Thousand of evolving mats, really???

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Hi, I have seen some players selling thousands of evolving mats (like dreugh wax, eledant lining...) for half the prices of others people.

Fine, its good if you need some. But how is it possible to get thousands of tier 4 mats...

This is definitly not balance and those players will get millions of gold while other "straight" player strugle to get thousands of gold...

Unfair, big time.
*Kal Vas Flam*
- "You better run..."

Can. Qc* IGN @Ithug
  • Fennec
    Whenever I see people having more then 100 dreugh wax or something, I normally just report them. Those could've been exploited from the the guild store exploit and now they're selling it of slowly.

    Oh and yes they could've been obtained legaly to but if they're innocent, Zenimax won't do anything, but I do find it always suspicious when they have a lot of high level tier mats while *for example me* struggle to just find 1 or more.
    Edited by Fennec on May 7, 2014 4:12PM
  • knaveofengland
    normal mats can understand have 1k + or more of them just a question of running around headless chicken , but the very rare ones I am sure eso would be looking at the high value stuff already so I am not so worried about it
  • Ithug
    I've seen also another abuse, (apparently fixed) about wolves killing. Theres like 20 of them all over the place and people just kill them over and over to refine mats..
    *Kal Vas Flam*
    - "You better run..."

    Can. Qc* IGN @Ithug
  • Turial
    Ithug wrote: »
    I've seen also another abuse, (apparently fixed) about wolves killing. Theres like 20 of them all over the place and people just kill them over and over to refine mats..

    Could you expand on this? Killing wolves refines mats? o_O
    Fennec wrote: »
    Whenever I see people having more then 100 dreugh wax or something, I normally just report them. Those could've been exploited from the the guild store exploit and now they're selling it of slowly.

    Oh and yes they could've been obtained legaly to but if they're innocent zenimax won't do anything, but I do find it always suspicious when they have a lot of high level tier mats while *for example me* struggle to just find 1 or more.

    Would love to hear an official post on this to see if this is the right way to do things. I would rather not report some innocent trader who has spent lots of time gathering them, although if Zeni ok it then hell yeah, lol.
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    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
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  • SantieClaws
    I just don't buy (not that I could) anything that I see sold in oddly large stacks. I have 4 alts doing all the crafts and I know how much you can pick up in how much time and how much is too much.
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  • Pyatra
    He means they round up wolf packs and in a certain VR public dungeon and for hide. But that has such a low extract rate for the tempers that a stack of 100+ is still very suspicious.
  • Artemiisia
    This to me is an exploit:
    some farmed blue gear bosses in dungeons when it was possible to.
    so they could destruct the gear to get the traits, and get lots of soulgems.

    This aint:
    farming mats from killing wolves, that seems like normal game-play to me, like other zombie grind in the rift at that level, gives them lots of gear, xp, and other fun things, if thats what they wanna spend their time on, I wont get mad about it.

    This is only an opinion, dont take my word for it. :)
  • Hadria
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    This to me is an exploit:
    some farmed blue gear bosses in dungeons when it was possible to.
    so they could destruct the gear to get the traits, and get lots of soulgems.

    This aint:
    farming mats from killing wolves, that seems like normal game-play to me, like other zombie grind in the rift at that level, gives them lots of gear, xp, and other fun things, if thats what they wanna spend their time on, I wont get mad about it.

    This is only an opinion, dont take my word for it. :)

    those are the same thing! so either pick is it an exploit or farming.

    one is done in dungeon farming for mats to upgrade and soulgems for rezzing.

    the other is farming mass amounts of mobs at once for green gear and other randoms.
  • Artemiisia
    farming blue gear bosses hurts the economic of the game insanely, which qualifies as exploit to gain an unfair advantages.

    grinding dont, and surely dont get rich doing it.
  • Shimond
    Pyatra wrote: »
    He means they round up wolf packs and in a certain VR public dungeon and for hide. But that has such a low extract rate for the tempers that a stack of 100+ is still very suspicious.

    Yea stacks of the legendary is extremely suspicious, if that's what is being complained about. Greens and blues I can understand and maybe to an extent purples (I certainly see purple items advertised for sale pretty often).
  • Ithug
    Here is the vid.. seem to me theres A LOT of wolves...
    *Kal Vas Flam*
    - "You better run..."

    Can. Qc* IGN @Ithug
  • ChairGraveyard
    Ithug wrote: »
    Here is the vid.. seem to me theres A LOT of wolves...

    That's no different than AoE farming in ANY of the dungeons that have 5-mob groups.

    You can do the same thing in all of them - i.e., aggro two-three groups up and just AoE them down.

    That's not an exploit. The dungeons with 5-mob groups are designed so you can pull more than one group (they usually have 2-3 groups of 5 within aggro radius of eachother).

    It's good money but you aren't getting stacks of legendary tempers out of it without days and days of farming unless you have some special exploit.

    Highly doubt the people OP are talking to obtained them this way at all. They're probably from the dupe-hireling mail bug.

    Edit: I can list some of the (Dominion) 5-mob dungeons if people want to verify what I'm saying or need tips for where to go for decent items farming.

    (Also I'm just going to call them "5-mob dungeons" by which I mean the public dungeons that have groups of 5 mobs standing around everywhere, instead of smaller groups of 1, 2 or 3 mobs.)
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on May 7, 2014 4:51PM
  • Ithug
    Well still doesnt explain how people can manage to have thousands of tier 3-4 evolving mats..
    Which is the maine question here..
    I farmed a 5 mob dungeon for an hour and didn't get much out of it...
    *Kal Vas Flam*
    - "You better run..."

    Can. Qc* IGN @Ithug
  • Farham
    You buy the raw materials in stacks of 100 by spamming WTB orders in each zone. You can literally buy 1000s and 1000s of raw materials a day because there are so many people that gather the materials but just want to sell them (normally because of bag/bank space). What people have not figured out and a smaller group has is that the raw materials are super valuable for the tannery and other items they produce beyond the finished product.

    When you see someone spamming over and over they will pay x for RAW materials only (and they will often pay more than you will get at any guild store) you can bet they are a Tannery item farmer.

    The profit on tannery items is immense for both resale and crafting upgraded sets and reselling. Immense.
  • SirAndy
    Bots can easily harvest enough raw materials to get 1000s of high level tempers.

    1 bot on a 1 second respawn jute node for 24/7, that's 86,400 harvests times 3 raw jute each. 259,200 raw jute per day per bot.
    If someone runs 100 bots, that's 25,920,000 raw jute per day.

    Refine those and you'll have an ungodly amount of high level tempers and other crafting materials.
    Edited by SirAndy on May 7, 2014 9:58PM
  • ChairGraveyard
    Ithug wrote: »
    Well still doesnt explain how people can manage to have thousands of tier 3-4 evolving mats..
    Which is the maine question here..
    I farmed a 5 mob dungeon for an hour and didn't get much out of it...

    Like I said, it's probably from the hireling mail dupe bug or the duping bug before that. Or bots, as others mention.

    The 5-mob dungeons *definitely* aren't it, and pulling more than one group is obviously *intended* design of those dungeons, especially considering that the last mob in a 5-mob group will try and aggro nearby groups when they're dying.

    Anyway, AoE farming wouldn't get you that many, and AoE farming in dungeons designed for AoE farming is hardly an exploit.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on May 7, 2014 10:05PM
  • Mortelus
    I have spent at least 4 hours farming at one of the starter islands every time I roll a new character, and I have done this four times, so around 16-20 hours farming, I run around kill mobs for hide, a collect nodes...

    For those saying it is the same as camping and boss mob with bots/farming nodes with bots, it's not the same. What I do is not an exploit it is a part of the game and it is how I chose to spend my time playing.

    On a another note, I have around 50 honing stones, 30 hemming (used some) 40 embroidery, 40 pitch and around 20-30 blue thing for woodworking.

    That's all I have managed to farm in 20 hours, and I have only 1 point in extraction on all my crafts. So I think it is very feasible for players who have all 3 points in extraction and spend that amount of time farming to collect 100+ rare improvement mats.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • KerinKor
    Ithug wrote: »
    Fine, its good if you need some. But how is it possible to get thousands of tier 4 mats...
    How have you managed to miss all the bots running and teleporting around?

    Any seller with that much stuff to sell is almost totally certain to be selling botted stuff .. I say 'almost certain' as I can see ways a 'legit' player could accumulate stocks like that but it would be very rare I'm sure.

  • zaria
    Farham wrote: »
    You buy the raw materials in stacks of 100 by spamming WTB orders in each zone. You can literally buy 1000s and 1000s of raw materials a day because there are so many people that gather the materials but just want to sell them (normally because of bag/bank space). What people have not figured out and a smaller group has is that the raw materials are super valuable for the tannery and other items they produce beyond the finished product.

    When you see someone spamming over and over they will pay x for RAW materials only (and they will often pay more than you will get at any guild store) you can bet they are a Tannery item farmer.

    The profit on tannery items is immense for both resale and crafting upgraded sets and reselling. Immense.
    This, if you extract raw materials you have a decent chance of getting blue or purple resins, you might also get some gold.
    Chance might increase if you have the extraction perk.
    Another source is people trading resigns, noobs who have a few of them tend to sell them cheap so you buy them and sell to veteran players with lots of gold.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Jusr like it is in every mmo... there will always be people with vastly more wealth and progress than you. Players who are vastly better than you. And players who seem like they graduated college with a phD in Economics. There will always be haters who are either jealous or butthurt they cant pull the same weight. Of course there are also botters. I just did the northshore point quest and saw 3 teams of multiboxed botters running back and forth on same path killing the guys on beach.
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  • AreoHotah
    I have 32 dreugh waxes, 24 tempering alloys and 26 rosins and i am only vr3. i will probably have more than i need when i reach vr12 and wearing full legendary gear. And im not doing anything ilegal. the hirelings just love me.
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • SexyVette07
    I also report anyone who has hundreds of the yellow upgrade materials. Theres no way you could have THAT many at this point in the game and not duped them. And even if you did buy them to resell, you wouldnt be offering them for sub market prices to clear your stock.

    I saw some guy selling 300 of each dreugh wax, kuta, and tempering alloy. Reported him with the screen shot.

    Edit, and im one of those players with vastly more wealth than most, and it was inconceivable even for me.
    Edited by SexyVette07 on May 8, 2014 11:10AM
    Yeah I always wondered these things myself. I got my very first gold material upgrade today, when I am already at a good state of in V1. It took me at least 60 hours to get a first gold material and some get those left and right.
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