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Templar needs some fixs

Alright we all know NB has tons of bugged skills..
Well since DK/Sorc are the top DPS classes ( Crystal shard crits of 900 with a casting of 1.3 which seems a lot faster then Dark flare for example that has 1.5 )

First off all, Dawn of wrath.. Almost all skills are useless except maybe Sun Fire ( Vamp bane or Refl light ) is decent, altough the DOT could be done in 5 seconds or so instead of 7.7 )

Dark flare its casting is to long, or let maybe because im playing EU the lag is to big to get huge dps from it.. The rest of Dawn of wrath is useless !! And actually Sun fire/Solar flare also because well it does not do good DPS.. ( Compared to Sorc crystal shard spam + surge )

* I use Dark flare + Vampires Bane, but its DPS is nowhere near the sorc crystal shard spam + surge DPS.. Dark flare casting seems WAY to long, Vampires bane does oke DMG with the DOT..

Aedric spear seems oke, but seems its build for tanks.. Biting jabs is actually the only good DPS skill in all the trees, but its DMG seems also lacking.. Instead of crit increase in 30% health on mobs or below should be DMG increase at least...

Spear shards, man this skill is next to Biting jabs the next best thing, it gives stamina to others.. AOE is really nice.. BUT next to these 2 skills the rest actually sucks balls AS DPS wise, Focused charge is a good skill, but more for PvP.. Piercing javelin is not a DPS skill, since it costs to much.. More also for PvP and lvling..

Now, people are say NB sucks, well Templar could use some tweaks also..
Im a healing templar normally, and for tanking/healing they are really nice.. Healing ritual/ Breath of life and the ultimate are the bomb..

My suggestions

- Dark flare 1.5 casting > 1.2 Casting
- Vampires bane > DOT should go to 5 seconds instead of 7.7 to at least make a difference to reflecting light
- Biting jabs, Instead that the skill gets critical rate increase on mobs under 30% make it DMG increase ( Dont know if it makes it OP or not but test this )
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I have not seem anyone else complaining about this , but does your eclipse(or morphs) skill bugs monsters like mine?

    For some reason most of the mobs i kill that i keep hitting with this , never "trully" die. The game counts a death for quests , but they dont fall or drop loot or nothing , they just stand there mid health.

    Also , for some reason , they hitting themselves seems to cause 0 damage , till they suddenly die mid health also lols. It appears the game only counts the damage i do to them.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Nickdorlandb16_ESO
    Dont even use eclipse, because well frankly i find it not rly usefull for my skillset ( Im a healer in dungeons )
  • Nidwin
    No idea Nox as I haven't used it. But this isn't the first time I've read about it so could be a bug or so.

    Your ideas seems reasonable.
    Nidwinqq Templar (healzzz) United Warhammer Vets
    Nidwinqq RR100 Magus till the end, R.I.P. Badlands
  • nephitis
    a question pls.
    how can 54*4 and a 25% chance of a procc for 173 be strong?

    I tested it with recount.
    i make the spear 4 times a row and nearly everytime it proccs 1 time maybe 2 times.

    at the same time when i make spear i can hit let me say 2 times with my shield and this makes 376*2 = 752 damage.
    two hits yeah?

    if i give in the spear in recount and just make the spear i come to maybe 160dps.
    if i make just shield spam i can make 420-550 dps

    so for boss fights the spear have also no use cause melee damage as a templar haha :D?
    You make 260 dps and a rogue 900 a sorcerer maybe 1000+

    as caster you have your spells and make 300 dps.
    don t know what i shall say more.
  • ThatHappyCat
    I have not seem anyone else complaining about this , but does your eclipse(or morphs) skill bugs monsters like mine?

    For some reason most of the mobs i kill that i keep hitting with this , never "trully" die. The game counts a death for quests , but they dont fall or drop loot or nothing , they just stand there mid health.

    Also , for some reason , they hitting themselves seems to cause 0 damage , till they suddenly die mid health also lols. It appears the game only counts the damage i do to them.

    I see this too. Caster NPCs seems to take no damage from Eclipse until they freeze for a few seconds and drop dead.

    The most pressing fix I want for the Templar is for Honour the Dead to do what it says it does, restoring magicka when healing targets that are below 50% health. I think most Templars rely on Rushed Ceremony for survivability, so if this morph works as advertised it would probably make life much easier for non-healer Templars.
    Edited by ThatHappyCat on May 15, 2014 12:07PM
  • Travail
    nephitis wrote: »
    a question pls.
    how can 54*4 and a 25% chance of a procc for 173 be strong?

    I tested it with recount.
    i make the spear 4 times a row and nearly everytime it proccs 1 time maybe 2 times.

    at the same time when i make spear i can hit let me say 2 times with my shield and this makes 376*2 = 752 damage.
    two hits yeah?

    if i give in the spear in recount and just make the spear i come to maybe 160dps.
    if i make just shield spam i can make 420-550 dps

    so for boss fights the spear have also no use cause melee damage as a templar haha :D?
    You make 260 dps and a rogue 900 a sorcerer maybe 1000+

    as caster you have your spells and make 300 dps.
    don t know what i shall say more.

    Biting Jabs is not 54 x 4. That might be what your tooltip reads (that's about what mine reads as well) but mine actually hits for over 100 per strike. Then on top of that, there's the passive that has a chance to hit on any and all of the strikes, I believe. That easily makes this our best AoE damage ability, and 2nd only to Backlash for single-target.

    The problem with Biting Jabs at the moment, as I see it, is it's channeled. Dungeons are a already pain in the butt for melee characters (relative to ranged) and spamming a melee channeled attack doesn't exactly make things easier.

    - Reduced movement speed for the duration of the channel makes it hard to walk out of AoE effects.
    - We have to interrupt the channel in order to block/dodge, which is a waste of resources.
    - We have less opportunities to animation cancel and work in white hits in-between abilities, which is how most specs generate their high dps.

    There's really no way to fix the fact that this is channeled, but I think they should allow us to move at full speed while channeling (all melee channels should allow you to move at full speed, IMO) and we should be able to block while channeling. Many other skills allow you to continue blocking through their animation. Biting Jabs doesn't, which means we often have to waste half of the attack interrupting it to block.

    As to what other dps skills we have, Backlash is probably the best single-target attack in the entire game (in a group setting), an both morphs of Sun Fire deal decent damage, as well (and because both of those are Dawn's Wrath abilities, they both generate additional ultimate on use, which is a nice bonus.) Dark Flare and Solar Barrage end up getting a little costly in a boss fight, but both are good skills to use in PvP, where you are looking for burst damage.

    The problem isn't so much with our skills, it's with our resource management. If we had access to a crazy magicka battery like Dark Exchange, we'd be right up there with the other classes. Not that we need something quite that powerful, but we do need something more than just our passive regen and the set bonuses everyone else has access to.

  • nephitis

    Ok your right but look at my damage meter you see the passiv really dont procc often..... so this spell still makes not enough damage also the manacost are high
    Edited by nephitis on May 15, 2014 2:09PM
  • Cheatingdeath23
    As a templar, I haven't touched the Aedric Spear line. I've been stuck with the fireball attack and the first heal the most, those are always on my skill bar, but haven't found any others that are that great.
  • Aaren
    As a templar, I haven't touched the Aedric Spear line. I've been stuck with the fireball attack and the first heal the most, those are always on my skill bar, but haven't found any others that are that great.
    You are missing out on a great AoE skill in biting jabs, and an amazing single target CC in binding javelin. Both of those are better for leveling than group content, but they are well worth the skill points and spot on your leveling build (biting jabs obviously only if you play some kind of melee). Luminous shards is has a great synergy and is a good way to give back to a group when you are in a situation that you have extra resources. Blazing shield works decently in some pvp builds, though I don't like it for PvE much. The charge is kinda broken 'cause it ends up facing you the wrong way more often than not. 4/5 isn't bad though.

    The rest of Dawn of wrath is useless !!
    There are some amazing abilities in that tree... OP mentioned dark flare (solar barrage is great w/ radial sweep), and vampire's bane. Power of the light is incredible damage when in a group situation. It caps at something like 1500 damage. That's insane. Eclipse (I like the unstable core morph), while incredibly situational absolutely trivializes any encounter that it can be used on. Blinding Light is kinda meh. 4/5 again.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    The templars skill i used the most to get to vet6 are:

    Any weapon:
    Bitting jabs.

    Healing staff (i use to kill single enemies be it bosses or not , it is really handy to keep my mana up.)
    Biding Javelin.
    Unstable Core.
    Honor the Dead (honestly , not the best morph i think , but im not paying the respec cost :P)
    Repentance (to save mana on heals after fights)

    Out of these , i pick skills from other tree lines usually.

    Oh , this is what i use to solo PvE btw , not dungeons...
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Capicorp
    Soul Shriven
    Blinding Flashes is a really great skill for melee templars. 3 flashes over 4 seconds that each have a 50% chance to blind and off-balance all enemies near you for 4.8 seconds is good CC and you get +500 spell resist from the your passive.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Yes, I think across the board there are just a lot of skills in general that need fixing/tweaking.
    One such skill for us Templars is: Backlash. It's a great skill, just a shame that it hardly actually ever works.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Travail
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Yes, I think across the board there are just a lot of skills in general that need fixing/tweaking.
    One such skill for us Templars is: Backlash. It's a great skill, just a shame that it hardly actually ever works.

    Are you sure you're using it correctly? I've never had it "not work", unless I'm spamming without interruption.

    If you spam it, every 3rd hit or so misses for some reason. No one quite knows why (probably an internal cooldown on the debuff) but I've found it's best to use an ability in between each cast, so you're applying it every 3 seconds or so. If you do that, it should hit every single time.

  • Nickdorlandb16_ESO
    Well i got Darkflare, which is nice if you spam it with 1 normal attack with flame/resto staff in between

    Backslash if never used it, might equip it then to try it out once
    Biting jabs feels like the only real good skill.. with Darkflare maybe..
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Capicorp wrote: »
    Blinding Flashes is a really great skill for melee templars. 3 flashes over 4 seconds that each have a 50% chance to blind and off-balance all enemies near you for 4.8 seconds is good CC and you get +500 spell resist from the your passive.

    Yeah, I don't get why people think this skill is weak, it's stronger compared to any AoE blinding skills and it puts ennemies off-balance, increasing the damage done and knocking them down with the next heavy attack. (+ it stacks with ember explosion). And that's without even mentioning the synergy with Illuminate passive.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on May 19, 2014 11:19AM
  • Nickdorlandb16_ESO
    Capicorp wrote: »
    Blinding Flashes is a really great skill for melee templars. 3 flashes over 4 seconds that each have a 50% chance to blind and off-balance all enemies near you for 4.8 seconds is good CC and you get +500 spell resist from the your passive.

    Yeah, I don't get why people think this skill is weak, it's stronger compared to any AoE blinding skills and it puts ennemies off-balance, increasing the damage done and knocking them down with the next heavy attack. (+ it stacks with ember explosion). And that's without even mentioning the synergy with Illuminate passive.

    Ye except it bugs since the first time i got the skill and respect, it says i learned it, but cant use it..
  • Travail
    Well i got Darkflare, which is nice if you spam it with 1 normal attack with flame/resto staff in between

    Backslash if never used it, might equip it then to try it out once
    Biting jabs feels like the only real good skill.. with Darkflare maybe..

    I believe our best sustained, single-target DPS skills are, in order:

    1. Backlash (assuming the target will live a full 7.2 seconds)
    2. Biting Jabs
    3. Puncturing Sweep
    4. Vampire's Bane
    5. Reflective Light
    6. Solar Barrage
    7. Dark Flare
    8. Blazing Spear
    9. Luminous Shards
    10. Aurora Javelin
    11. Binding Javelin

    Something like that, anyway. Not sure if Puncturing Sweep beats out Vamp's Bane for single-target damage, but I imagine the Burning Light passive allows it to stay ahead. I also didn't include the charge attack from the spear line. Not sure where it falls in, but I doubt it's worth using as part of a dps rotation (it's better to use for burst damage in Cyrodiil, IMO.)

    I'd classify everything down to Dark Flare on that list as "good" dps skills, with Backlash and Biting Jabs being "great" dps skills. The final 4 abilities deal only average damage, but their primary function is support as opposed to direct damage, anyway.

  • Nickdorlandb16_ESO
    Got to say, thx to this post i found out about how good backslash is... thx :) Its indeed very good on bosses !
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