Greenshade - The Witch of Silatar

Soul Shriven
I just wanted to point out that while I definitely enjoy this quest, it has a bit of a flaw in it. I was near the end of the "story" last night (I know it was near the end, because this was an alt). Something distracted me IRL, and I ended up being AFK long enough that the game logged me out.

That's when I discovered that if that happens, or if you in any other way leave the "story" before it's finished, the game resets the quest progress to the beginning, and the whole thing must be redone. It's not game-breaking, certainly, but it did stand out as annoying, particularly in a quest with so many "go here without your mount" and "listen to these dialogue scenes" objectives. I have no problem with either of those things, and they suited the quest well, but they just burn a bit when you have to go through it all again.

That's all I wanted, to say, I suppose. I mostly just wanted to vent, and if a dev happened to see this and put it in a list of things to fix, that'd be cool as well.
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