1. Does Grand Healing stack if I keep spamming in 1 spot? Does it stack with other players' grand healing?
2 Is there the maximum amount of Grand Healing thats allowable to exist at any given time? Like for example, it last 4 secs, so if i am able to click fast enough to have 4 up at the same time, does it happen? Or is it a bit like velocious curse where theres only 1 u can have active at any given time
3. Does Grand Healing has an AoE cap?
4. Does my resto staff damage affect my healing?
5. Lets say I already have a Regeneration hot, is it possible to stack this with Regen hot from anthr player? Or if i cast it again, and if the spell chooses me, will it stack or overrides the 1st hot?
6. If it doesnt stack, then how would I know which dot is still active on which player?
I'm kinda confused still on how these healing spells work in eso. It'd be much appreciated if someone with expert knowledge on these spell mechanics help me shed light on this. Cheers