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If the Werewolf Ultimate cost was reduced to ~200-250, would that be an acceptable fix for you?

Soul Shriven
WW in its current state in bull sheeeet. Polling Werewolve players in hopes for improvement. Players who have never actually played as werewolf in eso have no business here. tyvm ;)

[At time of post, WW level 8]
Edited by Zocho on May 15, 2014 9:09PM

If the Werewolf Ultimate cost was reduced to ~200-250, would that be an acceptable fix for you? 83 votes

Yes. I'd be satisfied.
Squabloodenragedb14_ESOLeeshafakemasterdeb16_ESOIvoryFoxZochoSonjaInupisZazartel_los 10 votes
No. I'd need more changes implemented.
RaginWhitePawPrintsMockingCatJade_Knightblazerb14_ESOjasterslegacy2000b14_ESOJaidenArzarzellaurientcris13crossb16_ESOIronMaiden_burnoutFoxhuntCyrdemaceb17_ESOTargolakredferne.requiemneb18_ESONaturesCorruptionfrozenchickenKlauenGraoHippocrates311Oronell 27 votes
Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
HelspyreGwarokChampionSheWolfjnoschese_ESObbqwolf13b14_ESO1Maverick827EivarMangeZhoyzuPyatraElynastimpy986b14_ESOKer.Rakb16_ESOsmokesploddab16_ESOScardyFoxVVolfsongOrihara_IzayaBrittany_JoyTravail 42 votes
SakiriSleepydandemonlkojipub19_ESOAnastasia 4 votes
  • Brittany_Joy
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    I wish I could vote twice; One for "Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree." and one for "Yes. I'd be satisfied"

    One of the reasons why werewolves are underperforming is because the skill line is not practical for viable combat in PvP or PvE. The high ultimate cost is one of the reasons too. The fact that the werewolf transformation is an ultimate is one of the reasons as well. Overall, the werewolf skill line needs a total revamp in order to be viable and enjoyable.

    I typed it before and I will type it again; ZoS needs to take notes from WoW's feral druid. The feral druid can shapeshift to a beast at the cost of magicka. Perhaps the werewolf transformation needs to be an ability that costs magicka instead of it being an ultimate. The feral druid can remain in beast form for an unlimited amount of time. Those who embrace the gift from Hircine should be able to remain in werewolf form for an unlimited amount of time too. ESO promotes "Be who you want to be" but how can I if rarely have the chance to use my werewolf transformation and I am restricted to how much I can play as one. Restrictions are not fun and do not promote the "Be who you want to be" motto.
  • Zhoyzu
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    needs over haul. toggle ability consumes ult if kept at cost other wise it should just take up the ult slot and be a toggle ( no ult). and thats just the beginning.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • frozenchicken
    No. I'd need more changes implemented.
    With fair knowledge of how the finesse system functions, I find it fairly easy to build up ultimate. I am quite willing to put up with having ultimates 1/4 as often as I normally would, in exchange for something that is actually as good as multiple ultimates. Sadly, that is nowhere near the case. I think I can see what the devs were aiming for with the werewolf: basically causing what is effectively an increase in level/stats (pragmatically speaking) in exchange for a bunch of cons including a reduction in versatility, but the facts are that it doesn't work. Perhaps they started their calculations with the assumption of somebody with 49 points in stamina and all armor bonuses towards stamina, because as it is, I just can't see this current set-up being anything near what the design concept appears to aim for. I would really like to see the the proportional calculation for werewolf stat-gain being increased (or better yet, so as to decrease min-maxing, make it something like 'armor/etc increases by (10% of stamina)+50' if that makes sense?)
  • Sakiri
    Theyre not giving us a permawolf. Theyd have to gut it if you can always be in form. I like it as is but the bugs and ult cost need fixed.
  • MockingCat
    No. I'd need more changes implemented.
    Yes to the lowering ult cost. No to being a fully satifing fix to WW. WW in general suck BAD. They have little servivablity in large mobs and no CC brake. With Vamps they have acces to ALL ther skills while WW has 2 and only 2 skills.
    They need to ether allow WW to accesses sertin or all their skills or add more skills to the WW form. Other wise WW is just flailing your arms around hoping you dont get face rolled in a large pack of enamys. I LOVE the WW but i wouldnt dare change and go into a large pack of mobs. With out more skills to round out the WW its not very good at all. I feel like a bad ass in Skyrim as a WW in ESO I feel like its just a fun thing to have atm and not really good for anything else.
    Your regular form should also have a benifit outside of WW form even if small something. Right now its just poison weakness and the fighters guild skills negatives. And shorting the cool down on devior would alow us more time in WW form as we alredy have a ridiculously short time in it. Ether shorten the cool down for devor or give us a way to incress our time in WW form, like maybe have it attached to our WW lvl. Ex: Lvl 1 WW 30 sec-> lvl 2 WW 45sec and so on. This would give us more time and have to work for the increased time. Or make a passive that increases the time in the form.
  • stimpy986b14_ESO
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    I'd be satisfied with a total revamp OR if the following conditions are met.
    a) ult cost needs to be lowered to 500 MAX (at rank 1 with no reduction applied)
    b) bugs with ult loss, PL lasting 3 sec, leap animation freezing etc need to be fixed
    c) CC break and dodge roll need to be added
    d) time extension from feeding needs to be AT LEAST doubled
    e) passives need to have some effect when not in WW form
    f) animations need to be redone
  • WhitePawPrints
    No. I'd need more changes implemented.
    I've mentioned in other threads that the Ultimate cost doesn't bother me, but with the current longevity of the Werewolf Transformation, the Ultimate cost is too much. I can deal with the high Ultimate cost if the base timer is increased significantly, along with the timer addition that Devour gives.

    While in Werewolf form, I'd like to take a few minutes to stop trying to rush to the next NPC's to kill. I think the best thing that can be done for the Werewolf is remove the cap on the timer. Only being able to fill our timer to the max of 30 seconds really destroys the fun of running around as a Werewolf. In Skyrim, I'd rampage a few forts, eat dozens of Imperial soldiers, and be able to run around for half a day without having to worry about eating more Imperial Soldiers (Nords taste the best though).

    A lower Ultimate would be nice too but I really don't think that'll fix the Werewolf.
    Edited by WhitePawPrints on May 16, 2014 2:24AM
  • PurpleFox
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    I vote revamp.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Grao
    No. I'd need more changes implemented.
    So, I voted NO though I believe fixing pack leader and reducing the cost of the ultimate will considerably help the skill tree or at least make it usable.

    So why I voted no? First there are the bugs in the two active abilities that still must be adressed - that is very important.
    - Second, CCs. Fast reaction to CCs is essential in ESO and yet werewolves can't dodge (roll) nor can they break CC. That just doesn't make any sense.
    - Third, the DPS change between human and werewolf form is not significant enough to justify WW transformation being an ultimate.
    - Last, but still very important... ESO is supposed to welcome RPiers just as it welcomes PvPers and PVEers, well, to RP as a werewolf we'd need to maintain the ultimate form a lot longer then the few 30 seconds we are given now... It maybe insignificant to most posting here that are more worried about the use of the skill for end game content, but it is a significant trait of ESO that is being ignored.
  • Sakiri
    WW has two skills and an ultimate.

    Vampires have.. two akills and an ultimate.

    Thats wjy we only have two skills. I have no problem with this.

    What I do have a problem with:

    I feel squishy. I really do.

    No CC break. This sure doesnt help with squishy.

    No dodge roll. Taking unnecessary damage. Again, squishy.

    Pack leader being bugged. I really want this morph to work.

    Pounce bug. Annoying.

    Damage seems low unless you game around the transform. Not everyone will do this.

    Duration for cost feels wrong. I need one or both of two sets to make it tolerable. One cant be used if you use a 2h.

    Roleplayer concern is noted but honestly, I dont want to walk around town and see every freaking WW in the zone standing around in form. Maybe at night, and only when moons are out(no new moons).

    Hircines shrine should atuo trigger transform, or remove ult cost. Going to bite someone when I have 0 ultimate and have to hit up Coldharbour at VR2 is a really annoying and imo unnecessary pain in the arse.

    That said, I have a headache and am going to bed soon so Im out of comments.
  • Arzarzel
    No. I'd need more changes implemented.
    I'm highly missing any aoe ability....yes the jump...meh! I a WW i am a huge beast and zos wanna tell me i can only hit 1!!! target at once with my pranks? rofl.... vamps gain all passives and all abilities while they are still able to cast their class/weapon etc abilities...i mean...who designed the WW....Edward cullen???
  • MockingCat
    No. I'd need more changes implemented.
    Sakiri wrote: »
    WW has two skills and an ultimate.

    Vampires have.. two akills and an ultimate.

    Thats wjy we only have two skills. I have no problem with this.

    This is true but Vamps have access to all your other skills so they can fill out their bar with a vraitay of skill to help survive. While WW douse not, this is a massive disavanige and not to mention one skill can only be used at range. Leaving you with one skill thats only a fear as your usally going to be right on top of the mob your attacking. Thats why I sagest more skills for the WW or allow WW to access sertin class skills, weapon skills wouldn't make much since to have access to. As WW form is your ult and to me not a 'real' ult as its not going to out damage other ults you have access to. With the cost the WW form has and the damage out put WW has your at a disadvantage with it slotted over other ults.
  • ScardyFox
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    Arzarzel wrote: »
    i mean...who designed the WW....Edward cullen???

    I despise Twilight references but this one cracked me up.


    Edited by ScardyFox on May 16, 2014 11:06AM
  • Sleepydan
    Ild rather they make werewolf op @1000 than flavor for 200
  • Sakiri
    Sakiri wrote: »
    WW has two skills and an ultimate.

    Vampires have.. two akills and an ultimate.

    Thats wjy we only have two skills. I have no problem with this.

    This is true but Vamps have access to all your other skills so they can fill out their bar with a vraitay of skill to help survive. While WW douse not, this is a massive disavanige and not to mention one skill can only be used at range. Leaving you with one skill thats only a fear as your usally going to be right on top of the mob your attacking. Thats why I sagest more skills for the WW or allow WW to access sertin class skills, weapon skills wouldn't make much since to have access to. As WW form is your ult and to me not a 'real' ult as its not going to out damage other ults you have access to. With the cost the WW form has and the damage out put WW has your at a disadvantage with it slotted over other ults.

    Thats why other tweaks are needed.. but I have no problem with the format.

    Maybe allow weapon passives to work, ie: the 2h splash damage etc.

    If its powerful enough and useable with a reliability of other ults, its worth it to me.

    Problem is when I can drop my dks standard twice a trash pack but I need four ir five packs to get half the ult I need.

    Then losing the 500 ult I generated in form when I revert...
  • JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    Zhoyzu wrote: »
    needs over haul. toggle ability consumes ult if kept at cost other wise it should just take up the ult slot and be a toggle ( no ult). and thats just the beginning.

    It should cost 250+ but be permanent and if you exit you need to build ultimate again so you literally can't just swap in and out to avoid ww weaknesses.

    As a ww you can't resurrect other players, dodge, cc break, bash, self heal.

    I think a toggle is a bad approach but would enjoy if it was permanent so I can embrace the wolf pack with others and only go back human when I die (since swapping it off will do that animation that will get you killed so no not like druid form. )
  • biodragon
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    I voted for "Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree."

    I should look and be able to use Werewolf skills when I want. Ultimate should only increase my strength and the ability to survive for limited time. Then it could cost that 925 ulti if gives buffs to both forms.

    Also Werewolf should not favour any class or play style (should be independent from stats in human form). Basic strength and the ability to survive in Werewolf from could be equal to regular dual wield in heavy armour player who wears from Green to Gold items (depends from ww skill line level or kills count).
    Edited by biodragon on May 18, 2014 6:05PM
  • Locksoli
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    I'd like at least 2 new actives, like a sorta maul that does serious damage and adds bleeding, or a swipe which would be a tank move that also does bleeding, and effects up to 3 enemies. I'd also like a perma wolf passive, were you have no time limit and your devour restores health and stamina. They should also add a four legged sprint and some emote animations, like kneeling, sitting and all that
    Edited by Locksoli on May 18, 2014 3:29PM
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I dont play WW, but from what I've heard the transformation lasts a laughable amount of time for a rediculous ultimate cost.

    If they reduce the ultimate cost and/or increase the base duration they would probably have to balance actives and passives around players being WW'd longer. It could certainly use an ultimate cost reduction tho. A player would do a lot more damage with other ultimates by the time they accumulate 1000 ultimate.

    Or, they can leave the ultimate cost as is and just greatly increase the base duration of WW transformation. NPC WW's have it made by being able to stay in WW all day long.
  • Still_Mind
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    Right now, the WW Ulti does little more than transform you into a clumsy, nonelite NPC. Can't break out of CC, can't use anything but unimpressive WW specific skills (which bug out).

    Needs a big overhaul, I say.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Elyna
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    The cost of the transformation is just one of many problems with the WW
  • Locksoli
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    The werewolf npcs you see, like in glenumbra, are what we should be like. They get a quadrupedal sprint and sneak, and they get a flurry attack. They have the same models as player wolves, so why did they get all the awesome stuff?
  • Still_Mind
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    Locksoli wrote: »
    The werewolf npcs you see, like in glenumbra, are what we should be like. They get a quadrupedal sprint and sneak, and they get a flurry attack. They have the same models as player wolves, so why did they get all the awesome stuff?
    Because someone in ZOE dreams of sparkling in sunlight :)
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • PurpleFox
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    Sakiri wrote: »
    WW has two skills and an ultimate.

    Vampires have.. two akills and an ultimate.

    Thats wjy we only have two skills. I have no problem with this.

    What I do have a problem with:

    I feel squishy. I really do.

    No CC break. This sure doesnt help with squishy.

    No dodge roll. Taking unnecessary damage. Again, squishy.

    Pack leader being bugged. I really want this morph to work.

    Pounce bug. Annoying.

    Damage seems low unless you game around the transform. Not everyone will do this.

    Duration for cost feels wrong. I need one or both of two sets to make it tolerable. One cant be used if you use a 2h.

    Roleplayer concern is noted but honestly, I dont want to walk around town and see every freaking WW in the zone standing around in form. Maybe at night, and only when moons are out(no new moons).

    Hircines shrine should atuo trigger transform, or remove ult cost. Going to bite someone when I have 0 ultimate and have to hit up Coldharbour at VR2 is a really annoying and imo unnecessary pain in the arse.

    That said, I have a headache and am going to bed soon so Im out of comments.

    You shall be my squishy!-Dory
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • PurpleFox
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    Roleplayer concern is noted but honestly, I dont want to walk around town and see every freaking WW in the zone standing around in form.

    When the crime system is implemented in the coming months i'm sure changing in town will be in a werewolf's worst interests. If it were a toggle having every guard in the city hunt you down would probably discourage most from transforming.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Sakiri
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Roleplayer concern is noted but honestly, I dont want to walk around town and see every freaking WW in the zone standing around in form.

    When the crime system is implemented in the coming months i'm sure changing in town will be in a werewolf's worst interests. If it were a toggle having every guard in the city hunt you down would probably discourage most from transforming.

    I highly doubt they'll do that.

    It would essentially make every vendor, banker, mages/fighter's guild and the vast majority of quests completely undoable for vampires because there's no way for them to hide the condition.

    Werewolves right now don't transform in town(well I did once, but that was more of an accident after a respec lol) because you generally don't wander around in town with full ultimate.

    And adding more abilities? They'd end up adding more to vampire to round it out, otherwise the whining about "they get more than we do" will blot out the sun.

    And the last thing we need is more vampire actives.
  • Inupis
    Yes. I'd be satisfied.
    I change my vote after playing for awhile....Werewolf is useless as is. Anyone what sells the bites should be brouht to a real court for selling useless products that are defective. Zenimax should be tired for putting something so useless in their games. Whoever the person is that designed Werewolves should have their hand tied behind their back and all subscribers should be allowed one punch to their face.
    Edited by Inupis on May 21, 2014 6:15PM
  • Crescent
    No. I'd need more changes implemented.
    Cheaper useless is still useless.

    200 ult is what Suppression Field costs me as a Sorcerer. An AoE 11.5 sec aoe stun/silence field with 1750 spell resist for the group.

    Or a storm astronarch for an aoe 3 sec stun+ damage and 5k damage total over its duration and tank ability.

    Werewolf needs to compete with that.
  • PurpleFox
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    Sakiri wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Roleplayer concern is noted but honestly, I dont want to walk around town and see every freaking WW in the zone standing around in form.

    When the crime system is implemented in the coming months i'm sure changing in town will be in a werewolf's worst interests. If it were a toggle having every guard in the city hunt you down would probably discourage most from transforming.

    I highly doubt they'll do that.

    It would essentially make every vendor, banker, mages/fighter's guild and the vast majority of quests completely undoable for vampires because there's no way for them to hide the condition.

    Werewolves right now don't transform in town(well I did once, but that was more of an accident after a respec lol) because you generally don't wander around in town with full ultimate.

    And adding more abilities? They'd end up adding more to vampire to round it out, otherwise the whining about "they get more than we do" will blot out the sun.

    And the last thing we need is more vampire actives.

    Crime system is coming, they have already stated that, but in reality its not suppose to be a good thing for vampires to starve themselves for "Top" level powers. In most Elder Scrolls games a starving vampire will ALWAYS be attacked when entering a town. Wouldn't you like to see the vampire community react to the chaos when they log in one day and suddenly all the guards are on their asses? I dream of that day.

    Edit: I would also like to add that vampires can feed in ESO to get back down to a level where they can actually remain hidden as a vampire, though most do not simply because it's "Beneficial" to starve themselves...which is quite stupid.
    Edited by PurpleFox on May 22, 2014 4:13AM
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Bigswanga
    Soul Shriven
    Hell no. Revamp the entire skill tree.
    They should redo the whole line. Make the transformation when i feel like it kinda thing. Give the wolf more skills that actually do useful things. And it's a Werewolf.......... Should be able to take a punch or 10.
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