So as i'm progressing through the VR content I see the quests are putting me into the group the first time it leads me into the group dungeon it is a level 50 quest with VR level mobs (which from stepping in there I see i'm going to require a group of 4 to be able to navigate it)...however, the second time I got a quest into a group dungeon it lists the quest as level 36...I can't enter the dungeon if my VR tab is toggled so I have to enter it as a regular dungeon...i'm just wondering how all this is working? The second dungeon even though it is low level mobs I'll still probably need at least another person to get through because the boss mobs are a PIA still...
...really just wondering if anyone has any insight on how these are all if it matters in my 0-50 leveling I did skip past all the group dungeons except maybe the first 2 or 3 and planned on going back and doing them later because no offense but grouping in this game is not very compatible...personally I think it works much better with the rest of the public dungeons where you just meet up with others doing the same content...actually making groups doesn't seem to flow well at all...but that is a different topic
...but if anyone can explain what is up with this stuff i would appreciate it, thanks.