When are vampire passives going to be fixed?

You nerfed their skills but didn't fix the broken passives that are lost when you die?

Is that really the ideal way to treat paying customers? By not fixing stuff that has been broken literally since day 1?

Meanwhile nerfing it into the ground?

I get that the casuals want you to ban bots and gold spammers but I think everyone of your paying customers probably wants to not have to log out everytime they get zerged down in PvP lol I mean wtf.
  • Grao
    Archive your question together with mine "When will Leader of the Pack, Pounce and Roar be fixed?" And with my friends "When will I be able to use the 50% of my nightblade skills that do nothing but eat up stamina and Magika?"

    The answer is "We don't know" and the reason is "Because ZOS doesn't answers".

    -An angry werewolf.
    Edited by Grao on May 13, 2014 2:08AM
  • Ifthir_ESO
  • killedbyping
    Main prob is, that not only Vampire passives are broken. You become TOTALLY broken by beeing vampire at all.
    For example, your Stamina regen contsntly become 0 for no reason.
  • Blackrim
    I'm aware they are broken you just have to be patient they have a lot of things they are trying to accomplish along with loads of people they are trying to satisfy. give them time.
  • Memnock
    @ Blackrim I am sorry but the vampire stuff was brought up since before the game actually launched , a number of Beta Testers brought the bugs up on the beta servers and they ended up in the live game. A game that is already a month old , so you really have no valid argument with regards to them not having enough time. Since the bugs were there before the game launched.

    I don't know if the werewolf and NB stuff was in beta as well or not , but i would not be suprized to hear that they were as well.

    As a last note , the beta that i am talking about is the closed beta , the one that only a select few got to play on , and that received all the patches and fixes and so on , soo... yeah... they more than enough time to investigate and fixed stuff.

    The only thing that i can say at this point is that they released a game that was nowhere near close to being ready , if they are struggling so much now. I am subbed for another month because i am curious to see what 1.1 brings to the game in terms of fixes and balance and if i am not satisfied , i will unsub and simply wait for a couple of months before i try the game again. Maybe in December the game will be polished enough to be actually decent and by that time the devs will have had enough time to gain some experiance with how a MMO should be managed as well.
  • Psychotius
    As the fix for passives is currently live on the PTS server, I would imagine that it will be patched with the release of Craglorn. Assuming that it doesn't fail in testing that is.
    I'm not as am as you drunk I think.
  • methjester
    Blackrim wrote: »
    I'm aware they are broken you just have to be patient they have a lot of things they are trying to accomplish along with loads of people they are trying to satisfy. give them time.

    Patience? By the time they get around to fixing basic stuff there won't be anyone left. Crap like this killed Vanguard. Great game, great concept, but too many bugs and broken things drove players away.
  • Zhoyzu
    Main prob is, that not only Vampire passives are broken. You become TOTALLY broken by beeing vampire at all.
    For example, your Stamina regen contsntly become 0 for no reason.

    you become totally broken as a werewolf as soon as you walk out of the hunting grounds

    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • gnostici
    1. Enter Cyrodiil with vamp now nerfed because one class could be OP with it.
    2. Die, lose all passives.
    3. Try to relog to get passives back, spend an hour trying to get back in.

    As a vamp nightblade, the only reason I haven't gotten cured yet is that I've had vamp since day 3 and maybe that will mean something eventually. But this is a pain in the butt. Doing PvP as a vamp is intentionally debuffing yourself, since all the benefits of it are gone with the first death. You just trade your fire resist and take a penalty to fighter's guild abilities in exchange for a mediocre ultimate.

    I advise new players and people who haven't gone vamp yet not to. It's not worth it at all unless you only PvE or you're hoping that foreshadowing about getting stronger with more people bitten will ever mean something. And even in PvE, everything and its cousin uses fire abilities, so it's just a way to gimp yourself until they finally fix it.

    Sadly, no vanilla Elder Scrolls game has ever done vampires right. They're always broken, incomplete, and/or lame. It's sad that ESO has continued that tradition.
    Edited by gnostici on May 18, 2014 1:26AM
  • gnostici
    Update: 45 minute loading screen of death to get passives back, only to be immediately zerged to death again as soon as I get back in. This has me ready to cancel.
  • Memnock
    Just a small update in case you guys were curious :P The Craglorn patch didn't do anything to fix the passives and the feeding stage bug. You die , you loose all the bonuses and the cost of the skills is reset to stage 1 cost.

    @gnostici I think i will do the same :( After this month runs out i will unsub and let the devs do some work on the damn game , maybe in 4-5 months its going to get better , which i really hope it does because i really liked the idea of playing a MMO in the TES universe , but with all the bugs and glitches , lag in Cyrodill and now with the added fun of surprise rollbacks and launcher memory leaks , i only get the feeling that the game is unfinished and it should have had its launch date pushed back for another 6 months to work out all the kinks
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Well, at least Supernatural Regen and dark stalker stay after you die....

    I noticed reduced cost of vamp skills not working, at all.
  • Khazaad
    Memnock wrote: »
    .. i will unsub and simply wait for a couple of months before i try the game again. Maybe in December the game will be polished enough to be actually decent and by that time the devs will have had enough time to gain some experiance with how a MMO should be managed as well.

    @Memnock‌ Making a choice like this is far too mature and rational for a gaming community prone to incessant tantrums and egocentrism.

    I give you credit for the wording; it is a perfectly reasonable and unemotional suggestion for the irrevocably dissatisfied.

  • Memnock
    True Supernatural Recovery works as intended ,but for the Dark Stalker one, i have to say that from what i observed , it works when it wants to , i mean , sometimes the speed boost while sneaking works , and for some reason 2 minutes after that , when i decide to sneak again , it doesn't , it works in caves though, so its just outside that is making the skill behave like that , at least from what I've seen, maybe for other players this doesn't happen.

    @Khazaad I find it counterproductive to stay mad and frustrated for a long time , especially since there is not real way to influence a company's way of thinking and managing the game , other than providing the feedback that you feel necessary for the game's benefit and by taking a leave of absence from the game to show that you are not satisfied with the approach they are taking towards managing their product. Also the time and energy spent of raging on the forums is better spent on other games and doing something else IRL , while monitoring the game from the outside and maybe coming back to it if you it starts peaking your interest again , because of the changes they made.
  • Lepratul
    Soul Shriven
    Passive "Undeat" armor not working, if i relog/log off or change map by teleport/shrine Vampire stage 2-4 stop give discount to vampire ability mana/ulti. And last thing vampire Poison mist dont tick as intended he tick only three times not eight times. I miss 5 tick of damage from this spell.
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