Armor and sneaking

Does anyone else find it silly that a full heavy armor tank dragonknight sneaks just as effectively as a full light armor nightblade in terms of detection?

Edited by Faustes on May 17, 2014 1:24PM
  • zhevon
    If so yes - every piece of heavy armor should cause a reduction in sneak ability.
  • misterme2011
    Yes, definitely. I loved the sneak mechanics in Skyrim and the skill levelling. The implementation in ESO is boring and less 'realistic'. Does it even account for lighting conditions, shadows etc? I find I can sneak in broad daylight in open sight, so less care and path-planning is required compared to Skyrim.
    Faustes wrote: »
    Does anyone else find it silly that a full heavy armor tank dragonknight sneaks just as effectively as a full light armor nightblade in terms of detection?

  • CapuchinSeven
    I'm pretty much considering going heavy/light armour with my Nightblade because Medium seems pointless.
  • Xancathb16_ESO
    Yes, definitely. I loved the sneak mechanics in Skyrim and the skill levelling. The implementation in ESO is boring and less 'realistic'. Does it even account for lighting conditions, shadows etc? I find I can sneak in broad daylight in open sight, so less care and path-planning is required compared to Skyrim.
    Faustes wrote: »
    Does anyone else find it silly that a full heavy armor tank dragonknight sneaks just as effectively as a full light armor nightblade in terms of detection?

    The mechanics of stealth in ESO are at least somewhat realistic; Detection radius in front of the target is considerably larger than behind the target, and you DO sneak better in medium armour than heavy armour.

    I suspect the reason they haven't also made light armour superior for sneaking is for balance concerns, it's already the most popular armour type because of how important magicka-based perks are to the four classes.

    Lighting does not affect sneak at all to my knowledge.
  • Gisgo
    Yes but i wonder if there is something broken (bug).
    Its like every armor is getting the stealth bonus that only medium armor should get.
    You cant find heavy/light armor stealthers unless you are literally on them.
    Whats the point of a 2 meters stealth buff if the radius is already 20 cm.?
    Edited by Gisgo on May 19, 2014 4:17PM
  • Gisgo
    and you DO sneak better in medium armour than heavy armour.

    You dont. You can sneak longer, and move faster, but at the moment you dont hide better than light/heavy armor stealthers.

  • Still_Mind
    Gisgo wrote: »
    and you DO sneak better in medium armour than heavy armour.

    You dont. You can sneak longer, and move faster, but at the moment you dont hide better than light/heavy armor stealthers.
    Improved Sneak decreases detection radius.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • CapuchinSeven
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Gisgo wrote: »
    and you DO sneak better in medium armour than heavy armour.

    You dont. You can sneak longer, and move faster, but at the moment you dont hide better than light/heavy armor stealthers.
    Improved Sneak decreases detection radius.

    Which to be fair, doesn't seem to do a thing. You can be on top of someone sneaking in heavy armour and still not see them. I'm slowly moving to 5 light/2 medium right now, 5 medium doesn't seem worth it.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Gisgo wrote: »
    and you DO sneak better in medium armour than heavy armour.

    You dont. You can sneak longer, and move faster, but at the moment you dont hide better than light/heavy armor stealthers.
    Improved Sneak decreases detection radius.

    in pve. in pvp everyone has the same detection radius. which is either standing ontop of them or magelight range.
  • DiktaHasi
    agree with op. i started a discussion in the world skill forum about a skill line, tbh without much response.
    maybe someone is interested:
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