Nerf this nerf that

  • Greydog
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    If you guys, the once that keep yelling nerf this nerf that, cant figure out how to deal with things, then u might wanna start looking at your own playing style, instead of always coming here and wanting to nerf, what others have come to find out as good tactics.

    If they only yelled it once I don't see the problem

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  • Eris
    It is a sad, sad, sad truth of MMO play that whatever you are playing today will look nothing like it in a year or two. The nerf-bat is ever present and used much more liberally than the buff-wand.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • RastSekyd
  • PBpsy
    Aldrorius wrote: »
    Not enough nerfs on this thread.

    will cancel my subscription.

    and no, you cant have my stuff.
    Here is a magnificent specimen of nerf for you.

    Edited by PBpsy on May 7, 2014 11:52PM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Mortelus
    I am guessing your currently playing one of the OP vampire combo classes and have just read the patch notes...

    Sometimes Nerf's are necessary.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Greydog wrote: »
    If they only yelled it once I don't see the problem

    They yelled it twice but the second one was nerfed.
  • Syntse
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Hi, nice to meet you. A leveled skeever should not pose a threat to me, period. This is an MMORPG, not a hardcore action-adventure linear game. Difficulty should be believable and immersive. VR 10 skeevers do not help in this regard.

    Challenge should come from enemies that would naturally exhibit challenge. Not injecting some "nobody bandit # 5" with uber-steroids.

    See your point here. However VR10 skeever would actually be lvl 150. Yet still if you are at the same level it should be as squishy as lvl 1 skeever when you are lvl 1. Trash mobs should be trash mobs even on veteran levels. However comparing lvl 50 elite and lvl 150 skeever is not really comparable.

    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
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  • Bhakura
    Nerf leveling up, why not just log in and be max level with maxed out gear, all that time needed seriously.
    Nerf downloading and installing, it should just be there, snap yer finger.
    Nerf nerfs.
  • Sallakat
    Before seeing anything but the thread name on the list of other threads, I knew the writer is a vampire. Go figure..
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

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  • Sergeant_Novak
    Why nerf when we can instead just make everything more awesome to compensate?
    Kol Blakmarc - Dwemer Archeologist, Mage, Not such a great dancer
  • KerinKor
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    If you guys, the once that keep yelling nerf this nerf that, cant figure out how to deal with things, then u might wanna start looking at your own playing style, instead of always coming here and wanting to nerf, what others have come to find out as good tactics.
    All forums of all MMOs with PVP are full of PVPers QQing about OP-class-of-the-month. Just take a look at WOW, Rift, SW:TOR etc. etc. etc.

    It's sadly inevitable that this incessant QQ gets pandered to and the nerf-bat strikes and clobbers PVE as well.

    Trion tied their best at the outset with Rift with the PVP Soul, a skill tree solely (no pun intended!) dedicated to PVP, but even that wasn't enough to prevent Rift becoming a similar nerf-fest.

  • Lord_Hev
    Syntse wrote: »

    See your point here. However VR10 skeever would actually be lvl 150. Yet still if you are at the same level it should be as squishy as lvl 1 skeever when you are lvl 1. Trash mobs should be trash mobs even on veteran levels. However comparing lvl 50 elite and lvl 150 skeever is not really comparable.

    Yes, exactly! Except... that logic is not consistent. VR enemies *are* over-powered beyond balanced.

    A lvl 49 player vs a lvl 49 bandit trash trio is different than a VR 1 fighting the same trash(now VR1), but instead of a trio, it's actually a mere duo.

    I'm handling elite Dremora quartets in Coldharbour. They can easily kill me if I mess up. But I can handle it. Now suddenly, I fight only *2* bandits[whatever their Bleakrock counter-part names are] and they pose a serious threat. Three random bandits? I swear It feels like I'm fighting three elite warriors whom have survived a dozen tours of duty. Four+ random bandits? Utter suicide if my Ultimate is not ready because it randomly reset after taking a quick bathroom break, or if I take two minutes to listen to some NPC tell his woes to me.

    Even more weird, I could swear their common Iron and steel gear were actually rare Ebony or something. I mean, how else to explain them taking more hits than the Daedric armored, mere one-level-lower, lvl 50 immortal, built-for-apex-endurance physical superiority and utterly fearless immortal Dremora warriors/captains/dukes(the Kynmarcers, Markynaz, and the other new titles ZOS added that clearly show these specific Dremora mobs to reflect their difficulty) with Calcinium(at least, it looks like the VR 1 calcinium gear you can forge with the Daedra motif) Daedric gear. and battle experience since the Dawn era existed. Odd...

    Yes, reflect. Those lvl 50 Dremora reflect their stats. There is a difference in difficulty between 3 lvl 50 Dremora Churls & Caitiffs. Compared to three lvl 50 Dremora Kynmarchers, Narkynaz, Harbuz-whatever) and other new titles that illustrate their unique experience and capability. Like the Kynlurkers utilizing elite shadow skills. Cool. It makes sense too, I mean, I am fighting these fearsome fully sapient and sentient Daedra. Coldharbour is a good example of proper balance. You have trash mobs(Dremora churls). Intermediate mobs.(Dremora mixed units and Dark Seducers) These are trash mobs whom are a threat in a logical sense that does not destroy my suspension of disbelief.

    Why am I now finding a mere duo of bandit no-lives, pushing me to my limits? WTF? Because they gained ONE level with a stupid shiny symbol next to it? What is this? Did I just out-of-nowhere activate Vestige must die difficulty or something? If the VR1 enemies are this scaled up? I dread to think of how Over-powered the VR 10 enemies are going to be. Unless their stats do not scale that consistently high? I sure wasn't expecting a severe jump from lvl 50 to VR 1. I mean, if I somehow ended up in a VR 10 zone, I'd understand... I mean sure, bandit no-lives here, but hey! I guess it is lvl 50 to VR 10 jump. I should have started at VR *1*! Oh, silly me!

    NOPE. That's not the case. These ramped up trash mobs *are* a mere one level higher(just one level higher, only ONE) than the elite daedric mobs I was *just* facing an hour ago. Did I do something wrong here? Why do I all of a sudden feel under-leveled? How odd... I'm VR 1 fighting VR 1 enemies, yet I feel under-leveled. I feel like I'm fighting VR 10 enemies at VR 1. This is unbalanced. There should not be such a steep ramp-up of enemy stats. The VR 1 gear is IDENTICAL to lvl 50 gear. My stats are just minimally increased compared to my lvl 49 stats. Why do I suddenly feel under-leveled? And seeing as how the logic of VR ranks and progression goes... I feel like it's only going to get more ridiculous than it already is.

    I do not mind the occasional pack leader, or named/unique/important-somebody-of-renown-and-battle-history/Boss to be able to solo me. But EVERY single trash down to even skeevers and mudcrabs? Dammit, the balance of VR is soooo over-the-place, that Mudcrabs and Skeevers out-dps and out-tank Wolves whom are actual predators. lolwtflogic? I guess they forgot to buff the poor wolves to God-hood? At least the Skeevers were given their uber-steroid shot because reasons.

    I'm all for challenge. If it makes sense, and if I'm not getting headaches from fighting two nobodies soaking all my hits, and piercing through my over-charged armor and spell resist stats as if I were naked with 0 points put into my maxed-out 49 point health allocation; Every single encounter.

    What is this supposed to encourage? It certainly isn't their advertised "play how you want." Because, even the crappiest and self-restricted build *can* work in the 1-50 zones with dedication. Maybe they will be forced to re-spec when facing the final boss of the 1-50 content... In VR content? lolnope. I have overcharged stats and buffed(superior) lvl 50-identical-to-VR1(superior) equipment, and I'm still getting shredded. What does it encourage? Min-max playstyles. Guess what min-max mentality leads too? The current Vampire in PvP conundrum. And guess what that leads too? NERFS.

    Who did I encounter faring significantly better than me in this VR 1 zone? Some VR 1 Templar rushing directly into the group and spamming that Aedric Spear ability like 5 times in a row, non-stop, and then rinse and repeat. Killing those three uber-buffed bandits I was forced to cautiously approach... Wow, VET content is so challenging and eipcz. I guess I need to choose only the best skills and spam them until they get nerfed, because the VR 1 trash bandit no-lives are actually elite battle-hardened warriors of a dozen tours that wear VR 2 Legendary Calcinium gear that oddly looks like it's just level 14 Iron gear... Clearly I must have been hallucinating from skooma or something... I mean, I could have sworn those bandits only had iron swords and armor... Or maybe they had the Developer kit at their disposal and buffed their level 14 iron gear to the stats of VR 10 legendary Voidsteel or whatever. Darn cheating AI...
    Edited by Lord_Hev on May 8, 2014 8:01AM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
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  • Artemiisia
    Sallakat wrote: »
    Before seeing anything but the thread name on the list of other threads, I knew the writer is a vampire. Go figure..

    you really dont read the threads dont ya........

    I dont use mist
    I dont play pvp

    so I dont care about the nerf of the vampire

    Im just grown tired seeing all the nerf threads, just because people cant figure out how to counter it.

    So go figure, that you are the type that makes your opinion on things before reading erm. Good luck with that.....
  • Artemiisia
    KerinKor wrote: »
    All forums of all MMOs with PVP are full of PVPers QQing about OP-class-of-the-month. Just take a look at WOW, Rift, SW:TOR etc. etc. etc.

    It's sadly inevitable that this incessant QQ gets pandered to and the nerf-bat strikes and clobbers PVE as well.

    Trion tied their best at the outset with Rift with the PVP Soul, a skill tree solely (no pun intended!) dedicated to PVP, but even that wasn't enough to prevent Rift becoming a similar nerf-fest.

    true, its just sad that all the nerfs effects pve, that dont use the "OP" skills and seeing there class and playstyle in pve, getting slayed.

    my biggest wish is, nerf what matters, but make it only count in PVP, its not like pve hurts anyone
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