So im trying to level provisioning on my alts and at very low levels its a pain because of the recipes you are limited to until hitting provisioning lvl 20. Im running around Vulkhel Guard and Skywatch collecting materials, but they are all for lvl 1 recipes that only give 500 xp per craft. I went into Grahtwood and looted containers at main cities, but found absolutely no recipes to use the ingredients. I was looting backpacks, urns, wardrobes, all the normal things that would be giving recipes, and found none. So my question is, can you not find recipes when you are well below the level of the area you are in? Im kind of stuck because the guild stores im in all have either the same level 1 recipes that I already have, or higher ones that I cant yet use.
So am I stuck grinding out hundreds and hundreds of level 1 food just to get to level 20 in provisioning? The recipes I get in Vulkhel Guard and Skywatch are all level 1 food. Or if anyone can direct me to a good place to find lvl 15 recipes (I think thars the highest you can go without needing skill lvl 2 in provisioning) that would be good.
Edit, I could go onmy main to get the recipes, but its easier to do it on the alt im working on, but an answer would still be nice. Also advice on where to pick up lvl 15 recipes would be awesome, Grahtwood is 20+ so I cant use those yet.
Edited by SexyVette07 on May 9, 2014 5:34AM