yes great skill to play safe and pull someoneYou have Fiery Grip instead of charge, it's even better.
charley222 wrote: »i still dont understant why 1 hand weapon and shield or 2 hand weapon are able too change but the Dual Wield are not wise enough to charge (give me 2 axe you will see lol )anyway is my first mmo i`m playing a warrior is not able too charge because is using Dual Wield weapon, for me the Dual Wield tree are build a bit to much arond the nightblade ,maybe that why you got this issue thank you
charley222 wrote: »Charge is a core skill for the Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight Two-Handed have (critical charge
Dragon Knight One-Handed and Shield have ( Shield Charge
Dragon Knight Dual Wield have any charge skill ??? why
also my Dual Wield best skill is Flurry but the skill freeze my action bar (ui) and have any other choice to press map key (m) too unlock my action bar , i hope this glitch will be fix one day thank you
jepatznerub17_ESO wrote: »Which skill would you replace in the dual wield tree to get a charge? I have a feeling that, no matter which skill you choose, you will have players that really like how that skill works with their build already.
Edit: You could spend one point in 2h or SnB to get the charge (2h has a lower skill requirement), set up your second bar with your utility spells, then use it to buff up and charge, then swap back to your dual wield when you're in close.
rajaniemiorama_ESO wrote: »jepatznerub17_ESO wrote: »Which skill would you replace in the dual wield tree to get a charge? I have a feeling that, no matter which skill you choose, you will have players that really like how that skill works with their build already.
Edit: You could spend one point in 2h or SnB to get the charge (2h has a lower skill requirement), set up your second bar with your utility spells, then use it to buff up and charge, then swap back to your dual wield when you're in close.
That would leave him without any ranged weapon, which is not worth giving up for a charge.
jepatznerub17_ESO wrote: »rajaniemiorama_ESO wrote: »jepatznerub17_ESO wrote: »Which skill would you replace in the dual wield tree to get a charge? I have a feeling that, no matter which skill you choose, you will have players that really like how that skill works with their build already.
Edit: You could spend one point in 2h or SnB to get the charge (2h has a lower skill requirement), set up your second bar with your utility spells, then use it to buff up and charge, then swap back to your dual wield when you're in close.
That would leave him without any ranged weapon, which is not worth giving up for a charge.
I only suggested it because the OP stated that he wasn't really interested in ranged fighting and wants to get into the middle of crap as quickly as possible.
Dks have their pull which is way better than a charge as it allows you to bring the enemy to you and your group instead of taking you to your enemy and his group. Get a coordinated assist train with the dk as the target caller and you can systematically wreck the other group.
thywolfb16_ESO2 wrote: »Reflective scales and sparks anyone?
DW + DK for single target or small group is mostly *** due to both DK and DW lacking any sort of decent single target DPS skills. DWs Flurry is decent at low levels however as you level up you will find that you are better off with autoattacks than flurry - they will do more DPS and will keep you in better mobility. Meanwhile, the "op" DK like half the forums likes to whine have a wooping 2 dps skills total in 3 trees - a dot Siering strike and it's morphs and decent burst Lava whip (decent only if target is stunned/rooted and morphed into flame lash). Both of those suffer greatly from very easy to aquire and popular soft capped spell resistance + fire resistance. The remaining 13 skills in DK trees is either support, CC or AoE.
charley222 wrote: »but the reality Realm versus Realm you get charge and get knock down and dietheory and reality are far too be the same anyway why the 2 other dk have charge and not dw because dw tree is build too much for nb , dk dw have any opener and are very powerless that why amost anyone play dk dw
that suck because is a nice berserker build , btw my play style is the front line of the train (dk), i dont like playing *** and assit is not my class and play style
They have very good paper value, yes. As well as good value on slaughtering lowbies/bad gear choises. Come back and tell me when you face someone adequatly geared with 1.8k spell resistance and 1.3k fire resistance who knows how to block your charge.Searing Strike and Lava Whip is BAD ASS single target. You're crazy for thinking DK lacks single target, in fact they are the best. Sorc relies on a 1.3 second cast for our single target and hoping on a 1/3 chance to proc instant. Do not underestimate being able to Searing Strike and Lava Whip while hiding behind your shield.
infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »