key binding addon.....

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I find that switching weapons to use my second bar is a HUGE headache since I'm double slotted to the same weapons (DW). Now I'm not going to ask for a bigger bar because I know that's not an option, but what about being able to bind the abilities for the back-up weapons to the F1-F6 keys?

I guess if you hit a backup key it should then automatically switch to that weapon set which is the only tricky thing that makes it difficult.

Also what about the ability to save hot bar configurations so I can quickly change them out of combat?
Edited by PlagueMonk on May 11, 2014 9:07PM
  • Aiiane
    Keybindings cannot trigger a double action like that (switching bars + also using an ability).
    Aiiane, Aldmeri Dominion, Auriel's Bow, NA ☆ Twitter
  • Cairenn
    Not exactly what you are looking for, due in part to the exact thing Aiiane said, but Wykkyd's Outfitter may help some.
    Co-founder & Administrator
  • Akarius_Alexios
    Could you make an addon that slotted an ability as the first ability in the first bar?

    Say the Addon was called Ability Queue. You have 20 empty slots, each representing an ability people could drag & drop their abilities into any empty slot. Then a hotkey is set within settings for each of those 20 locations.

    Activating the hotkey sets the ability as the first ability in the first bar.

    Ability Queue (in control settings) for Slot 1 is PageUp. In the addon, Slot 1 has the ability Endless Fury dragged and dropped to it.

    Pressing PageUp now makes Endless Fury assigned to ability 1 bar 1 which by default is the 1 key.

    The user would hit pageup, then 1 to execute endless fury. Or, in my case, I'd simply create a macro on my mouse to execute it all for me. Effectively giving me 20 abilities to use at will.


    It's kind of like Greymind's Quick Slot Bar addon, but for abilities.

  • Aiiane
    Ability slots cannot be changed while in combat.
    Aiiane, Aldmeri Dominion, Auriel's Bow, NA ☆ Twitter
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