it was no longer that hard. That's one of those quests where I'm almost done with the zone and notice that oh I haven't done that one yet.

    Seems ranged builds have that much easier, luckily the fighters guild give you the silver bolts that help a lot. With melee char w/o bolts it was quite a long fight when you managed to maybe destroy 3 out of the 4 orbs so she would get little bit heal and you had to out damage it.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • wrlifeboil
    Syntse wrote: »
    I bothered to do Doshia 5 levels higher or so when it was no longer that hard. That's one of those quests where I'm almost done with the zone and notice that oh I haven't done that one yet.

    Seems ranged builds have that much easier, luckily the fighters guild give you the silver bolts that help a lot. With melee char w/o bolts it was quite a long fight when you managed to maybe destroy 3 out of the 4 orbs so she would get little bit heal and you had to out damage it.

    Kite and aoe the orbs. Basic formula for many fights in eso.
  • Sharee
    Harvesters (the mob type Doshia falls under) are really easy to fight once you learn the mechanic of the fight.

    1, always circle around the harvester in melee range. Never stop. This will cause it's cone AOE (that does high damage and knocks you back) to always miss(it will be cast at a spot you no longer are at).

    2, when the harvester does the move where it lifts you in the air/stuns you, then summons 4 globes that float towards it, break the stun and start spamming an AOE attack(for example steel tornado from the dualweld line). This will kill all the globes before they can heal the harvester, and heal you instead.

    It is important to fight in an open space. If there is a wall or even a corner nearby, the floating balls will spawn too close to the harvester and heal it before you get a chance to destroy them. If the harvester starts in such a place, hit it from range, then hide behind an obstacle to force it to come out of the corner to chase you. Once it is in the open, get close and kill it.
  • idk
    First, when your sub ends you can still play most of the content.

    Second, it takes time to initially get accustomed to the game mechanics.

    Third, and probably most important, search for a nice casual guild. Guild members can help explain some aspects of the game. Even with imperfect explanations you will gain some knowledge of the game that will help you out and may find people to actually quest with.

    There is a section. In these forums that is looking for guild by platform (PC vs console).
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Way back we had a 73 year old playing a Warlock in our WoW guild. They guy had the craziest laugh and kicked everyone's butts on the dps meters :)
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on July 6, 2016 3:03PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    Have you:

    (1) Repaired your gear?
    (2) Upgraded your gear?
    (3) Upgraded your skills?
    (4) Ask for help from a guildmate?

    These are all the things you should try first before rage quitting. This is a MMO, so there should always be someone out there to help you! :smile:
  • AlnilamE
    Necro Thread of the Month Award goes to @Giles.floydub17_ESO !!!
    The Moot Councillor
  • Sharee
    May 2014 -> July 2016.
  • Pallio
    Wow, I am 46 and can tell my reflexes are not on par with these hardcore kids on MMOS today.

    Best advise I can give, we ain't young, but, we have $$ :smile:

    Best rig I could find under $2,000 and a sweet Razor Naga mouse with 6 thumb buttons helps a ton..
  • POps75p
    lionelch wrote: »
    I am not rubbishing the game, it is well done I think the main problem is me. I am 71 years old never played an On Line Game before and I keep dying. I have tried four different Classes I get to level 10 then I run in to trouble. Example the first quest of the fighters guild tried to complete it at level 9 failed, waited until I was level 12 the quest turned green. I went back determined to complete the quest, died twice after a lot off running around using lots of life potions I defeated her. I had a headache and felt very hot in the face, so I decided to take my blood pressure, it was up to 190 - 110, not good. My subscription is due again in about 2 weeks I don't think I will renew it. To all you other Elder Scrolls fans enjoy the game, because there will come a time in your life when your body and mind won't work as well as it used to.

    keep trucking, I just turned 76, have 3 diff classes and Domains up to 501 CP (have 685 total now) and yes my BP got up when i'm having problems or playing like crap, but that happens in WOT and other shooters as well

    try harder youngen
  • Valrien
    First, when your sub ends you can still play most of the content.

    Second, it takes time to initially get accustomed to the game mechanics.

    Third, and probably most important, search for a nice casual guild. Guild members can help explain some aspects of the game. Even with imperfect explanations you will gain some knowledge of the game that will help you out and may find people to actually quest with.

    There is a section. In these forums that is looking for guild by platform (PC vs console).

    Oh my. You just resurrected a thread from close to the launch of the game...
    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Valrien wrote: »
    First, when your sub ends you can still play most of the content.

    Second, it takes time to initially get accustomed to the game mechanics.

    Third, and probably most important, search for a nice casual guild. Guild members can help explain some aspects of the game. Even with imperfect explanations you will gain some knowledge of the game that will help you out and may find people to actually quest with.

    There is a section. In these forums that is looking for guild by platform (PC vs console).

    Oh my. You just resurrected a thread from close to the launch of the game...

    Necro class confirmed!
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • GreenhaloX
    Wow, 71.

    That's very cool.

    Oh, I so agree. That will surely be me when or if I ever make it to that age. Lol!

    @lionelch, oh don't sweat it. That's not just you. That's the same for me and I'm sure pretty everybody. In the beginning when you're low level with other lower stats, weapons, gear and armors, you will die a lot. Heck, I'm heading towards the mid-400s in CP and I'm still dying, even with gold weapons, armors and gears. Could be also because I'm a lonewolf and taking on higher odds during fights with multiple enemies coming at me.. or I will go in the world boss pit, even when no other players are around yet. Well, maybe out of being bored, more than anything. I will sometime die or barely hanging on when others show up. Sorry about your BP and ailment. Actually, this is my first online game as well, but it has actually helped lower my BP and other stresses. Hope you stick in there with this game. Try doing quests with 2 or more other players. It's more fun and easier with a group. 2-3 good players.. you can take on anything in this game. Again.. at 71 and still a gamer.. this is truly awesome!

  • Acrolas
    I mean, if you look at the comment history, OP doesn't even have the game installed anymore.
    To get this party started again, you'd need something like a...


    signing off
  • ZOS_Ragnar
    We appreciate that all of you are trying to be helpful but it is likely that the author of the thread is no longer on the forums. As this post originated from 2014, at this time we are going to close this thread. If you would like to continue to discuss this topic feel free to open a new thread.
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