I can no longer deconstruct items at woodworking, smithing or clothing benches, despite having plenty of appropriate items in both inventory and bank, and plenty of inventory space. I can deconstruct glyphs at an enchanting station. On the other crafting benches, I can create items, start new research, and improve items. I can see items listed on the improvement tab which ought to be shown on the deconstruction tab. However, no items at all are shown on the deconstruction tab.
Things I have tried:
- Logging out and in again
- Logging out, quitting, rebooting, and then logging in again
- Trying an alternate character
- Disabling add-ons
- Sending an in-game bug report
None of those things helped. I still can't deconstruct. Is anyone having the same issue?
IRL: Elizabeth. AD: Aluluei, Eiledh, Yreshi, Zabetheli. DC: Lededje, Pilun, Safket-Abwy, Semley. EP: Ieulula, Tenarha, Tisaarwat, Veralia.
CP 2200+, playing since beta.