I was thinking of throwing this one into my previous post, but I didn't want to overburden it with more ponderous questions.
This question deals with the allocation of abilities. I'm fascinated with using magic to promote the class skills of my templar character, but I'm also fascinated with using stamina to promote the weapon and armor skills of my character. Now that I'm past lvl 15 my 2 hotbars reflect that dual nature: 1 bar is lined up with the magic-based skills of templar class with destruction or restoration staff equipped; the other bar is equipped with stamina-based skills associated with 2-handed weapons. When I level up and I get a point to apply to my character's magic, stamina, and health abilities, I try to keep magic and stamina pretty equal, since I enjoy them both. However, (and here's the gist of my question) I have a sense that health should reign supreme, but I'm not sure how much higher the health should be than the associated abilities of magic and stamina. I'm finding myself keeping health about 2 points higher than magic and stamina, but I'm getting the uneasy feeling that this has been inadequate. So as a general rule, how much should be allocated to health in relation to the other 2 abilities, magic and stamina.
As a side note, I just recently watched a video which demonstrated a character build in which the player had put in 43 points for health, and 0 points for both stamina and magic, which I thought was somewhat extreme. But how do you tell?
Thanks in advance for any response.