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Homeless people


don't know where to put this thread ... so let's say , here .

Like in any other RPG, please let us give some coins to the poor.
You made them talk, we can speak to them, but we can't help.

Just the possibility in the dialogue window to give some gold... I could sleep better lol.

Remember the questions in ESo survey "do you care about NPCs". I do , too much ! :p

So, gratz for a job well done, but now you have to fix this ;)
  • Chryos
    OK so, a reward for giving could be a random, rare, "something" that they find, and say "hey friend, thanks for helping, I found this for you <insert the occasional reward>

    Would that work?
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Can't remember where, but I ran into beggar once and gained a couple XP for giving him a few coins. As a more common feature, I could see how this could tie in with upcoming justice system.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Nightgard
    Chryos wrote: »
    OK so, a reward for giving could be a random, rare, "something" that they find, and say "hey friend, thanks for helping, I found this for you <insert the occasional reward>

    Would that work?

    Why not but , I mean... they already have nothing, I don't really want to take anything from them :p
  • Falmer
    Only if it was handled in a more realistic fashion.

    Say, you give them a coin, then suddenly they are following you around asking for another. Then they show up with 2 or 3 'hungry' friends who also would like a few coins.

    Finally, they get upset with you and attack when you do finally refuse to keep giving them 'free' stuff.
  • Nightgard
    Falmer wrote: »
    Only if it was handled in a more realistic fashion.

    Say, you give them a coin, then suddenly they are following you around asking for another. Then they show up with 2 or 3 'hungry' friends who also would like a few coins.

    Finally, they get upset with you and attack when you do finally refuse to keep giving them 'free' stuff.

    And that's realistic ? where do you live ?!
  • Runefell
    There are a few beggars you can give coin to. I remember this one lady giving me this story about her starving children, though when I gave her the coin, she slipped up and started cackling about how well she was going to drink tonight. I'm playing through Ebonheart right now, and last night I just gave some coins to this tattooed dude for his 'eleven children'. Though, in that case, I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not. The replies were red, so the choice was important. It'll be interesting to see if there's any consequences from my actions there.
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • ElSlayer
    Check out that "Golden Palms" achievement.
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • Kililin
    There are beggars and i could also rob one npc with intimidate.
  • eNumbra
    as long as there are several options:

    - Give coin
    - Spit on homeless person
    - Walk away while pretending they don't exist
  • mmriftb14_ESO
    Feed the poor... to the hungry!

    I agree with the OP though, it's kind of there with the lootable barrels... inconsistent. while there might be some beggars you can give money too, some you can't interact with at all.

    While we're on the npc topic, I've had the same peeve in a lot of games. There are some npcs that think it's ok to mouth off to me, I'd like the option to be able to beat them down, if not kill them. My character doesn't kindly to that kind of behavior.
  • Pele
    I agree with the OP. I don't want a reward, simply the option to give gold.
  • Zershar_Vemod

    You can give coin to certain "poor" npcs in the game. They'll give you their story on how they got that way , and then you walk away assuming you helped them by giving them some gold.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • HashxBrowns
    Soul Shriven
    I can see this improving when the justice system comes out. Like if we're looking for a player we can give them some coin to help spy and look for them. Also could tie in with dark brotherhood and thieves guild quest line.
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    There was a random NPC in Grahtwood that ran up to me with an icon above his head and asked for some coin. I was talking with a friend on Skype though so I thought I would just say "goodbye" and re-start the convo later cuz the beggar was talking alot and I couldn't hear my friend. Then the beggar ran off and I couldn't talk to him again! :(
  • Nightgard
    There was a random NPC in Grahtwood that ran up to me with an icon above his head and asked for some coin. I was talking with a friend on Skype though so I thought I would just say "goodbye" and re-start the convo later cuz the beggar was talking alot and I couldn't hear my friend. Then the beggar ran off and I couldn't talk to him again! :(

    Oh man you just missed the NPC that give you 20 skill points + 30k gold :/
  • Thildora
    The ability to give them coins would be very nice for the game, as for a reward there should be none.
    Since the Roleplay factor of giving is then increased.
    We don't need loot all the time.
    We don't want another World of Warcraft.
    Edited by Thildora on May 12, 2014 12:18PM
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    When you give a coin to a beggar in Skyrim, you get The Gift of Charity, some sort of buff that lasts a little while, but I can't remember what it does, if it even does anything at all.

    But the beggars in Skyrim all seem legit (and one of these days, when I fire it up again, I'm buying that house in .. Windhelm? and adopting that girl who sleeps in the snow, putting her there, and basically just giving it to her, I have lots of houses already. Just as a kind of snub to the high and mighty of the city - look, the little beggar kid you stepped over has her own house now. :disappointed:

    But ESO seems to have its con artists. I did one quest .. AD side, Grahtwood or Auridon, can't remember. But I had to help a town full of Robin Hoods "borrow" stuff off merchants (without the "guard" catching me; there's sort of a pretence of .. things .. going on here) in order to help a bunch of refugee/beggar types.

    Listen to them VERY CLOSELY. Not all of them are legit. I did give to the crazy guy, but the two standing near him? Screw them both, especially the girl. If the cat had said something a little different rather than outright trying to scam with the sob story about kittens, different story ie, if he said he was an itinerant worker in between jobs and towns and ran out of food, no problem, dude. He looked big and strong enough, even if he secretly was a lazy tomcat, at least it would have been a story I could _buy_.

  • Blackwolfe5
    There is a beggar in Mournhold (I think) that asks for money. I gave him money to see what happened. He thanked me, that was it. When I talked to him again, it was as if he had never met me and gave me the exact same dialogue.
  • Nightgard
    Well a "thank you" should suffice , do you want him to say how nice and generous you were everytime you see him ?
  • reggielee
    I've ran into some quests to give gold or not to beggars, I always do cuz I wonder if there is some hidden achiev going on in game if you play altruistic throughout the game
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    Nightgard wrote: »
    There was a random NPC in Grahtwood that ran up to me with an icon above his head and asked for some coin. I was talking with a friend on Skype though so I thought I would just say "goodbye" and re-start the convo later cuz the beggar was talking alot and I couldn't hear my friend. Then the beggar ran off and I couldn't talk to him again! :(

    Oh man you just missed the NPC that give you 20 skill points + 30k gold :/

    Lies!!! :(((
  • Vehadrah
    I have ran into some NPCs along the road that will either beg for coin or tell you a lie about being robbed by bandits... an option is that you can give them some coin and in turn you get EXP.
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