Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies, came to me in a dream while I was dozing off in my home in the Black Marsh. She informed me that I had a great purpose in life.
Unfortunately, Lady Meridia can be very mysterious. The formation of this guild is part of my interpretation of that message. I was also tired of a lot of the garbage that goes on in many of the other guilds that I have been involved with during my adventuring.
We have been gifted with some powerful sorcery called 'TeamSpeak'. Not everyone will embrace this perversion of nature, in fact I too was one such. I have however come to understand and acknowledge it's power and usefullness, especially when engaging the enemy in Cyrodiil, and in large Raid events. The use of this 'TeamSpeak' is not and never will be a requirement of guild membership or participation, however there may be events where it will be in use.
Similarly, Roleplay is encouraged, but you won't be lynched for making ooc comments in guild chat.
The only requirement of this guild is that you have fun. If you are not having fun, then you are doing it wrong. That is the premise, mission, and ultimate goal of this guild.
As we grow, we will plan more and more events of all kinds.
If you think you would be a good fit for our band of adventurers, feel free to fill out an app at or contact
@enofel or
@tuscanspeed in-game for an invite.
All races, classes, ages, and preferences are welcome.