External Brokerage House Website for Selling items

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
This topic is a continuation of the discussion from.

There is a game called Path of Exile that has an external website for brokerage house. The game itself doesnt actually have one or even standard currency. Such a thing should be possible using a combination of the addons for guild store/banking.

Basicially when a user is online they can go the to brokerage website to list their items they could be pulled from the addon, this is probobaly not a light undertaking but should be fairly self sufficient once done. The way POE works is that items on their external website have a "verified"/online option.

it should be possible that the addon chks users bank/inventory when they are online and go to a bank. It could time stamp that chk and verify to the external host that the item is available as of xx:xx time/date.
The persons @name is listed by the item when somebody wants to buy an item they simply pst the person in game. This is exactly how Path of Exile's system works.

There is obviously an issue here of how to "support" such a site from an infrastructure standpoint. What I can offer is access to external hosted server to which this can be setup/tested on. I am sure that it could be supported with ads much like any website like esoui.com for the addons etc.

I have an AWS (amazon web services) account which i can initially be the admin for such a server run on a linux host using w/e software. This system can be scaled infinetly if it became popular VERY easily. AWS is 3rd largest hosting provider and I know that ESO even uses some of their services for CDN, (content delivery network). for their own systems.

I believe we can setup something that doesn't violate TOS and am willing to discuss this further privately with people and at some point with somebody from Zenimax about any concerns they may have. This system should not effect ESO servers directly at all as all "work" is from the peer and external server.
  • SunfireKnight86
    Thanks for the repost here.

    Like Ashley said, what I'm envisioning is a way to connect sellers and buyers using a mod that would store the info at a central place that could be updated by the mod and pulled up from the mod. An in-game Craiglist if you will.

    The big issues are of course.
    -Can this be done.
    -How can it be managed?
    -How can we ensure it stays clean. (ie Removing finished posts/*** posts/spam)

    If we could get it to work like I am picturing it then it might be possible to be able to use it both from a browser and in-game. In effect allowing people to use it without having to be logged in. (Although to complete the transaction they would obviously have to be)
  • AshleyLee
    the addon should be able to verify its status, the big issue i see is an actual program has to be on the client machine that uploads/updates the data on the external server. In order for this to be trusted it needs to be all open source with the source code available. I don't personally have the expertise to program but I have the server admin side of things and can work with programmers to facilitate it.
  • SirAndy
    Anyone with junior level programming experience could easily fake bank account values when communicating with your 3rd party server by simply using a passive proxy to inject their on data into the data stream.

    The only way you could make this even remotely work would be to have verified (read) access from the ZOS server itself at the moment of an transaction and even then there are still possible loopholes.
    Edited by SirAndy on May 8, 2014 10:20PM
  • AshleyLee
    anything is possible. thats why u whisper the person to buy the item and dont use COD if you dont know them.
  • SunfireKnight86
    I think all posting should just be user based without checking status in any way. If someone wants to buy something and doesn't have the money then it doesn't actually matter. Junk trades won't hurt anyone since we aren't actually posting any items or gold to it.

    Again, that would go under managing it. Once it was on its feet we could find a way to implement some sort of karma system to it, punishing players that attempt to abuse the system maybe?
  • AshleyLee
    theres no actual risk of losing gold/items since this is just a listing place to list items you have for sale.
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