I wanted to write down many thoughts but... Is that really the thing you want to complain on? No, really?
I'm getting too old for this crap... go, kid, play as you want.
leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »With the easily obtainable 200 skill points (max is 300 i think) do the math you can almost max out every skill line
nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »
You're either an old, cranky fart who has been turned bitter by his age OR a massive troll. I agree with the OP by the way, being able to spec into almost everything is kind of silly.
... and the problem is... what?leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »Do you thinks the game has to many skill point available?
As an RPG fan i like to think where to spend points and have that unique build, i fell like i can have all professions and trees maxed out in the game
leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »Do you thinks the game has to many skill point available?
As an RPG fan i like to think where to spend points and have that unique build, i fell like i can have all professions and trees maxed out in the game
leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »Do you thinks the game has to many skill point available?
As an RPG fan i like to think where to spend points and have that unique build, i fell like i can have all professions and trees maxed out in the game
Gamers that might not be long time Elder Scrolls followers and those that are maybe didn't take into consideration that we still have the Thieves Guild,leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »Just use any skill calculator on the web and you will see.
leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »Just use any skill calculator on the web and you will see.
Personally, I don't see the 'need' and will only lead to potential "OP"(ness)But someone needs to get all the skill points available so we can find out.
in future patches. Again, preventing all the eggs from being cracked all at once.Patch note: "We have increased everyone's maxed current points to X (and the kool thing is you don't "have to earn them")
leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »If you consider multiple builds in same character (thing that true inst popular in other mmo) then yes the amount of skills is large
I mean with 227 points you can do:
-All passives and all skills on 3 class skills
-All all passives on 2 Armor types
-3 Ultimates maxed
-2 Skills per Weapon+ All passives on 2 Weapon Skills
-All Skills and Passives on Word Skill
-2 Skills + All passives on 1 Guild
-All passives 1 Skill on 2 Alliance War Skills
-All racial Passives
-3 Maxed out Professions
liquid_wolf wrote: »
Max Out:
Class Skills - 60 points
Armor Skills - 39 Points
Weapon Skills - 120 Points
World Skills - 41 points
Guild SKills - 47 Points
Alliance War Skills - 29 points
Racial Skills - 9 Points
Crafting - 137 points
Minus what you get in the beginning, I'm showing that a player needs 473 skill points to max everything out.
I'm confident we don't get 473 skill points in the game... 273/275 seems more likely. Maybe closer to 200?
Which means you can only max out half of the skills in the game.
But someone needs to get all the skill points available so we can find out.