Where are all the magicka and stamina draining abilities? If there were ways to help whittle down a sorcs magicka to prevent him from inevitable escape or just bolting around you like a mad man until you die, OR could stop all those heavy armor and shield wielders who block and bash til win, MAYBE we wouldn't see as many people complaining about getting wrecked by such tactics.
While I recognize these are perfectly acceptable strategies, there needs to be better counters. I think that the addition of magicka and stamina draining abilities in some form accessible to players could greatly relieve this problem most face in pvp, which is roll heavy armor and shield bash and/or DK, or roll sorc, or lose.
I try to keep my personal frustrations out of this suggestion, however they're bound to surface so please excuse me for that, however I ask that in this discussion we merely look at the addition to draining spells in general, and how it relates to pvp and the current popular issues.
So, thoughts?
(edited for conciseness)
Edited by Thejollygreenone on May 14, 2014 6:27PM