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The Judgement of Veloth as a VR2 (Defeat Vox)

Soul Shriven
The secret this encounter is simple, either 1) find and use an exploit or 2) don't accept the quest.

The line of quests leading to the final battle is hardly a challenge. Any class can walk through the trash packs or completely avoid almost all of them if they choose. Not once did skill play into any of the minor encounters leading to the final meeting of Vox. However, for the second time in this area, we encounter a final boss that is completely immune to every form of CC available (the first is encounter during 'Defeat the Alchemist' from the quest chain Plague Bringer - which I still have to finish).

Now, as a VR2 Templar (melee/heal) with all three class skill lines completely unlocked nearly every skill that I normally have in my bar incorporates some form of CC. Just to demonstrate to myself how poorly these encounters are designed I first tried employing one skill and then for fun let the boss kill me (counting the number of attacks it took for them to put me down. That number is 2, or if the RNG gods deem it 3). Here's a list of skills that have been effectively neutered by the development team in a screwed up attempt at making a difficult encounter: 1) Biting Jabs (knock back/interrupt), 2) Reflective Light (snare), 3) Blinding Light (blind), 4) Eclipse (reflect single target spells), 5) Binding Javelin (knock back/down/interrupt), 6) Wrecking Blow (knock back/down/interrupt), and 7) Brawler (bleed effect).

This is not how you create a fun and challenging game that "you can play your way". And not the type of boss you place at the end of a solo line of quests. As someone that has soloed very world boss in this zone I just can't understand the development team's line of thought. And as though they will ever read this, I'll say this: THIS IS NOT FUN. This is is a lazy attempt to interject difficultly into the game - simply poor level design and poor execution on the concept. This fact is echoed in nearly every major review of the game so I know you know it's a problem.

As a final unfortunate note, it seems to me that finishing both side quest lines are necessary to advance the main VR quest line. So, the message once again from the developers is this: 1) you can't play your way, 2) you are not a hero in this game unless you do it our way, and 3) in general, if you can't find an exploit you're screwed.
  • Kendaric
    Haven't done her in the veteran version, but I am pretty sure the normal version could be knocked back/knocked down (might have been changed since I did it though). If they added a full CC imunity, that's definitely a bad idea.

    I agree though, storyline bosses in VR content are generally over the top.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Archmadios
      I completely agree. i just hit her at VR7 and i am likewise a Templar and she 2 hit kills me if the adds were not there I mite be able to take her through kiting and healing myself but its a stupidly difficult fight. I could spend all day bashing my head against this and get nowhere but instead I just gave up.
    • palszym_ESO
      Soul Shriven
      I went in there as a V9 templar. Vox just hammers on me, nothing works, no cc's, you cannot even block her attacks. I tried many ways different kinds of damage but she still kicks my butt. I have died so far at least 7x. I have friends that defeated her but have no idea how they did it. I may just give up. Why do these quest fights have to be so damn hard. There is no purpose or reason why this boss should be so hard. Come on. Geeze. /cry
    • crislevin
      I would wait near the entrance and get a partner or two. Hope the grouping tool works and get you guys through.
    • palszym_ESO
      Soul Shriven
      Uhh my quest partner could not zone in and was sent back to a wayshrine. If it were that simple I think we would have figured it out lol.

      What really needs to be done is not only allow other people in but change the combat mechanics for Vox so the quest can be completed.
      Edited by palszym_ESO on May 25, 2014 9:30PM
    • Boycarinoub17_ESO
      Has anyone found a work around for this boss? Pretty irritated here... I've leveled the entire game solo with little to no problem on any boss, mob, quest... Then THIS!!! Two days in now and still can't wipe the [snip].

      Is there even a way to get a party member into the zone with you to fight her? Wouldn't work for me.
      Edited by ZOS_KatP on January 30, 2018 9:22PM
    • Tavore1138
      V7 NB and this is another of maybe 5 or 6 bosses that are just designed in a lazy way with little consideration to the various types of player who might encounter them.

      Given that they all share the same tedious trait of being 'difficult' by simply neutering your abilities instead of having interesting mechanics my theory is they were all coded by the same lame gimp who really should not be allowed to masquerade as a game designer.

      Not that these encounters in amy way spoil an otherwise nicely graded set of quests... oh no... not at all... it's when having to walk away from these that I seriously consider going to the account page and cancelling my sub just so this particular pestilent excuse for humanity doesn't see a penny more of my money...
      GM - Malazan
      Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
      Legio Mortuum
    • jimfopao2
      Yep. That cancel sub button is looking pretty sweet right now.

      I just don't get some games.
      What's with the armour degradation when you die ? How is this a good thing ? I am obviously having trouble with the fight so lets just add to my troubles by reducing the effectiveness of my armour and making an already insanely stupid fight even *** harder. WTF ? Now I am up for thousands in repairs for a fight I can't even win. Yay me!!! I do not enjoy paying for this sort of thing.
      I had a game that when you were near death the screen would shade in red from the borders inwards and vibrate. Yeah coz that's what I really need when I am struggling. More garbage to cope with. I stopped playing that game.
      Thanks for nothing generic gamedev00348.

      Oh I will just add that you can block. Problem is that it will kill your dps making the fight so long that you cannot possibly do it flawlessly and if Vox gets a single blow in you cannot get up and recover before she clubs you again. With heavy armour I am taking uppercut hits in excess of 1k.

      Oh joy.
      Edited by jimfopao2 on May 30, 2014 12:03PM
    • Tavore1138
      Tried again tonight & discovered she and her adds also ignore invisibility (and not using any DOT either). Got smacked two times - once by her for over 900, once by a ghost for over 900... game over, blocking and dodging no use apparently.

      I have logged a proper support case to see if this may actually be bugged (although I assume people are getting past her somehow)... no doubt will get the usual faux roleplay BS answer...
      GM - Malazan
      Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
      Legio Mortuum
    • starlizard70ub17_ESO
      I just ran into Vox at VR2, no way I can beat her as a DK. I've tried melee, archer and destructo staff lines. Nothing works. You can't CC her, her first swing stuns, second swing kills, never lived long enough to know she had an add on. They really needed to balance many of these bosses.
      "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
    • augustus6995ub17_ESO
      Soul Shriven
      same issue here. Looks like you need to get a group together to actually have a shot. Just 1 cc ability working would seem reasonable to not make a quest impossible. They have to give us hope at least. Found none here.
    • Nanigae
      VR2 here, almost VR3. I FINALLY managed to beat that other SOB in the Alchemist quest and now this. Vox runs faster than I can so kiting is out, is immune to everything I have to offer, no cc'ing, can't get heals off before she knocks me out. Two hits and I'm out and that's not even counting her minions firing away. Just about done with this nonsense. Turned it off last night and just not looking forward to going back. I don't want to have to get a group for solo content.
    • jimfopao2
      Best part is that this is part of Cadwell's Gold which is the main storyline quest.
      If you cannot beat her you cannot finish the main story.

      I suspect that if you started a toon that had this area as it's pre vet level content then you would not have this issue. But since it falls as VR7 ish content for me it is apparently unbeatable.

    • duncan_cougarpreeb18_ESO
      I fully agree with what has been said before: this fight is seriously dumb.

      Nonetheless, in the end I figured out a way to defeat stupid Vox alone, as nightblade, in medium armor and not really using anything related to that build or any fighting style at all.

      Go figure.

      Here is the trick for those tired of senselessly dying because of using something remotely related to a fighting style.
      Vox only weakness is that she does not heal during the fight, no matter how long it takes. Furthermore, her add-ons only show up if you run close to one of the soul wells (you might even get more than one that way, urgh!).

      So here is what I did after N+ deaths and going to any variation of fighting styles, skills, moves and weapon / defense choices and strategies.
      1. Use range attacks. If you figure out how you can survive her melee attacks, let me know, because she seems to be a '2 hits - death' to everyone else.
      2. Get just close enough to get attack her, try for a maximum of damage from the start, finish that off with e.g. an ultimate single attack, like soul strike etc.
      3. RUN up the front stairs. Let her come to you, now that you have her attention
      4. Keep running up and around the front stair case. Vox is freaking fast so she will be on your heels. Don't overdo it, she is also smart and might switch directions if that is faster in an instant.
      5. Anytime you have a bit of a distance and are turning a corner anyway. Try to get off a single attack at her, not using stamina (you need that for sprinting! and dodging), but with your ranged weapon of choice or magic.
      6. RUN some more
      7. and repeat until that *** is dead. (sorry for my language)
      Final note: Prepare for a long fight, run, whatever

      And yes, this is a really, really, ..., really dumb way to fight.
      Edited by duncan_cougarpreeb18_ESO on June 9, 2014 4:31PM
    • jesterstear
      As a self healing, sword and shield Templar, I can handle Vox fine but the adds are just infuriating. Tried taking the adds down and then going back to the boss, but she summons another almost immediately and i'm having to spam heal. Around the 3rd add I run out of resources and die.

      Tried ignoring adds but she'll summon more even if ghosts are already up. Three adds on me plus Vox = die.

      My char has 2500 health at VR2. That purple thing she casts on the floor stuns you if you stay in it , I withstood quite a few hits but eventually my beloved heroic Templar dies, never broke free of the stun. Was right&left clicking furiously to try break out, nothing happens. Its easy to avoid unless you're also trying to deal with ghosts, I only got caught by it once or twice but the manner of the death it causes really cranks the rage factor some.

      Eventually I found a cheesy way to beat the fight with ease.

      As soon as you activate the boss, run back into the entrance hallway, the ghosts won't come in there. In any other MMO that would be considered an exploit, since it avoids the major difficulty and takes no skill to pull off. How about they prevent this exploit but make the fight doable without cheating?

      Other than summoning ghosts from the soul wells, Vox is pretty straightforward. She has only two skills -

      1) Power attack with mace, like any melee trash. Block of course.

      2) Starts casting and creates purple cloud on ground around her. Cast time is long, you have time to back up, switch to staff , put regeneration /mutagen on yourself and draw power with a heavy attack before going back to sword and shield . However, when cheesing the fight this is not necessary. Did not have to use ultimate, potions, or even time my Honour the Dead heals for me going below 50% health to proc power return.

      Vox hits quite hard but if you have a self heal and good block mitigation it's no trouble.
    • jesterstear

      For those of you that want to relive the misery...

      I still feel angry hours later about all those deaths.
    • nagarjunna
      After the 1.2.5 patch I thought maybe they balanced her. No such luck. Same old Vox
      @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
      Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
      Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
      Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
      Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
      Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
      Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
      Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
      Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
    • Ansgaar
      Vox is a piece of ***. Sorry, that's no boss....thats nonsense.
      Zenimax...have you ever played your own bosses ?
      Once I got her nearly 20%...than 2 hits, and my toon was going down.
      Thats only frustrating and thats the only thing what this stupid boss does....stealing players fun to play the game.
      She's been difficult enough without the adds....but with, its only boring.
      Can't slow her, stun her or even CC. And because she's to fast, I'm running out of stamina the whole fight.
      TESO is a great game, but bosses like this are *** and frustrating.
      And surprise surprise, during fight most of the time heal potions don't work and she can hit the char even when she is 10m behind.
      Never played a boss which is so unfair, in any other game.
      Zenimax are you kidding ?

      After a lot of tries I got her once at ca 5%...she was 10m behind me...hit me ONCE...my toon flies thru the whole ini, thru a wall....DEAD.
      And I couldnt rezz in the INI...neither on waypoint or with soul gem.

      I had bought playtime for 6 months....this ends in a few weeks, and I will never buy any playtime again.
      When I play games after a long day of work, I wanna have fun....not rubbish as this !

      Uff...finaly got her....the solution was every time on the run, block her stuns and only using the bow. But it wasn't a nice fight.
      Edited by Ansgaar on September 19, 2014 2:09AM
      Werd ich am Galgen hochgezogen, weiß ich wie schwer mein *** gewogen.
    • Khelgar_Ironfist
      Soul Shriven
      I killed Vox as a lvl 21 nightblade in melee fight.

      But it wasn't easy to find out how to defeat Vox. Well, actually it was easy :smile: Just i need to read hints which is appear after you are died by Vox. She killed me 5 times in a row. And then, i return to city for buying some "increase max health food", potions and, most important part, enchanting my daggers with flame runes. Because Vox has weakness against fire damage.

      First of all, you should kill ghosts. Then you can concantrate to Vox. Block her power attacks and hit them with your fire damage weapons or spells. It wasn't a long fight, i only use one stamina and one health potion during the fight.

      I agreed, Vox is not a easy boss and first time you fight with her, it looks like impossible to win and frustrating. But little bit fire solve all problems :wink:
    • Tommyboomer
      Soul Shriven
      I'm a VR2 Nightblade. I've tried the exploits, i.e. pulling back into the hall without adds, but either they fixed that or it doesn't work but they'll all chase me right to the portal. Also they do come no matter where you.

      I also find that blocking is impossible. I try and right click to block and just doesn't respond, as if it's been disabled. I can't believe it's lag so it much be purposeful. A couple of times I have gotten her low and couldn't finish it off, so I guess its possible.

      I don't have any resto so I'm using funnel health, blood craze and Shadow Path to try and get a little bit of healing of myself to last long enough. I'll also probably have to go and upgrade my weapons and equipment to try and see if I can just increase longevity just enough to try and survive long enough. She doesn't heal so I suppose if you can dodge a few strikes, and get lucky I might take her down,

      Range seems useless with no knock back. Can't move fast enough to stay away from her.
    • AngryNord
      IIRC I did her in a group with another Templar and a Sorc.. Easy-mode. And my epeen was exactly the same length afterwards - so grouping isn't dangerous at all.
      Edited by AngryNord on October 12, 2014 9:34AM
    • obubbaj
      Got her!
      Just run up to her, DK so bashed her. Ran back behind the steps I came in. Her ghosts go back to their circles and she is alone. Now after heal up, you must come out from behind the stairs to keep her attention. Hit her once or twice, the run back under the stairs. She can't follow you out the other side. Once she turns around an heads back out from under stairs, follow her and get her attention. Whack her more. I used Lava whip, and pounded her this way.

      If you break the umbilical, and see "left combat," she goes back to full health.
      Must keep her coming around the back of the stairs. From one side or the other.

      Ex. Hit her, run back to the left side of the stairs, go behind. Heal up.
      Go through the passage and come out on the right side of stairs. She will chase you over the top of the stairs. Whack her, then run back under the stairs, and just outside the passage on the left side. She will turn around and run back to the right side. Keep her attention, whack, then run back.
    • jhawk37750_ESO
      Wow. This boss sucks big time. Level 23 templar with fairly decent gear... by which I mean, stuff I can make and enchant/upgrade, nothing too fancy as I'm a PvE player primarily. Lasted about four hits by using potions/food or drink and dodging. Can't seem to do anything about the ghost adds... even reading the hints I can't seem to NOT trigger them, even standing way back and hurling something at her.

      Not sure how to progress at this point. Guess I'll need to go level up some more and come back and try again but in reading this thread I'm not sure even that will help. Ugh. Yes, agree with others... NOT. FUN.
    • Winnower
      Wierd. I've now gone past this boss 6 times on different classes and builds, 4 of them either vet 2 or vet 7, and I've never thought twice about the fight. Just go in, kill her, leave. Just another boss.

      I have no idea why anyone would think this fight hard, and I haven't really paid attention to it. For someone who was supposed to be invincible this fight was a bit of a disappointment iirc.

      All my toons who went by it had blue or green gear, and almost certainly a purple weapon (vr1 or vr5) in the case of the vet toons. And whatever build they were rocking as they went by.

      I'm not saying this to mock anyone, but to point out that difficulty level is very relative.

      Some builds are effective and some are not. Some play-styles are effective and some are not. It really bugs me that people insist in a most contrary manner on interpreting "play how you like" as meaning that any bizarre random assortment of skills and gear will let you succeed optimally.
      VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
      All 3 Alliances;
      2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
    • Ysne58
      I'm a nightblade, which is probably the hardest class to play. I don't recall too many problems with Vox although I did die more than once. Same with the Plaguebringer . I was at either Vr2 or Vr 3. My build doesn't depend on CC but I'm still not the perfect fighter.
    • AlexDougherty
      Winnower wrote: »
      Wierd. I've now gone past this boss 6 times on different classes and builds, 4 of them either vet 2 or vet 7, and I've never thought twice about the fight. Just go in, kill her, leave. Just another boss.

      I have no idea why anyone would think this fight hard, and I haven't really paid attention to it. For someone who was supposed to be invincible this fight was a bit of a disappointment iirc.

      Note the date for the original post.

      It has been nerfed, thankfully, because if I'm reading it right the original VR fight was near impossible. But yes it is now a very manageable fight.
      People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
      Wizard's first rule
      Passion rules reason
      Wizard's third rule
      Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
      Wizard's fifth rule
      Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
      Wizard's tenth rule
    • AngryNord
      Not sure how to progress at this point. Guess I'll need to go level up some more and come back and try again but in reading this thread I'm not sure even that will help. Ugh. Yes, agree with others... NOT. FUN.

      What's wrong With teaming up With others?
    • Linet
      Soul Shriven
      I tried to do this quest today for first time with my nightblade, died 10 times and just ported out of the dungeon after failing to kill her. I think i would succeed if she was alone but 3 specters come as well to aid her and i end up dead shortly after i kill her minions since when i am ready to deal with her most of my life is gone. Any tips on how to finish this quest? I dont think is fair for nightblades such a boss to be around.
    • AnnieBeGood
      Ok I ported out too. maybe need to go back with a group, but I got fed up with dying and getting my armour damaged. :(
      Gulrosa V160 Templar -healer and master crafter
      Annie Spaceshifter V160 magica NB - just a thieving assassin, now retired
      Katerina - 'Daedric Annie' - V160 Stamina DK - now bank alt, wardrobe mistress
      Anni Bee - Vet 160Templar - pvp magica templar - Daedric Lord Slayer
      Lily Malone - stam sorc - pve goddess
      Rey of Jakku Plain - Vet 160 - magica templar dd
      Savanna - magica warden, still learning to play
      and several babies...... learning to ride
      EU server, pc and All for the Pact
      Alith, the best guild in the EU
    • AngryNord
      Yes, it is a group quest. This is an MMO, after all.
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