Artemiisia wrote: »If you guys, the once that keep yelling nerf this nerf that, cant figure out how to deal with things, then u might wanna start looking at your own playing style, instead of always coming here and wanting to nerf, what others have come to find out as good tactics.
Here is a magnificent specimen of nerf for you.Not enough nerfs on this thread.
will cancel my subscription.
and no, you cant have my stuff.
Hi, nice to meet you. A leveled skeever should not pose a threat to me, period. This is an MMORPG, not a hardcore action-adventure linear game. Difficulty should be believable and immersive. VR 10 skeevers do not help in this regard.
Challenge should come from enemies that would naturally exhibit challenge. Not injecting some "nobody bandit # 5" with uber-steroids.
All forums of all MMOs with PVP are full of PVPers QQing about OP-class-of-the-month. Just take a look at WOW, Rift, SW:TOR etc. etc. etc.Artemiisia wrote: »If you guys, the once that keep yelling nerf this nerf that, cant figure out how to deal with things, then u might wanna start looking at your own playing style, instead of always coming here and wanting to nerf, what others have come to find out as good tactics.
See your point here. However VR10 skeever would actually be lvl 150. Yet still if you are at the same level it should be as squishy as lvl 1 skeever when you are lvl 1. Trash mobs should be trash mobs even on veteran levels. However comparing lvl 50 elite and lvl 150 skeever is not really comparable.
Before seeing anything but the thread name on the list of other threads, I knew the writer is a vampire. Go figure..
All forums of all MMOs with PVP are full of PVPers QQing about OP-class-of-the-month. Just take a look at WOW, Rift, SW:TOR etc. etc. etc.
It's sadly inevitable that this incessant QQ gets pandered to and the nerf-bat strikes and clobbers PVE as well.
Trion tied their best at the outset with Rift with the PVP Soul, a skill tree solely (no pun intended!) dedicated to PVP, but even that wasn't enough to prevent Rift becoming a similar nerf-fest.