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· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Fall of the Noore (Skullcrusher-US) Blitz Co-OP style.

  • Zintair
    @Zintair just because they couldnt pull their people in fast enough doesnt mean we were lying.

    I can provide you with video of there numbers toprove it.

    They were not ready. Actually i challenge you to come on SC and push out from your home keep. I bet you 300k gold you cannot dethrone/crown an emp all while pushing them back to the gates. By the time you get to their inner keeps you will be wiped.

    Care to make a bet. I can go higher

    I don't feel you lied. I am sure the AD can muster quite a few people. It just wasn't enough for us to feel it worthwhile to stay and fight.

    As for taking Emperor. We have gone to Auriel's Bow with Condemned and deposed their Emperor there when the population was 3bar to Lock. We came within a Keep a claiming our own Emperor there but resistance was VERY HEAVY. We also had support of the people who play on the server as well (EP not DC). Regardless we did it. Your server isn't a special snowflake. The AD aren't demi-gods. I was personally more impressed with some of the DC groups there TBH.

    I am also not trying to take shot at you, I appreciate the level of organization you spent in making this happen, but it is a Hallow victory in the grand scheme where your efforts would be much more rewarded by rallying people through organization EVERY night. Teamspeak / Raid Leaders / Strategies / Teaching them.

    It won't happen overnight but it can be done. Once people break the "PUG" mentality ANYTHING is possible.

    Zergs don't win this game contrary to what everyone cries about on the forums
    regarding them.


    The REAL PROTIP: Make a post on the forums saying how balanced Skull Crusher is and watch as people flock there LOL. You might be surprised haha.
    Edited by Zintair on May 15, 2014 6:03PM
    Zintair aka Primetime - VR14 - Guild Leader and PvP Dept Leader
  • Starshadw
    Zintair wrote: »

    This is pretty much what Goldbrand was for us with a bit more DC to flavor things. The potential for a great campaign is there but people need to pick their skirts up and get it going.

    This is curious, as I can tell you (Goldbrand is my home campaign), AD are seriously outnumbered unless we have a large group like the Noore decide to come and guest. Right now, Goldbrand has become primarily a DC and EP Emperor-farming venture (and these two factions are also pulling in large numbers of guests whenever they decide they want to roll the map).

    On a "good" night, we might be able to manage 24-35 total natives, give or take. And this is actually an improvement, as recently we had a guild move to Goldbrand from another campaign. Before that? We were lucky if we could get 8-10 total natives on any given night, even weekend nights. As such, we do the best we can while almost always being vastly outnumbered. :)

    I'm contemplating guesting on Wabbajack, if I can find an AD group to run with, simply because I'd like the chance to see some PvP with larger numbers all 'round.
  • andrewalexanderkingb14_ESO
    Am I the only one who wants that DC group to come back? <.<

    It takes a guy a week of planning, and he changes the map for a total of 5 hours, and then calls it a victory? Wha? I'm pretty sure it's a war, not a battle. Last night was last night, today is today. Looking at the map now, AD has it back under control. Nothing to see here, citizens. Move along.

    I'm just saying I'd rather be fighting then complaining. I'd like to see action like that all the time. It gets my pointy ears all tingly. Come see me in Cyrodiil. *Flex*
  • Froobert
    Dleatherus wrote: »

    and for every video you show we can show one (since we have somebody that streams on twitch the whole time), where there were just 6 of us defending against 30-50 of you - what does it prove - NOTHING

    I can try dig up the video from night before last when 3 of us at Bleaker's turned away you (1 EP) and 6-7 DC players working together (good stuff btw)- what does it prove - NOTHING

    SO WHAT???? - this is AvAvA not 1v1v1 or 5v5v5, though i am working hard on organizing events like that on skull crusher that include YOU, to try and make PvP fun regardless of the current campaign imbalances that *newsflash* neither the Noore nor any other guild or community of players is responsible for

    part of the skill in AvAvA IS organizing and coordinating a group - as you yourself in the OP proved and pounded your chest so loudly about - you proved you have that within you - another part is maintaining it - don't blame us for your poor maintenance skills

    take a step back - read what is being said not just by AD, but by folks in your own alliance - that you are a troll, that you cry and whine, that you are unwelcoming, unorganized - i'll stop there

    start looking at YOURSELF in terms of blaming somebody for your defeats, rather than blaming anybody and everybody else for their successes

    so i'll issue YOU a CHALLENGE - start working towards CONSTRUCTIVELY trying to improve PvP instead of being toxic and acting DESTRUCTIVELY (ninja taking keeps with your Noore Snoore Poor AD DK character, trolling with him in AD zone chat etc etc)

    i'm up for it and MORE than happy to put all of this behind us

    if you are asking that when YOU can only bring 5 people to an entire campaign - that no other alliance can bring more than 5, then our discussion stops right here

    as for reputations - happy to post links to the other skull crusher threads and threads that we have both made posts in to try and improve PvP/balance campaigns - folks can read our posts and your posts and i'll be fine with the reputation that they independently come up with for each of us, not the fake reputation that you are trying to pin on us just because you're disorganized in a campaign where the 'enemy' is more organised

    I'll issue you another challenge - come to the 5v5 tonight and actually have some fun, win or lose - i'd hate to see you turn what is meant to be a fun event to promote better relations between the alliances on Skull Crusher into a 'we won so i'm right - they suck' ... 'we lost so i am right they are OP' -



    Dleatherus. Your the best mate qq.

    I shall always follow you and the Noore~!

    Thanks c:

    Froobert the Tank
    When In doubt, Bash it out! :)

    "Member of Noore"

  • casselna_ESO
    ralonasan wrote: »
    Sounds like someone is mad they got outplayed.... OOPS!


  • CMz
    @CMz Then why do you care?

    Legit question. I care as i am a student of the game (gaming in general), I play ESO daily and have played every ver of elder scrolls single player since Morrowind, I work in the industry and i like a lot of what i am seeing in certain guilds gameplay & leadership styles. As a student i am always learning.

    What i was lol reacting to was the immature chest-pounding & trolling from a few that tarnished what would otherwise have been a great accomplishment - tarnished in my personal view to be clear. That was a great campaign that won the map - far better than simply accepting the Noore offer to give up the emperor-ship to revitalize the SC campaign.

    Before the fire, ready, aim flack hits this forum post i will say that i very much liked the planning & coordination combined with diplomacy i saw in the groups takedown of the AD dominated SC map. That was not only great, it was badly needed. I find it amusing that the kids somehow made this out to be a "Noore" map and a "Noore" takedown when no shortage of AD guilds & players have been quick to point out in these same forums that The Noore were only one small part of why AD dominated SC. I visit SC regularly for PvE along with several of the other maps so i can confirm that the identifiable Noore members were usually seriously outnumbered (and often surrounded) by other guilds and individual players. [Yes, i know someone has video to prove there were finally more than a few AD on SC during the final moments of the campaign but due to great planning and coordination it looked like game-over before there was any meaningful AD presence).

    Hopefully SC will see a few more new emperors before the end of this current cycle - and hopefully Zeni will condense the maps and shorten the cycles to make the whole PvP experience a lot more compelling...

  • Talcyndl
    Starshadw wrote: »
    Zintair wrote: »

    This is pretty much what Goldbrand was for us with a bit more DC to flavor things. The potential for a great campaign is there but people need to pick their skirts up and get it going.

    This is curious, as I can tell you (Goldbrand is my home campaign), AD are seriously outnumbered unless we have a large group like the Noore decide to come and guest. Right now, Goldbrand has become primarily a DC and EP Emperor-farming venture (and these two factions are also pulling in large numbers of guests whenever they decide they want to roll the map).

    On a "good" night, we might be able to manage 24-35 total natives, give or take. And this is actually an improvement, as recently we had a guild move to Goldbrand from another campaign. Before that? We were lucky if we could get 8-10 total natives on any given night, even weekend nights. As such, we do the best we can while almost always being vastly outnumbered. :)

    I'm contemplating guesting on Wabbajack, if I can find an AD group to run with, simply because I'd like the chance to see some PvP with larger numbers all 'round.

    To clarify. Vokundein left Goldbrand because there was no effective opposition. We didn't leave because AD (or DC) were outnumbering us. On the contrary, the server was simply dead. It was not fun logging on for a guild event and rolling the map.
    Edited by Talcyndl on May 15, 2014 6:50PM
    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • ChairGraveyard
    @Cheapshot - Nice work dude, that was a lot of fun last night.

    I picked Skullcrusher from the start, as did my friends, and we've been pretty bored of it being AD locked this whole time, practically.

    For that reason we usually avoid PvP despite most of us coming from a background of purely competitive games such as FPSes, and we like the PvP a lot.

    But not when it's just locked down and there's nothing going on. Camping at the gates is boring for everyone.

    Last night was a lot of fun though, fighting to regain the keeps with my friends after we saw the result of your attack.

    MOAR! Take those keeps dudes, we want real fights! There are a lot of people not affiliated with these guilds and stuff that avoid PvP because of them rolling the maps usually, so the more of these coordinated attacks you guys do the better, in my eyes.
  • Cheapshot
    @ChairGraveyard i'm glad you enjoyed it. I think many EP and DC players that have suffered on this server felt the same way as you. We do plan to have more events and to make it fun.

    Unfortunately we can't make it an every night thing till we have the population to maintain the map for more then an hour. It's a developer problem when 2 factions can be gate locked by the higher population faction.
  • ralonasan
    For the people ranting about how AD didn't muster up a large force to defend and they weren't worth fighting... that's the point of a coordinated timed attack.... We take everything quickly before they can defend it, then they push back!

    A lot of the questing EP players left after the initial attack - as i'm told - and let them retake the entire map. Stick around next time if you want a better fight.

    Overall i'm sad I missed it.... NBA playoffs had my attention for the night!

    High fives all around!

    BUT! Let's try and hold the map instead running away next time...
    The ESO Forum Common Complaint Checklist: ☑
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Sorcerers.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Nightblades.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Dragonknights.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Templars.
    ☐ THIS IS P2W!
    ☐ L2P n00b.
    ☐ Where is the LOL button??
    ☐ Fix PvP lag.
    ☐ LFG is full of scrubs.
    ☐ Natch Potes.
    ☐ Nerf Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
    ☐ Race Change ETA?
    ☐ Please add the Barber Shop!
    ☐ Why don't Trials scale?
    ☐ Working as intended.
    ☐ Why did you nerf/buff this?
    ☐ When will "thing" be added?
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    I don't think many of us on the EP side will be revisiting Skullcrusher. The EP folks weren't very welcoming. :\

    Guessing you are talking about Alacrese (SP?) that flipped out in zone chat... That was unfortunate since the event was cool to watch unfold. Hopefully 1 person won't ruin your view of all the EP players on Skull Crusher.
  • ralonasan
    I don't think many of us on the EP side will be revisiting Skullcrusher. The EP folks weren't very welcoming. :\

    Guessing you are talking about Alacrese (SP?) that flipped out in zone chat... That was unfortunate since the event was cool to watch unfold. Hopefully 1 person won't ruin your view of all the EP players on Skull Crusher.

    who what when why? I hope this isn't true.
    The ESO Forum Common Complaint Checklist: ☑
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Sorcerers.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Nightblades.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Dragonknights.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Templars.
    ☐ THIS IS P2W!
    ☐ L2P n00b.
    ☐ Where is the LOL button??
    ☐ Fix PvP lag.
    ☐ LFG is full of scrubs.
    ☐ Natch Potes.
    ☐ Nerf Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
    ☐ Race Change ETA?
    ☐ Please add the Barber Shop!
    ☐ Why don't Trials scale?
    ☐ Working as intended.
    ☐ Why did you nerf/buff this?
    ☐ When will "thing" be added?
  • Jaxom
    That was, by FAR, the most fun I've had in Cyrodiil since the early beta weekends when everyone was level 10-15 duking it out. I haven't felt that, "oh crap" moment in a while. There is nothing like seeing a flood a opposition just flowing through the gates and having the ebb and flow of small victories and small defeats.

    I implore those to keep coming back. In the end, no one really cares about emperorship. We just want to have fun in a competitive environment. No one likes to see the map one color, even if it is your own.
  • Zintair
    ralonasan wrote: »

    BUT! Let's try and hold the map instead running away next time...

    With statements like this don't expect us to do much of anything for EP on Skullcrusher.

    It saddens me that the only people here who have shown ANY class or logic/realism are the AD.

    I feel bad that ... this... is what they have to go against.

    Zintair aka Primetime - VR14 - Guild Leader and PvP Dept Leader
  • Yshaar
    @Dleatherus‌ : My great respect for your endeavors, posts and attitude. You are clearly a shining example for good community spirit.

    Just wanted to tell you and the Noore. I am playing Auriel's Bow on EU.
  • Dleatherus
    Yshaar wrote: »
    @Dleatherus‌ : My great respect for your endeavors, posts and attitude. You are clearly a shining example for good community spirit.

    Just wanted to tell you and the Noore. I am playing Auriel's Bow on EU.

    My name is Dleatherus and on behalf of all the members that make up our community of The Noore, I endorse this msg :)


    Edited by Dleatherus on May 15, 2014 9:01PM
    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • naatokb14_ESO
    There seems to be a lot of smack talk in MMO PvP in general, and the typical such in this forum discussion.
    I am new to the struggles on Skullcrusher, but I've made this my PvP home.
    Here is what I've learned thusfar:

    There is a huge presence on the North American megaserver Skullcrusher campaign of people from Australia. Now, I am certainly not one to try and tell other folks how to conduct their gaming, or where to conduct it. So that isn't my point. My point is, their timezone and thus, activity window, for the game is completely different from that of MOST other players on NA MS.

    If these guilds have any numbers whatsoever, they will dominate whatever campaign they focus on due to that fact alone.

    So in my opinion there are no bragging rights for AD domination of SC campaign. None. They can zerg when there is very little resistance, and it takes a decently organized zerg about 1 hour to secure most of the map when there is no numbers resistance from the other alliances.

    The fact that a temporary truce between under-populated alliances on Skullcrusher, with all the communication problems and misunderstandings (not to mention general asshattery on the part of a some "guests"), was able to accomplish what it did.....that carries some bragging rights. And I am not saying this simply because I'm not AD. It is pretty self-evidently truth.

    Two other things I will add.
    1. Zenimax has GOT to end this ridiculous inability for players to communicate across alliances within the game. Sure, we can talk smack and truce in forums outside the game. We can organize full sieges outside the game. But why should we have to? Because somebody is afraid their feelings might be hurt by spatial smack talk in game? IMO that falls under the category of /ignore.

    2. Zenimax also has GOT to fix this ridiculous vampire death bug. Every time a vamp respawns from death, either self-respawn to keep or resurrection by alliance comrade, ALL vampire passive abilities are DOWN. They don't work until you log out of the game and log back in. And sometimes it requires a full restart. Oh. For those not aware of this bug, who experience the bug, don't log out in stealth. It won't fix if you do.

    I make no claim to being a paragon of PvP. I am new to it in this game, and I am a bit reckless. So I die.....a lot. It is a fracking nightmare spending the time it takes to respawn, then log out and back in again (particularly if you have to kill and restart your client several times in a PvP session). It nearly makes PvP unplayable for those of us infected with vampirism.
    Edited by naatokb14_ESO on May 15, 2014 9:30PM
    "For what deem'st thou so dear thy blood, when through my veins it will flood?"
  • joshisanonymous
    Despite the fact that this was short lived and could potentially lead to more AD showing up and making their pushes even more relentless, I think it's pretty cool that it happened. Having something shake up the campaign for a moment is worthwhile.
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

  • Dleatherus
    Despite the fact that this was short lived and could potentially lead to more AD showing up and making their pushes even more relentless, I think it's pretty cool that it happened. Having something shake up the campaign for a moment is worthwhile.

    wholeheartedly agree!

    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • Talcyndl
    ralonasan wrote: »
    BUT! Let's try and hold the map instead running away next time...

    Lol. The only thing we ran away with was the EP scroll - back to our base. Although several members were asking us to drop it into the Imperial City given the way we were treated. :)

    We would have also had one of the AD scrolls, but unfortunately we couldn't pick it up because we hadn't secured the other scroll yet.
    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • Talcyndl
    I don't think many of us on the EP side will be revisiting Skullcrusher. The EP folks weren't very welcoming. :\

    Guessing you are talking about Alacrese (SP?) that flipped out in zone chat... That was unfortunate since the event was cool to watch unfold. Hopefully 1 person won't ruin your view of all the EP players on Skull Crusher.

    Not sure. We were having to rein in our members from responding and so I tried not to read too much of it myself...

    But it's all good. I just don't think it's very likely we will ask our members to take time away from our home campaign for another event like this.

    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • CMz
    Despite the fact that this was short lived and could potentially lead to more AD showing up and making their pushes even more relentless, I think it's pretty cool that it happened. Having something shake up the campaign for a moment is worthwhile.


  • CMz
    ralonasan wrote: »
    For the people ranting about how AD didn't muster up a large force to defend and they weren't worth fighting... that's the point of a coordinated timed attack.... We take everything quickly before they can defend it, then they push back.

    Exactly the point and very nicely done overall! Agree and agree about getting more passion around the inevitable defense that follows... Second the high fives!
  • ralonasan
    CMz wrote: »
    ralonasan wrote: »
    For the people ranting about how AD didn't muster up a large force to defend and they weren't worth fighting... that's the point of a coordinated timed attack.... We take everything quickly before they can defend it, then they push back.

    Exactly the point and very nicely done overall! Agree and agree about getting more passion around the inevitable defense that follows... Second the high fives!

    Appreciate it, people are mistaking AD not responding quickly enough to a stealth attack with AD not having numbers.

    @zintair While I appreciate you coming here to help us, I don't understand why you're responding in this way to me.

    If you want to face AD on this server at their fullest and most organized, try NOT using a strategy such as this and taking the map. It's much more difficult and you will see the number difference.

    If you don't want to guest here anymore that is your choice. Again, thanks for the help.
    The ESO Forum Common Complaint Checklist: ☑
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Sorcerers.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Nightblades.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Dragonknights.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Templars.
    ☐ THIS IS P2W!
    ☐ L2P n00b.
    ☐ Where is the LOL button??
    ☐ Fix PvP lag.
    ☐ LFG is full of scrubs.
    ☐ Natch Potes.
    ☐ Nerf Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
    ☐ Race Change ETA?
    ☐ Please add the Barber Shop!
    ☐ Why don't Trials scale?
    ☐ Working as intended.
    ☐ Why did you nerf/buff this?
    ☐ When will "thing" be added?
  • Cheapshot
    @Zintair‌ The whole point of the strategy was to catch them at their weakest time and population. DId they eventually pull some of their guys yes did it take longer than expected? Yes.

    I can't prove it to you without showing you all my videos but as I said my challenge is open for you to try it keep by keep. I am confident that you will not be able to do it and I am putting my money where my mouth is. If you can pull it off i'd pay you 1 million gold and stfu. I know for a fact you aren't so confident to put 1 million on the line. Are you"?
    Edited by Cheapshot on May 16, 2014 12:09AM
  • Froobert
    Yshaar wrote: »
    @Dleatherus‌ : My great respect for your endeavors, posts and attitude. You are clearly a shining example for good community spirit.

    Just wanted to tell you and the Noore. I am playing Auriel's Bow on EU.

    Thanks c: D does his very best for Noore and I highly respect that as one of his honorable members :D
    Froobert the Tank
    When In doubt, Bash it out! :)

    "Member of Noore"

  • Hoodster92_ESO
    Cheapshot wrote: »
    @Zintair‌ The whole point of the strategy was to catch them at their weakest time and population. DId they eventually pull some of their guys yes did it take longer than expected? Yes.

    I can't prove it to you without showing you all my videos but as I said my challenge is open for you to try it keep by keep. I am confident that you will not be able to do it and I am putting my money where my mouth is. If you can pull it off i'd pay you 1 million gold and stfu. I know for a fact you aren't so confident to put 1 million on the line. Are you"?

    You know for a fact huh? See that's the thing though.... Vokundein and @Zintair‌ dont need to prove this..... they already have on multiple occasions, So might as well give him that million gold just for the proof that is on the forums and be quiet. Look up the name Vokundein in the forums, and you will see its name on Goldbrand, Wabbajack, and even Auriels Bow competing in competitive PvP. There are quotes of tons of people who witnessed Vokundein help change the map from blue or yellow, to red or scroll capping multiple scrolls throughout the night.

    Vokundein has regular PvP nights, they don't pick them based upon the hours we know our enemies are not around, like some people. And when Vokundein fights they coordinate with people from the same faction, by either talking to them on the campaign or in the forums, something that would have required actual work then just seeking a DC faction looking to farm a quick emperor right from under your nose.

    So don't come up flaunting 1 million gold which you probably don't have, just so more people can do your work for you. Organize people and get people who are actually willing to work with you, or be quiet.

    Thank you AD, and the Noore for being very classy and continue the great work, its why you are winning SC.
  • Razour
    Thank you AD, and the Noore for being very classy

    Bosmer Nightblade
    Clothier 50 | Wood Worker 50 | Black Smith 50 | Provisioner 50 | Alchemist 50 | Enchanter 50
    ^^^ Now Recruiting ^^^

  • Zintair
    Cheapshot wrote: »
    @Zintair‌ The whole point of the strategy was to catch them at their weakest time and population. DId they eventually pull some of their guys yes did it take longer than expected? Yes.

    I can't prove it to you without showing you all my videos but as I said my challenge is open for you to try it keep by keep. I am confident that you will not be able to do it and I am putting my money where my mouth is. If you can pull it off i'd pay you 1 million gold and stfu. I know for a fact you aren't so confident to put 1 million on the line. Are you"?

    Listen, no one is critiquing or criticizing your plan. It was a good one (minus getting DC scum involved). We wanted to help because we enjoy giving EP a shot where there is nothing. That being said, your plan was executed near perfection and the Emperor was dethroned in ~ 30 minutes start to finish.

    That is impressive even for 2 factions. No one is claiming any different than this.


    The AD that responded was NOT what was claimed to be on the server. We left 9:45 almost 2 hours from start and AD had maybe 40-50 people. The Noore had maybe 8 people on?

    We just went back and forth wiping DC and AD at THEIR gate.

    While they were busy taking Blackboot and Farygyl back we could have easily captures Roebeck/Ash and Aleswell for Emperor.

    We ALREADY took Chalman, Arrius, Farygyl, Black Boot all with ease. (And I had my Scout Group start on BRK until you had DC show up.

    That is four keeps (possibly 5). Your telling me we couldn't take two more if we had a skeleton crew of natives to hold the rest?

    PS: I don't want your money, you "betting it" comes off as desperate TBH.

    Also I am unsure if Dleatherus was there or not but I bet if you ask those from The Noore that WERE there, they would know how very capable we were of doing JUST that.

    Edited by Zintair on May 16, 2014 5:09PM
    Zintair aka Primetime - VR14 - Guild Leader and PvP Dept Leader
  • Froobert
    I respect your comment and your open-mindedness towards other groups such as The Noore. Many comments are one-sided, but you make sure to deal with both problems at once and give great opinion on them.

    Thank you :o
    Edited by Froobert on May 16, 2014 5:14PM
    Froobert the Tank
    When In doubt, Bash it out! :)

    "Member of Noore"

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