Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Weapon Swapping and all around abillity lag

There really needs to be a feedback forum... and Im sure this has already been posted, though it has gotten to the point that its ruining my gameing experience.

Weapon swapping is horrendous, there is no other world for it. I press it once, nothing happens, so I press it again, it switches twice, because it was still thinking if it should switch from the first time I pressed it...

I dont know what the cause is, is it netcode, engine related... who knows, but it has to be fixed as a priority, the whole point of having a small ammount of abilities on an action bar is that you are abale to weapon swap, however it gets me killed more then it helps me, i am SCARED to swap weapons in combat, it needs to be addressed ASAP.

To make things worse, the lag with ability use compounds the issue.. I am getting hit from enemies, though there is no animation, it is especially worse when at low health.. i seem to just hit the edge, and suddenly, nothing happens, I cant cast, enemies dont cast, a few seconds later, I drop dead.

A number of my abiltes also dont seem to register, they cast, though they dont hit.

I know this isnt the right area, and I have sent 10+ feed back mails in game, my anger hit the top today, thus, I have vented in the forum. My right as a paying customer.

I want the game to succeed, however these are things that should have been fixed as a matter of priority.
  • Attronach
    Well I have exactly same problems. Game is unplayable and even worse EU server is in US.
    So all EU players are second grade customers.
    Good to know for future Zenimax games (if any).
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