Broken Dragon Knights

In almost every RPG I've played a tank, and this game was no acceptation. I started an Orc Dragon Knight, ran it up to lvl 12 and promptly DELETED it. Now I can not say if this class actually gets any better at higher lvl's but the melee damage and armor for this class are sorely lacking in my opinion. A tank is dependent upon DPS and the protection of heavy armor. But this game appears to favor the ranged classes. The last straw was when my lvl 12 tank was fighting a lvl 8 boss and went down swinging approx. 30 swings with out one hit. A friend of mine is playing a healing Templar, (which I am presently playing as well) commented on the lack of tanks for DPS when grouping for dungeons. And as I expressed to him, "I can see why."
  • JosephChip
    And at the same time people complain about DK being op. Ah.
    Honestly I would say that your very limited and unpleasant experience with DK has led you to a wrong impression.
    I am currently a VR6 DK and I tell you, I love this class. I play with light armour and inferno staff/1h+shield. I am no tank but this class is so versatile that I can tank perfectly well if needed.
  • Kronz
    Dragon Knights are arguably the best class in the game and hands down best tank. If you want damage just invest in deadly bash and you will have better single target dps then most '"dps" classes.
  • JosephChip
    Yeah I am not sure about that suggestion. You wouldn't want wasting your whole build on something that's bound to be balanced.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    The sorcs have it easier in the beginning. The tanky builds do take a little nursing but they become very good about when you get weapon switch at level 15. You have to learn how to use em'. The NBs take perhaps the most thought and are difficult but when you do your first overwhelming take out of something a bit tough you start to understand them.
  • Grandpappy
    I commonly go bow as a secondary with my tanks, if for nothing more than to draw a target. Maybe I will give it a second go and see, but thus far the Templars versatility has my attention. But you are the second to mention bash to me. Okay you have convinced me to start another tank and ride it out. Because lord knows I love it down in the trenches !!
  • Sylinias
    ...the NBs take perhaps the most thought and are difficult but when you do your first overwhelming take out of something a bit tough you start to understand them.

    IMO, a traditional NB - medium armor, dual wield - is at somewhat of a disadvantageous position when it comes to mobs where a DK seriously owns a group usually without difficulty. I'm a huge NB player (since early Beta) and have to say that whenever there's a crowd, I'm looking for the DK to lead the way!

  • jircris11
    once you get green dragons blood you will forget about your issues you had with it, trust me i felt weak but now im sitting at lvl 21 and its quite fun. as for the nightblade comment of the OP it is true. i love my NB but it is very....tactical. You cant just rush in like a DK or you will get murdered.
    Edited by jircris11 on May 11, 2014 2:32PM
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Woolenthreads
    My Primus is a Sorcerer, my Secundus is a Templar and my Tertius is a Dragon Knight. Of the three the Sorcerer is harder to play, The DK is just romping through by comparison (as a Heavy Armour Dual Wielder). That being said, I am finding the EP Primary area to be so much fun that I haven't returned to the Templar in AD yet.
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

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  • Veshal
    @Grandpappy DK's are not just arguably the best class, they are clearly the superior class by leaps and bounds. One thing you need to keep I mind is that in order to really get a good feel for a class you're going to need more than 10 or 15 skill points. I'd recommend not judging a class until at least level 25.

    Veshal of Elderblade
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    I dont get this, I'm wearing all light armor for the magicka benefits and almost half of my armor soft cap comes from the Razor Armor line (now morphed into Volatile Armor). I've been able to tank pretty easily and keep Green Dragon's Blood (Coagulating Blood) on standby if I don't have a dedicated healer. Rest of my skills are AoE fire skills.
  • RazzPitazz
    He went to level 12. I mean that short trip probably doesnt even open up dragon blood or spiked armor morphs, let alone most of the passives that make DK's what they are.
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • NordJitsu
    This is kinda hilarious actually. By "broken" I assumed you meant "brokenly over powered."

    I came into this thread expecting to read another commentary on how Dragon Knights are the best class in the game (they are) and how they need to get hit hard with the nerf bat (they don't, just some minor tweaks and some buffs to the other classes.)
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Sallakat
    How would you ever think lvl12 is enough to make a good judgement on any class? ...
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Grandpappy
    I ran a Mage-Night Blade-Templar- Dragon knight I ran each to lvl 10 just to get a feel for them and to see what class I might like to play. I've played WOW- GW-GW2- and played a tank in each, I played Aion a Glad and ran a Chanter just because and discovered I really liked that class. Now I am not a great gamer, but in in PVP and one on ones like in Aion I won 80% or more of my matches. So I am not overly bad either. But I noted Templar-Mage-Night Blade sailed to lvl 10 (I used a bow as my primary for the NB) but the DK seemed to lack the survivability and DPS you would expect from a tank even at this lvl. Granted I may have been a bit premature, and so have started another one and we will see how it goes at higher lvls. And since I have a number of knowledgeable players here let me ask a question. I commonly play a great sword, in your opinions which weapon/weapons do you feel is best for higher DPS ? In Aion I duel wielded a mace and dagger for higher DPS and crit in PVE, but wielded a polearm for PVP. Or does it even really matter in this one ?
    Edited by Grandpappy on May 15, 2014 5:32AM
  • disexistencenub19_ESO
    Tanks tend to start out kind of weak until you can build/unlock the correct components. This is true for all classes, not just the DK. DK's actually end up being one of the stronger ones in the end, although mine is specced for dps. Once you get obsidian shield and green dragon's blood, it's all gravy. Before you get those, make sure you utilize lots of CC. Level 10 is not a fair judgement of how it will play, trust me.
  • Shiaxi
    was sorta disappointed in the DK before.. like lvl 18 or so; I seemed to struggle more often then my NB ever did.. however since lvl 18 she pretty much bulldozers over any opposition.. and since I slotted dragon blood and a resto staff in my secondary she is pretty much indestructible.

    edit: also on the greatsword; can't really comment on that don't use the twohanders (except the staff that is) but take a look at the sword and board tree aswel; IMO it's awesome
    Edited by Shiaxi on May 15, 2014 6:25AM
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    Also OP, if you put attribute points into magicka it increases the damage of magicka using abilities. This is what I did from the start and worked out great.
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    DK is not OP depends on build , if you got caught unprepared , if your in a group ,etc.
    At VR1 i was able to kill on a 1-1 a VR2 NB but also was killed by a VR1 Sorc and also VR1 NB.
    The only OP was the bugs for Vampires already fixed.
  • frwinters_ESO
    yeah your officially like the only person who thinks a DK is undervalued. Should have continued with it, then you would have realized how OP they are.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Grandpappy wrote: »
    I commonly go bow as a secondary with my tanks, if for nothing more than to draw a target. Maybe I will give it a second go and see, but thus far the Templars versatility has my attention. But you are the second to mention bash to me. Okay you have convinced me to start another tank and ride it out. Because lord knows I love it down in the trenches !!
    Once you get a point in Deadly Bash it becomes your best melee weapon. I was using my DK build to learn to block among other things but now it's just what he does when the going gets tough.

    Once you beat down your first boss, just beat him down, outlast him and wear him into the ground, you know you have chosen right. It does take a while though.
  • Grandpappy
    Okay am lvl 13 running dual wield, and slash morphed w/net is awesome ! Am running my Orc topless to show of the Dragon tat and to see how long I can run him at half armor ? So far so good !
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