My Suggestions- Game Issues

Soul Shriven

I would like to start off saying that I’ve been playing MMO’s for quite a while now. I feel like I have a good understanding what core functions they need to stay healthy. As of right now I would definitely like to see ESO improved in certain aspects. If some of these things do not happen soon, I feel the game will undoubtedly go free to play with micro transactions. After saying that, I do actually really like this game. I have always loved the Elder Scroll games ever since Morrowind. I hope Zenimax can do what it takes to game this game more successful.

Issue of Movement and Fluid Ability Use

This is probably my one biggest issue right now with ESO. The movement is very unresponsive and as well as the abilities. The character movement in general is just not so smooth. I also play on the NA server, and I’ve heard the EU is even worse. Half of the time I don’t expect abilities to work. I don’t know if it is animation problems or lag, but it has bothered me ever since level 1. Every other game I have played I get around 50 latency or ms and do not have this problem.

Basically I move with almost exclusively with my mouse. This has become a decently popular way to play MMO’s. The only thing I still have on the keyboard is backpedaling because I don’t use it often and of course all my keyboard key binds for abilities ect. Except for in this game, for some reason backpedaling lets you move at full speed which I find atrocious. This is why you strafe, so you can still move at full speed but you can still kite. I also don’t find that strafing is very smooth while in transition with moving forward, and doesn’t seem to work at all with backpedaling.

The other issue I have is when I run with my mouse, if I have an alternate key bind to move forward, it cancels the move on key press and I then have to press either the main or alternate key/mouse to move again. Basically this causes unnecessary stopping in movement. I have never experienced this in any other game.

Then I have that random auto run problem that happens every time I’m moving while going into a game menu and continues to auto run after until I manually press the bind again. It also happens randomly in combat. This causes me to furiously strafe if I was in melee range around my target to keep facing him in order to do damage, or just kills me if I use my bow.

Also, the horse. I hate my horse to be honest. The moment I bought my 43,000 horse and rode it around for a while I instantly regretted it due to horrible movement and chunkiness that damn horse brought. It isn’t fast enough even at 65% percent speed to be worth it most of the time.

Weapon Swapping

I played Guild Wars 2 and I did like the game, but this is when I learned weapon swapping was something that cancels depths and adds unreliability compared to just having all the abilities on one bar and having the weapons change depending upon range. However this would not work in ESO. While it is interesting from certain standpoints, it creates problems, especially in ESO where things are unresponsive. I could see this mechanic working and becoming solid, but it would definitely need some work. Basically I’m scared to weapon swap right now in fear of dying while in combat.

I saw a post saying that it is not realistic to swap your weapons instantly. While I understand that post, neither can you run with heavy armor as fast as light armor, so the whole realism argument is a bit silly. This is game, not real life. People can argue forever about this topic, but the bottom line is what makes for better gameplay? The winner is obvious.

The weapon swapping just needs to be very quick and precise, and if Zenimax does not want that in fear of it being abusive because of how fast the swapping is, then add a short CD on weapon swapping. I’m talking like 2 or 3 seconds possibly. That would be much nicer than some animation delay that varies from time to time to swap. This would also solve the issue of where your swapping get swapped back to the weapon you were on previously.

If this was fixed then I would not feel the need to keep several abilities on both weapon bars. I would LOVE to use ten different abilities. Although that still does not solve the issue of having two different ultimate’s, but I wouldn’t say that is much of a big deal.

Another issue semi-related is you need your weapon drawn before an ability goes off which is very irritating. This is another animation problem which seems to be the core issue of what things are unresponsive.

Weapon Abilities

As of right now weapon abilities are very lackluster compared to class abilities. I would like to see weapon abilities become stronger in comparison from how they are now. I play a Nightblade, and right now out of ten abilities, I have three that are weapon abilities, and I’m thinking of removing one or possibly two because the class abilities are flat out better for Nightblades anyways. I’m using Bow/Dual wield to clarify. My friend that is a Nightblade and he only uses Draining Shot on his bow bar; everything else is class abilities as well. So what is stamina for, just for blocking, sprinting, and rolling? That seems weird to me. Personally that’s the only reason I keep the weapon abilities on my bar is to use stamina. I can’t speak for other classes though since I don’t have experience with them.


Right how the PvP is limited to big zergs and wanderes. In my experience, no one likes big zergs or siege battles after they’ve experienced this once. That’s one thing I never understand. Why a person wants these huge battles, and sure they sound epic. Realistically has anyone ever had fun where they have slight fps drops with god computers, along dots killing you repeatedly while you see multiple players on your screen and things are randomly dying and you have no clue why? What about the time you spend hitting a siege or wall for 10 minutes to break it down?

This game needs more forms of PvP, and people will say go off on their “WoW clone” tangents, but battleground style/arena is essential for any game that wants players to be primarily interested in PvP. We all are competitive as human beings, and these will provide that sensation. Of course some games pull this off better than others, but I really wish every other MMO would base their battleground and arenas from WoW’s. We have to be honest here, that’s one reason why WoW did so well.

Overall I could see PvP being really awesome if they added some additional modes of

API Restrictions and Limited UI functionality

I know this is where I will have naysayers, but having restrictive UI functionality is ridiculous. I do understand that people want “raw” fighting, and clean Elder Scroll UI’s that remind them of Skyrim, but this isn’t a single player Elder Scrolls Game. While it may be and Elder Scrolls game before an MMO, the secondary variable here is indeed the dreadful MMO title that so many Elder Scroll fans seem to be so hateful towards.

I’ll start with the default UI. The default UI is probably one of the worst I have experience in an MMO. The health bars are hard to pay attention to, and are far spread from your resource bars. There no valuable information such as combat damage, buffs debuffs, and cast bars. It does keep true to Elder Scrolls, but will never work for long in ESO. I do believe if you want the clean Elder Scrolls UI, then you should have it though. Morrowind had buffs on the interface and that game was OLD, like before buffs were normally in games at all. So would it really be that bad if ESO had an option for this by default? Afterall, were not playing Skyrim Online: the Interface Edition.

Another big thing is not seeing other people’s stamina and magicka bars. From a PvE standpoint, it helps you understand when to assist your team. For PvP, it helps you understand how to take advantage of the fight when you couldn’t otherwise, adding depth. There is no visual when a player is low on stamina or magicka; I could make a realism argument here about stamina. The player may be defenseless without magicka, so that is when you know to use X ability. It would be an interesting feature to have.

Now as for examples of why you will need buffs/debuffs, cast bars. When all of us start ESO raiding we will have X amount of people in a raid, there will be a lot going on. The boss will require interruption in 2 seconds or sooner in random successions. The boss will start swinging his hands that aren’t much bigger that yours to the sides when there are 5 melee swinging the arms all around the target with all sorts of animations flying across the screen. If there is no interruption, then everyone dies. Would it be fun to fight that boss? Also keep in mind that this is a very simple mechanic and things would get way more hectic with complex mechanics. I don’t see how unless we have cast bars than certain content would be possible unless they plan to make content extremely easy.

An individual’s UI should be their choice. If you would like to play “raw” then do it, but for those of us who would like to be competitive then we should have the option to optimize the UI, and see elements that are essential to competitive combat without causing extreme eyestrain because of too much going on (raids).


I’m not going to say much here except that the reason that WoW did so well is because it had exceptional endgame PvP/PvE content. This and the expansions are the sole reasons why it has the enormous player base and still has a subscription fee. This shows how well the game has done despite of all the people that hate on it.

It’s hard for me to picture ESO with good endgame, although I hope they prove me wrong. If Zenimax can pull of good endgame even without fixing anything else besides bugs then they will be in good shape.

The Megaserver

I honestly think this Megaserver thing was a silly idea. How will everyone fit? Will certain places be too busy? Will characters experience phasing from other players? I would really love to see channels within the server similar to how Aion had their game. Basically they had something like 5 channels within the server and you could switch each one with fresh monsters (usually), and players that were currently in that channel. I would absolutely love that feature. You would a option more so to feel like solo dungeons are actually “solo” instead of, “hey, let’s see if I can even get a single hit off the enemy before it dies” in every single monster group in the dungeon. I do like that I can play with anyone that has the game though.


This isn’t a big thing; I know they are actively trying to fix this. It would have been nice to delay this release to counter all these bugs though. It would make having to log out for every bugged quest nice. Again though, not a deal breaker, they’ll eventually fix this.


In my closing I would like to say I REALLY hope this game does change for the best. These again are all my opinions, and I expect others to disagree; however, I strongly believe that if Zenimax wants to do well, they will have to change some things up. I want to play ESO; I don’t really want to play Wildstar or WoW when Warlords of Draenor comes out. The bottom line is that ESO may just die out, and I would really be disappointed. I wish luck to Zenimax and their decisions and as well as all you player’s whether you agree with me or not.
Edited by Donce88 on May 12, 2014 10:37PM
  • Munku
    Lol. After you've played a seige once...people don't like it? How is it that you know how I feel? How do you know how "most" feel?
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Next time, break the Prozac in half.
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • blueline
    You will probably get a lot of insults for posting such a lengthy list of opinions and insights, but kudos to you for a (mostly) readable and cohesive criticism of issues you have experiened in-game. I only say "mostly readable" due to a few sentences (in an otherwise decently and constructively presented essay) that are somewhat nonsensical and simply run on without adding much to your points.

    While I respect your main points, my few critical responses are regarding first: the areas where you use blanket statements such as, "most players," or allude to your opinions as being shared by some majority. Secondly, your opening paragraph contains the ultimatum, "If some of these things do not happen soon, I feel the game will undoubtedly go free to play with micro transactions." Third, you draw a number of parallels to other MMO games, particularly WoW, and features those games have/had you would like to see in ESO.

    These three areas are what will ultimately make your essay fail for most people who read iit. Your perfectly valid opinions on ESO are obviously based on your observations and experiences and should stand on their own without interjecting the very tiresome and well beaten psuedo-axioms of "make ESO like game X and game Y, everyone wants it that way, and if you don't, ESO is doomed."

    Please don't mistake my response as overly critical - I applaud your effort towards presenting your opinions in a refreshingly non hate filled manner, using punctuation, appropriate uppercase letters, headers and paragraphs and a relatively logical progression of thoughts. The parallels, the ultimatum and the blanket statements just don't add anything intelligent to your arguments, and in fact, will only serve to cause potential negative responses (I can say "in fact" because there's already a few negative responses).

  • Audigy
    I disagree with almost everything the OP said and I believe he doesn't want to play ESO, but World of Warcraft with better graphics.

    As a person who went from WoW Alpha until Panda´s I saw every game mechanic changed over the years, often with a very negative outcome to the MMO franchise.

    Lets check the fact´s here:


    You claim that Arena was good for PvP. This however isn't true. PvP at Vanilla with open world and later Battlegrounds like AV was much more successful than Arena ever was with all its win trading and fake pvp.

    Once at WoW, each server had a team / guild to beat. I remember how my BG team was challenged for quite some time by the best guilds on our server. Everyone wanted to beat us, it was about prestige and honor. Besides that several pvp guilds kept attacking cities, day after day.

    After all was this how the first Rank 14 were made, by world pvp! If you then saw a high ranked player in the open world, people were afraid to attack him or her!

    You also dismiss the fact, that open world pvp in Vanilla was for a whole server community. Everyone raided or defended Tarrens Mill, Southshore, Xroads, Stormwind, Ironforge or Ashenvale. It was a daily procedure that brought loads of people together and people made friends and foe´s.

    With the BG´s introduced this changed slightly, but not totally. One of the reasons was the tight server community that already existed. A community that knew every single player and often met after a game at ICQ to arrange a small open world fight.

    This however is not possible at ESO. We do have Megaservers with maybe 2 million players and a queue system. If you now add a BG system, people will fight anonymous players and never be able to arrange battles and world pvp would die slowly.
    Right now we do have several open world area´s at Cyrodil - I am sure there are already foe´s & friends in every single one. People will recognize each other, as there is a 90 day schedule on them.

    Isnt this much better than having a queue button to press, just ending up with players you never see again?

    DAOC while it had "battlegrounds" - these were not small but huge like massive Alterac Valley´s with quest hubs and a castle to claim. Never ending fights, where the favor could switch every minute.
    This is PvP in an MMO; a battle that never ends. No Arena or small scale BG will ever achieve this.

    Besides that DAOC had that huge RvR system and DAOC is considered to be one of the best PvP MMO´s up to date. So why should ZO copy WoW´s model, if it failed and dismiss theirs that is very close to the most successful PvP based MMO in history?


    Again you claim that World of Warcraft´s "Endgame" is good, while it isn't anymore. Not only is the difficulty level way to low, no! You also farm the same raid for several months from LFR to HC without any real change in play. Players at WoW burn out, did you see the subs in EU and NA lately? Maybe 2-3 Million, this is shocking if you consider that wow once had about 9 Million in both area´s together!

    Many of the Raids and Dungeons have zero lore functions, they are just there like they fell from the sky to give players loot. It works for Asians, but the rest of the world sure wants some more depth in their game I think.

    WoW Endgame at Vanilla and TBC was ace no doubt about this, you had a real progress there and every Raid had the same hardcore difficulty level.

    When we killed Cthun as one of the first in Europe, then this was something special as hardly anyone did it before and after us. Today everyone kills the end boss of wow within hours after release.

    Besides that, the whole progress from the quest hubs, to the dungeons and then the raid (SSC, MC & BWL, TK ...) are good examples how players could progress once at WoW. It was a steady progress over months, you really played new content every day until you ended up at the final boss like Vashj, Kael etc.

    While I cant invest that much time anymore, I still felt that something like this was good back in the days and could work as well today, if adjustments were made.

    Adjustments in that way, that those who don't raid also have an Endgame after they finished the quest´s that lead to a raid.
    Lets face it, WoW right now has only dungeons and raids for premades - nothing else. If you now cant form a premade, what will you do? Right, you do nothing except pet battles... But if someone wanted to do pet battles, don't you think that person would play Pokémon Online then?

    PvE is not only about raiding, its about Char progression past max level, its about new story lines, learning new craft´s ...

    Eso is on a good way there right now, it would be absolutely wrong if they now do the Blizzard and forget about anything lore and quest related so they can throw a new raid at us every 5 months, a raid that only 5% will ever see.

    World of Warcraft favors a very specific type of player, I call them the dungeon dweller. Someone who likes to stand in a town and press "queue". But this is definitely not a good example for a successful MMO, especially if you consider the subs at EU and NA for WoW. They are as low as never before right now and ESO is for EU and NA players, so pulling the Blizzard would be the worst decision ZO could do.

    Don't get me wrong, I can understand why players might like wow´s pvp and pve. Its quick, its easy and for a specific type of player pretty much the optimal way of playing. But ESO has a totally different type of player in mind, someone who goes out in the world, fights for a big keep, explores caves, craft´s nice things, reads lore books ...
    You just cant compare this type of player with the general audience of World of Warcraft. Wildstar is more suited for a WoW fan in my opinion.

    In the end you need to accept that ESO doesn't favor your type of player, look WoW doesn't favor mine either anymore. I moved on and you might should do so as well. We players have the free choice to play the MMO that we feel is best, so no need to turn an already existing MMO into one that replaces your favorite MMO that just takes a break until WOD.
    Edited by Audigy on May 13, 2014 8:04AM
  • frwinters_ESO
    I didn't even read most of them cause its way to long. Anyone who wants to post there insights to the game is actually meaningless. Oh and i saw WoW mentioned so anyone who has to compare the game to WoW is just a WoW fanboy.
  • jdandrews108b14_ESO
    Although I agree with all of your opinions here, PvP stood out the most.

    Do people really feel like they are contributing in any way other than simply being a number in the zerg?
    Don't want to join the zerg, good look doing anything to stop the opponents zerg.
    The reason large scale battles sound awesome is because of the stand offish nature that a large scale battle should bring, but without the fear of actual death (i.e. any type of consequence) people don't care what happens and you get a slurry of AoE attacks and dots that no healer in the game can save you from.
    Small scale PvP is what promotes competition and skill trials the best IMO.
    I know that it is an mmo meant to be played with many people, but the average Joe Smoe doesn't want to log in and join "the ranks of the masses unnumbered".

    Maybe give it a death debuff timer. Dying in PvP would reduce your effective stats a level or 2, and a killing blow would reverse the effect.
    Nothing break's immersion more than seeing 10+ allies leap to their death because they don't want to walk around the castle wall, or simply dying so they don't have to run back to the keep. If they want battles of grand proportions, they need to slow down the flow of combat.
  • frwinters_ESO
    When you are in PvP with your guild, we all feel like we contribute. Target is called, orders given, people follow them, the enemy dies or we die and learn. PvP for thsi game is designed for group play, large scale combat. Siege weapons, armies rolling over other armies. Smaller skirmishes do exist. Taking resources, defending resources, it does happen. Bottom line, when it comes to PvP in ESO its deigned for large scale. If that is not your cup of tea, then so be it. Don't PvP. there are plenty of other games out there that cater to small scale PvP.
  • jdandrews108b14_ESO
    When you are in PvP with your guild, we all feel like we contribute. Target is called, orders given, people follow them, the enemy dies or we die and learn. PvP for thsi game is designed for group play, large scale combat. Siege weapons, armies rolling over other armies. Smaller skirmishes do exist. Taking resources, defending resources, it does happen. Bottom line, when it comes to PvP in ESO its deigned for large scale. If that is not your cup of tea, then so be it. Don't PvP. there are plenty of other games out there that cater to small scale PvP.

    I understand that it wants to make people use large scale tactics and battle strategy, but if you left your guild and they put any other person in your spot, the battle most likely would not have been any different.
    You were a number, a number that happened to be "better" than the opponents.
    PvP has very, very little bearing on the type of character your building, and large scale battles almost entirely rule out stealth play as I very rarely see any opponents alone (or in a group small enough to "gank").
    If I want to provide any kind of assistance in capturing a keep I either need to slot AoE attacks (which the Nightblade has very little) or stay behind the zerg and hope I get a swing in before the enemies turn and run or all die.
  • Donce88
    Soul Shriven
    blueline wrote: »
    You will probably get a lot of insults for posting such a lengthy list of opinions and insights, but kudos to you for a (mostly) readable and cohesive criticism of issues you have experiened in-game. I only say "mostly readable" due to a few sentences (in an otherwise decently and constructively presented essay) that are somewhat nonsensical and simply run on without adding much to your points.

    While I respect your main points, my few critical responses are regarding first: the areas where you use blanket statements such as, "most players," or allude to your opinions as being shared by some majority. Secondly, your opening paragraph contains the ultimatum, "If some of these things do not happen soon, I feel the game will undoubtedly go free to play with micro transactions." Third, you draw a number of parallels to other MMO games, particularly WoW, and features those games have/had you would like to see in ESO.

    I'm pretty sure that was the only section I mentioned WoW was the PVP besides the closing. I don't believe that ESO has to be just like WoW in these respects, but rather just having more options than big zergs or searching for hours just to find a few small battle matches.

    These three areas are what will ultimately make your essay fail for most people who read iit. Your perfectly valid opinions on ESO are obviously based on your observations and experiences and should stand on their own without interjecting the very tiresome and well beaten psuedo-axioms of "make ESO like game X and game Y, everyone wants it that way, and if you don't, ESO is doomed."

    I see your point, of course a game will not be doomed if it's not like game X or Y like you say. There are some features I believe a game must have to strive though.

    Please don't mistake my response as overly critical - I applaud your effort towards presenting your opinions in a refreshingly non hate filled manner, using punctuation, appropriate uppercase letters, headers and paragraphs and a relatively logical progression of thoughts. The parallels, the ultimatum and the blanket statements just don't add anything intelligent to your arguments, and in fact, will only serve to cause potential negative responses (I can say "in fact" because there's already a few negative responses).

    I appreciate your honesty!
    Edited by Donce88 on May 15, 2014 1:28AM
  • Donce88
    Soul Shriven
    Munku wrote: »
    Lol. After you've played a seige once...people don't like it? How is it that you know how I feel? How do you know how "most" feel?

    This could have been written in a better manner, but from everyone I've ever played with has not liked large scale siege type battles. Not one single person. I do understand "my friends" or the "people I play with" don't account for everyone. This is just my experience and opinion. I would simply like more options for PvP.
  • Donce88
    Soul Shriven
    Audigy wrote: »
    I disagree with almost everything the OP said and I believe he doesn't want to play ESO, but World of Warcraft with better graphics.

    As a person who went from WoW Alpha until Panda´s I saw every game mechanic changed over the years, often with a very negative outcome to the MMO franchise.

    I can definitely say the graphics is not the problem with WoW; better graphics wouldn't make me go back to that game. I agree very much so that WoW has gone down though.

    Lets check the fact´s here:


    You claim that Arena was good for PvP. This however isn't true. PvP at Vanilla with open world and later Battlegrounds like AV was much more successful than Arena ever was with all its win trading and fake pvp.

    Once at WoW, each server had a team / guild to beat. I remember how my BG team was challenged for quite some time by the best guilds on our server. Everyone wanted to beat us, it was about prestige and honor. Besides that several pvp guilds kept attacking cities, day after day.

    After all was this how the first Rank 14 were made, by world pvp! If you then saw a high ranked player in the open world, people were afraid to attack him or her!

    You also dismiss the fact, that open world pvp in Vanilla was for a whole server community. Everyone raided or defended Tarrens Mill, Southshore, Xroads, Stormwind, Ironforge or Ashenvale. It was a daily procedure that brought loads of people together and people made friends and foe´s.

    With the BG´s introduced this changed slightly, but not totally. One of the reasons was the tight server community that already existed. A community that knew every single player and often met after a game at ICQ to arrange a small open world fight.

    This however is not possible at ESO. We do have Megaservers with maybe 2 million players and a queue system. If you now add a BG system, people will fight anonymous players and never be able to arrange battles and world pvp would die slowly.
    Right now we do have several open world area´s at Cyrodil - I am sure there are already foe´s & friends in every single one. People will recognize each other, as there is a 90 day schedule on them.

    Isnt this much better than having a queue button to press, just ending up with players you never see again?

    DAOC while it had "battlegrounds" - these were not small but huge like massive Alterac Valley´s with quest hubs and a castle to claim. Never ending fights, where the favor could switch every minute.
    This is PvP in an MMO; a battle that never ends. No Arena or small scale BG will ever achieve this.

    Besides that DAOC had that huge RvR system and DAOC is considered to be one of the best PvP MMO´s up to date. So why should ZO copy WoW´s model, if it failed and dismiss theirs that is very close to the most successful PvP based MMO in history?

    I can see your points. I see you talk A LOT about world PvP in WoW. The way I see your argument is that ESO is at the stage that WoW was in vanilla while BG's and arenas were introduced and ruined the game. Is that correct?

    If this is so then, I'm not quite sure where you get your information. I'll admit I didn't play but for the last few months of Vanilla so I can't say too much. I know Alterac Valley was a huge thing back then, and I do remember how they would last for several hours, if not days. I'll have to disagree on what you say arenas "achieved". Arenas tournaments for WoW was a pretty big thing back in the Wrath of the Lich King days. Much bigger than other mmo's have achieved. As I recall that was the time they announced that they had 11 million subscibers. I have heard that DAOC does have good PvP, although I have not played it. To say that WoW failed is hard to believe. I can agree that WoW has declined by quite a bit though.

    My bottom line is, you need structure to allow competitive game play, while you can try this with large scale battles it won't work quite the same as smaller battles. Open world PvP could try to correct the problem, but it takes too long to find players, and half of the time world PvP is just ridiculous ganking in unfair numbers. Arenas provide fairness, balance, and competitive aspects as best as a game can. Smaller scale battles will require more by the individual, which makes them have to preform on a higher level to stay competitive. Arenas provide that for players, but I can't say as much for BG's though. Bg's are there for the loss in numbers of people wanting to do world PvP IMO.


    Again you claim that World of Warcraft´s "Endgame" is good, while it isn't anymore. Not only is the difficulty level way to low, no! You also farm the same raid for several months from LFR to HC without any real change in play. Players at WoW burn out, did you see the subs in EU and NA lately? Maybe 2-3 Million, this is shocking if you consider that wow once had about 9 Million in both area´s together!

    Many of the Raids and Dungeons have zero lore functions, they are just there like they fell from the sky to give players loot. It works for Asians, but the rest of the world sure wants some more depth in their game I think.

    WoW Endgame at Vanilla and TBC was ace no doubt about this, you had a real progress there and every Raid had the same hardcore difficulty level.

    When we killed Cthun as one of the first in Europe, then this was something special as hardly anyone did it before and after us. Today everyone kills the end boss of wow within hours after release.

    Besides that, the whole progress from the quest hubs, to the dungeons and then the raid (SSC, MC & BWL, TK ...) are good examples how players could progress once at WoW. It was a steady progress over months, you really played new content every day until you ended up at the final boss like Vashj, Kael etc.

    While I cant invest that much time anymore, I still felt that something like this was good back in the days and could work as well today, if adjustments were made.

    Adjustments in that way, that those who don't raid also have an Endgame after they finished the quest´s that lead to a raid.
    Lets face it, WoW right now has only dungeons and raids for premades - nothing else. If you now cant form a premade, what will you do? Right, you do nothing except pet battles... But if someone wanted to do pet battles, don't you think that person would play Pokémon Online then?

    PvE is not only about raiding, its about Char progression past max level, its about new story lines, learning new craft´s ...

    Eso is on a good way there right now, it would be absolutely wrong if they now do the Blizzard and forget about anything lore and quest related so they can throw a new raid at us every 5 months, a raid that only 5% will ever see.

    World of Warcraft favors a very specific type of player, I call them the dungeon dweller. Someone who likes to stand in a town and press "queue". But this is definitely not a good example for a successful MMO, especially if you consider the subs at EU and NA for WoW. They are as low as never before right now and ESO is for EU and NA players, so pulling the Blizzard would be the worst decision ZO could do.

    Don't get me wrong, I can understand why players might like wow´s pvp and pve. Its quick, its easy and for a specific type of player pretty much the optimal way of playing. But ESO has a totally different type of player in mind, someone who goes out in the world, fights for a big keep, explores caves, craft´s nice things, reads lore books ...
    You just cant compare this type of player with the general audience of World of Warcraft. Wildstar is more suited for a WoW fan in my opinion.

    In the end you need to accept that ESO doesn't favor your type of player, look WoW doesn't favor mine either anymore. I moved on and you might should do so as well. We players have the free choice to play the MMO that we feel is best, so no need to turn an already existing MMO into one that replaces your favorite MMO that just takes a break until WOD.

    WoW apparently still have atleast 6-8 million according to several websites I searched, although you can never be so sure. I have to go with the 90% of sites that say the above numbers though. As for WoW PvE, I never raided much after Burning Crusade because I didn't think the content was much fun. After saying that, I don't think ESO's big issues are in PvE. They are mainly the inability to play my character to the fullest because the game is VERY unstable. This was the main point of my post. Where you may misunderstand me is I think we need core elements added to the game as a whole such as addons, optimization and other possible slight changes, not that the PvE in ESO is lackluster.
    Edited by Donce88 on May 15, 2014 2:55AM
  • Donce88
    Soul Shriven
    When you are in PvP with your guild, we all feel like we contribute. Target is called, orders given, people follow them, the enemy dies or we die and learn. PvP for thsi game is designed for group play, large scale combat. Siege weapons, armies rolling over other armies. Smaller skirmishes do exist. Taking resources, defending resources, it does happen. Bottom line, when it comes to PvP in ESO its deigned for large scale. If that is not your cup of tea, then so be it. Don't PvP. there are plenty of other games out there that cater to small scale PvP.

    I can agree that it does take a good team with communication to do these things, although the amount of skill needed by each player on average isn't that high. There will never be balance, it will always be about the numbers if there isn't a set amount of people for each objective.

    Smaller skirmishes are too rare, and can also be interrupted by other players. However, I do like this. I just would also like the option to have a fair, balanced and competitive match as well.

    Sure there are other games I can PvP in, but your post sounds as if you would not like additional features added? This is almost like sharing, your tea is the big battles, my tea is smaller scale battles. I'm not trying to take away your tea, I just want tea too.
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