[Question] G15 LCD addon - ZOS please read

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I am trying to put together an addon that will display some game information (for example crafting timers, inventory numbers, etc) to the LCD screen of the G15 and the like keyboards. This involves calling a C++ function in a dll that will have to be present at runtime. I know one can do this from LUA.

My questions are: is this allowed/legal from an EULA/addon perspective? Is it possible (does the game allow for the LUA script to make external calls)?

Has anyone written an addon that uses external C/C++ calls?
  • shiroimin
    I can't contribute to your question, but I do highly support this, especially if it will be available for the G19 as well. As far as basic information (gold, inventory space, horse timers, crafting timers, etc)
  • lotharlocnar_ESO
    I agree I have the G19 and the G600 and it would be great, I hope some coder will read this and see the benefit.
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