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Predictions Of The Future

With the push back of the console release date I am actually hopeful that Zenimax and Bethesda just might actually fix all(and there are a ton of them) of the problems with this game. From playing the beta and seeing the PC release date I knew this game was going to be s**t on release. Even in beta the grouping function was sooo clunky, all the skill and animation problems, not to mention the major game glitches; all of this was far to much to overcome in the time they had. Then I saw the console release date and I was like a week after the console version hits the shelves this game is sooo going free to play. However now I feel that Zenimax has realized that in the state of gaming today no one is going to stick around for a game this riddled with problems and they may actually be trying to fix all the stuff they half-as*ed to begin with. Of course I could be wrong and Sony/Microsoft just said we don't want your game and they are simply squeezing every penny they can out of us before they announce the death of ESO hard to say. Any who I want to know what the other forum members think about the games future IE fixed/successful, fail, free to play, what do you predict?
  • ZiRM
    I predict Free to Play in the near future. Possibly on Steam also.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • dragnar12
    f2p f2p f2p and even wen its f2p i wont tutch this pile of junk
  • ShADoW0s
    Why are all the posts so dark about that game?? Its a good game, with just no endgame (Vet Ranks are not end game).

    I think if they fix questing, fix combat related stuff, and add a end game (other than VR), the game will do fine. There are not may games that have a combat as good as ESO.
  • mumok
    Sure it has its problems but I am enjoying the game. They will get these major issues fixed soon, its only been out a little over a month. I remember playing L2 during the first two months when there were random server restarts ever few hours. It could be worse.
  • rattbagrwb17_ESO
    I have to agree with ShADoWOs and mumok. This is a great game, and I seriously hope it never goes f2p.
    Yes it has a few bugs, and the interface is a bit clunky, but can you name a single MMO that wasn't buggy and clunky for the first few months?
    I've taken part in many, many, big launches, and in all honesty, this has been one of the better ones. The servers are quite stable, Zen have done a great job of sorting out quest bugs and exploits as quickly as possible, with minimal downtime and reboots. The game is great fun to play, the graphics are pretty, the world immersive and the crafting, lore and stories have depth. Zen will have my subscription for a long time yet.

    Ohh, and as a side note. No MMO has big end game content in month 1, nope, none, ever. If you are racing to the end game you are missing the point. Slow down, smell the roses, spend time on your professions, spend a few nights PvPing, plan events with guild mates, or just go on an adventure and look around this beautiful world. The end game content will come in time.
    Some of the best fun I've had in the last few weeks has been simply mounting up and looking around, watching a sunrise over the coast from a mountain, checking out a random cave etc. I'm nowhere near 50 on any of my characters yet, and in no hurry to get there.

    Making comments like the OP's statement "I knew this game was going to be s**t on release." only shows a lack of maturity. It contributes nothing to our community spirit, and contains no useful feedback for Zen to use improving the game. If you are not enjoying yourself, there are many other titles out there. Please go and play something else, we don't need your negative attitude here.
  • Sacklunch
    Well rattbagrwb17_ESO as a retort to your slander this is a positive post in which I say I think Zenimax will fix all the problems people are having before the console version launch. Also I would like to add that acknowledging and accepting faults is far more mature than simply denying they exist. If you buy a new car drive it off the lot and the engine blows up you don't just say "in all honesty, this has been one of the better ones" (at least I don't you might). Zenimax and Bethesda both are very huge companies well worth over a billion dollars and have been making games since the Atari. I expected more from them. This was there first MMO sure but not there first game and I will not lower my standards simply because MMO's in the past where bad at launch. That's the funny thing about the past your supposed to lean from it not simply repeat it.
  • Warriordeezy
    Soul Shriven
    To say that Microsoft and Sony do not want ESO on their systems is going out on a bit of a limb. Even if the game came out today, the release alone would make crazy revenue for both platforms. I hate to admit that the game does have it's fair share of bugs to work out, (FULL FAITH THEY WILL BE FIXED BY PLATFORM RELEASE) but that seems to be the trend for games these days. The fact that they pushed the platform release back was a good move on Zeni/Bethesda's part. This will give them much needed time to not only fix game flaws but also implement possible mods and in-game features that devoted fans like you and I have commented on. So keep feeding them constructive critism and hopefully our faith will be repaid in kind. Long live the emperor! Long live ESO!!!
  • Depechenova
    Never get released on steam imo, its another coin they wont want to share
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