Maintenance for the week of September 9:
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A series of questions about Sorcerer

My apologies if this seems demanding answers but I figured since I am asking so many things, its easier for everyone if i just list them out. Thanks!

1. Are Staff light and heavy attacks consider physical or magical? Do they benefit from Magicka or Stamina? and would Medium armors Dexterity help with staff attacks critical strike chance?

2. Regarding the question above, what about when a staff's attack has been replaced with Overcharge. Does it become magic damage that scales with Magicka? Does Medium armor still effect it? if it did to begin with.

3. If Overcharge simply increases the damage of any weapon your holding by 9% and replaces it as a range bolt or close aoe. Would a Sorcerer with no Destruction Staff abilities in his/her build benefit more from Overcharge if he/she wielded a 2h weapon, as they simply have the highest damage per swing. (this of course, is under the assumption that Overcharge takes its damage from Stamina rather than Magicka).

4. When Overcharge is activated, the Sorcerer gets a new and third action bar thats exclusive to that toggle. If for example, I have an ability that is ONLY in that toggled action bar, when I turn in a quest would I get exp on that ability?

Thanks for reading! Would really appreciate any help.
  • frozenchicken
    1. Physical/Stamina, I think.
    2. Magicka?
    3/4. Dunno. Afraid I haven't played much as Sorceror.
  • Bicca1974
    1. Staff is Magicka based. There where a lot of rumours and discussion around the forums about that matter, but finally, with the help of some quote:
    light and heavy attack WERE based on stamina up until the last beta phase... but they seem to have changed this for release (no notification of this change have been done but after testing it I can confirm that even light and heavy attack are affected by max magika now)

    this is one of many example of things that were pretty strange and got fixed with the transition from beta to release... ...

    2. regarding Overcharge with staves equipped: Point 1. Medium armor has no effect on your Magickapool or your Spellpower values at all. So it does not effect your damage with Overcharge at all.

    3. Overcharge is a class-ability (Stormcalling) therefore it calculates its damage from your Magickapool and Spellpower values. This means, your damageoutput with Overcharge should be exactly the same whatever you have a staff or a melee weapon equipped.

    4. Not sure, but if a ability is sloted, whatever in a active actionbar or not, it sould be generating xp for the line of this ability.

    Hope this clarify thing out , at least a little.
    Edited by Bicca1974 on May 6, 2014 7:35AM
  • Vizjerie
    Bicca1974 wrote: »
    1. Staff is Magicka based. There where a lot of rumours and discussion around the forums about that matter, but finally, with the help of some quote:
    light and heavy attack WERE based on stamina up until the last beta phase... but they seem to have changed this for release (no notification of this change have been done but after testing it I can confirm that even light and heavy attack are affected by max magika now)

    this is one of many example of things that were pretty strange and got fixed with the transition from beta to release... ...

    2. regarding Overcharge with staves equipped: Point 1. Medium armor has no effect on your Magickapool or your Spellpower values at all. So it does not effect your damage with Overcharge at all.

    3. Overcharge is a class-ability (Stormcalling) therefore it calculates its damage from your Magickapool and Spellpower values. This means, your damageoutput with Overcharge should be exactly the same whatever you have a staff or a melee weapon equipped.

    4. Not sure, but if a ability is sloted, whatever in a active actionbar or not, it sould be generating xp for the line of this ability.

    Hope this clarify thing out , at least a little.

    if you were near by id buy you a drink

    thank you for the info!
  • Vizjerie
    2 follow up questions,

    1. If the Overload ability utilizes the staff's damage as its base, does the Destruction Staff tree's passives apply to each attack with Overload while wielding a staff?

    2. Is Overload Magic damage or Shock?
  • Bicca1974
    Hey, answered questions generating new questions. So as taking one drink mostly leads to a second or more. ;)

    1. Considering that Overcharge replaces the light and heavy attacks from your sloted weapons with its very own versions as soon you are enabling it and, doing so, the weapons original light and heavy attacks aren't used for damage calculation anymore as long you are in Overcharge mode, the passive enhancements of your weapon of choice aren't in effect as long you are using Overcharge.
    If you are in Overcharge mode it derives its damage, as i said earlier, from your Magicka and Spellpower values. Thats the reason why it does the same damage whatever you have a staff or any possible melee weapon equipped. It does calculate in the passive abilites from the Stormcalling line instead.
    2. Considering above said, it should do shock damage cause it is the Ultimate from the Stormcalling line which does shock damage. Otherwise its an Ulti and so maybe it does Spelldamage instead. I'm not sure in this case.
    Edited by Bicca1974 on May 6, 2014 9:18AM
  • Antonie
    Just confirming what Bicca1974 said. I have the tfc add-on which will tell you a different name for overload light and heavy attacks instead of saying light and heavy attack.
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