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Molag Bal (spoilers)

Ok, for 50 levels I have worked towards this epic battle. Made many a heart wrenching decision that caused may to die to save the world. My little hero Templar charging in to help save all of Tameriel.

I would have loved it had Molag Bal had showed up for the fight. Seriously... The fight I had was on par with less than a 1 dot elite. At no time was I ever in any kind of trouble. I realize TESO is MMO lite, but this battle really needs a lot of work. He is a Prince of evil, a God like being and he stood there and took a beat down. Just sad.
  • Rhoric
    At least you fought him. I can't even get to him.
  • crislevin
    He is a Prince of Evil, and you are channeling the prime God of the Nirn, Akatosh, why should you be weak?
    Edited by crislevin on May 12, 2014 12:57PM
  • Tatuaje
    I hear you, I had "god" help. Even allowing for that, it is a pitiful fight. The 1 dot Harvesters with their healing black balls give me more issues than he did. I had absolutely no fear of ever losing that fight. Even with the Amulet help I there should have been some sense of possible failure. After 30+ days of getting to him, I expected more than what was there.

    I will say, the story line from the start of the run to him after building my little army was superb. Maybe too good, they built up the suspense and sense of need to do what had to be done. The doing just required very little. The follow up story line was also well written as to why and what you should be doing after saving the world. My compliments to the script writers.
  • GeeYouWhy
    This fight was equal parts awe and disappointment. The actual visuals, feel and idea behind it were awesome. The mechanics turned out to be very easy. My health almost never dropped.
    Konrandir, Vampire Sorcerer
  • zharthasb16_ESO
    GeeYouWhy wrote: »
    This fight was equal parts awe and disappointment. The actual visuals, feel and idea behind it were awesome. The mechanics turned out to be very easy. My health almost never dropped.

    What is your class and skill ? me im darkblade assasin and i have difficulty --maybe i dont have the strategy ;p
    Megaserver US - since 2014
  • Rayadrel
    crislevin wrote: »
    He is a Prince of Evil, and you are channeling the prime God of the Nirn, Akatosh, why should you be weak?

    Akatosh is the god of time. Lorkhan is the god of Nirn. /slap

    Also, Molag Bal is not the "Prince of Evil", he's the Lord of Domination, also known as the King of ***.
    Ah yes censorship how I love you. Well then, let's just say he's the King of No Doesn't Mean No.

    Edited by Rayadrel on May 14, 2014 5:09PM
  • Tatuaje
    I really do not care who is who..... what he is though is weak...... GeeYouWhy nailed it with his comment.
  • Melian
    ESO is MMO lite? Not to hear the whiners talk - but anyway:

    yeah, I thought the fight was too boring and repetitive, considering how long it was. It felt like there should have been another phase in there, like he didn't have enough abilities.
  • Rhoric
    Blah blah blah. It is not easy so stop saying it is. I have died 12 times, I have done stuff people said to do but it doesn't work. Don't have the gold for a respec so it is a dead end for my character. Pretty much a dead end for me even playing unless something is done with the fight.
  • Morimizo
    Rhoric, completely agree; this fight can be a brick wall if caught with the wrong build (which I definitely was) but able to complete everything else the game throws at you with that build. The fact that we are actually supposed to fight and win a melee battle with a Daedric Prince still confounds me. And the "divine" gift that doesn't extend to summons or prevent me from running around in circles, blocking and dodging most of the time is NOT a feeling of empowerment. No environmental hazard/puzzle to utilize, no help whatsoever from Meridia or the scores of allies you acquire along the way, not even a spontaneous deal from Uncle Sheo to spice up the strategy of the epic encounter. Just feels like a boss fight that belongs in DMC or Borderlands instead. Not that that's a bad thing for everyone, just seemed out of place and uncreative to me. Also punishingly difficult with certain skill setups.
  • Mishoniko
    Morimizo wrote: »
    Also punishingly difficult with certain skill setups.

    In case someone's reading this thread later and could use the warning... what skill setups, specifically, would be problematic on this fight?

    /Did this as a bow NB and had a blast 1-shotting everything
  • Morimizo
    I can't speak for everyone of course, and there will be many with my build that probably do fine, there always is. I didn't mean to make that proclamation as if it applies to everyone. That's how it was for me. Self-healing was bolstered by one of my summons, and with that option eliminated as soon as I cast it, I had no viable fall-back. Training a resto staff specifically for this fight could prove to be lengthy at best with no quests left. Also would need a respec because I used all my skill points on what was a very effective build for everything PvE. Except MB.
  • alconantcub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I can't win this with the build I used to destroy the rest of the game, so I say it is stupid, and I am done wasting my time on it. GG ZOS.
  • Gwarok
    I haven't played a Temp (yet) does it have a DOT skill?
    Reason why I ask is; here is the FTW (I've learned that works with, at least so far, both NB and DK):
    RMB (block) IS your friend.
    Stand your ground! Molag Bal ain't nothing but a big milk drinking bully; so make him kick his own ***. B)
    Edited by Gwarok on May 15, 2014 5:03AM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Magdalina
    I agree, he was looooooooong and boring. I was at a danger of losing a couple of times(I didn't) because he hits well but boringly. All the same for 10 mins or whatever - cast a spell, run away, cast a spell, conjure a shield, cast a spell, run away, drink a potion, conjure a shield, cast a spell...no strategy, no anything. I suppose this is also what might make him difficult for some build - there's no well-thought strategy you can come up with, it's just run and hit, hit and run(and block if you can). No use in pets, no even use in Atronach, not much point in healing because there's no one to do damage for you while you heal...

    Armor was sure shiny though.
    Edited by Magdalina on May 15, 2014 1:10PM
  • Yankee
    All you really need is a resto staff with regeneration or a bow and a class heal and the ability to run around plinking at him while avoiding most of the AoE and his leaps.

    That and 15 minutes and it is done.
    Edited by Yankee on May 15, 2014 1:15PM
  • SuperJChat
    So you are mad that you had a good PvE build when you went to fight MB? Cause there are a lot of players who struggle during the fight (I beat him with my NB lvl 49 but my god if it didn't take 30 minutes of kiting, pots, hiding, crying, titans, and Ult)

    I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, but to the best of my understanding his fight isn't that hard if you've put some thought into your build and you are a DK tanking, Sorc sorc'ing, and Templar DPS/healing. But if you've got a Temp that is 100% heals or NB then good luck
  • Morimizo
    This is a follow-up to my previous post... I had experienced a glitch preventing me from progressing past the Mannimarco torture area, but finally I got to try ol' Molag again. Armed with new tactics (many from helpful folks on here--thanks so much btw), it was over in less than 5 min. No one is more amazed than me. I just wanted to share my exact technique in the hopes it might guide someone else who is struggling.

    First, make sure you have some sort of reliable self-heal (potions are not good enough, imo). I used Entropy from the Mages Guild skill line, morphed to Degenerate, which gives a 15% chance to absorb health with weapon attacks.

    I used Bound Armor morphed to Bound Armaments (improves heavy attack %), Mage Light morphed to Inner Light (lovely crit %). I had Destructive Clench, but did not use it.

    I did not use my summons at all, though the Clannfear was still slotted.

    My weapon was the reward for finishing the Fighter's Guild.

    My armor was 5 fine, 1 superior, and 1 epic level 46, enchanted with health glyphs.

    I also dabble in Provisioning, and enjoyed a Fortified Beef Pasty before the fight, which adds 235 health and magicka for 1 hour.

    My attributes are more DPS-oriented with 41 magicka and 8 health, no stamina.

    While fighting Molag, I made sure to keep as much distance as possible while still facing him. I used normal/heavy attacks, and used Entropy whenever I saw my health diminish at all. Whenever he used a wind-up mace attack, I blocked. Whenever he crouched slightly, this is the start of his leap, which if he lands directly on you will stun usually, so that's the only time I sprinted a bit, then refaced him. As always, if I saw a red circle under me, I ran. I never needed to dodge roll.

    When the adds appeared, I ran towards them , faced them, and blocked until they all fell. Molag rejoined, and it was a repeat of keeping distance but facing, normal/heavy attacks, Entropy when health diminished even a slight bit, sprint away from the leap, and watch his health whittle away.

    My health never dropped below 85%, and my repair bill after the fight was 28g.

    Believe me, this is not a brag session, I had incredible difficulty the first time I tried this quest too, and glitches besides. I hope this info will be of use to anyone still vexed. And thanks again for all the great advice the community shared.
  • DogeRobert
    I'll second Morimizo.. This fight was ridiculously easy for my templar..

    Not because she can heal, for I honestly don't think I ever healed her even once (And a pot would do it for that). But because I used a bow (Fighter's guild reward) and the heavy armor shield active, which means you can't get stunned.

    Basically, this fight came down to:

    a) Dodge all his ranged spells, which was easy enough from afar. And seeing as I was using a bow, I had time enough to run away from where they would hit. (It pretty much came down to running from side to side in front of him, whenever he called them in)

    b) Run away, whenever he jumped me.. (Keep Hvy Armor shield running or activate when appropriate, I forgot which..)

    c) Plink away at him with light attacks and watch him die slowly..

    (And no, my build isn't even particularly good. It's too chaotic to be called that.)
  • Zershar_Vemod
    I was disappointed on how easy he was (Did it at VR1). I ran the entire mission (along with Coldharbour previously) naked. I only had rings, necklace, and my two swords equipped. He went down instantly.

    I was disappointed that the quest was so short.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Gaudrath
    Killed him with my trusty Staff of Frying Stuff. Templar. He is easy if you kite him and attack from range (self healing also helps, of course).

    I imagine trying to melee him is a different story.
  • Tatuaje
    I beat him with a Templar, light armor, 2 DPS skills (I only have 2 as this is as pure a healer as i can make him) and a restro staff. That is it. Sunfire, sunfire, heal if required, staff for blue juice (staff also has the poison glyph).... Rinse and repeat for 10 min. Standard boss fight stay out of the red and kite a bit.

    Sorry some of you are having issues.... But in no way do I see him as a fight. Even the others in my Kin have all beat in basically 1 round, possibly 2. Some have had issues with Mannimarco, but again he went down with no deaths. I have more issues with the harvesters and her black balls (due to my slow DPS) than these "major" bosses.

    I will say having on level food and on level crafted pots did not hurt, the food was more important than the pots were. I maybe used 1 potion.

    edit for spelling
    Edited by Tatuaje on May 22, 2014 12:01PM
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