Bestiary Achievement Help

So I decided I wanted some more grinding in my ESO life because its an MMO and MMO need to be grindy imo
Having that said I got interested in the Bestiary Achievement which includes the title 'Monster Hunter'.

Now I am a Veteran 10 from the Aldmeri dominion and I don't really care about the drops so I do not see a reason to go to the veteran areas and grind high level monsters. But I kind of can not remember where to grind the specific monsters i need on the lower level Aldmeri dominion areas.

In specific I am searching to grind:
Dwemer structures
Chiteneous creatures
Lizzard-like creatures
and Frost/Flesh/Fire Atronachs

Anyone got any locations or tips please post so! :blush:
"imagine a world without elder scrolls customer support, i can't either"
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