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Dk or sorc for solo pvp ganking

I have a 26 nb, I don't get to play very much and I don't know if the buffs they're planning to do will make any significant difference or not but my goal is to find people solo near pve places or sky shards etc and snipe with a bow and then switch to whichever melee weapon would work best for if and when they get up close. I thought the man was going to excel at this but after reading a lot of feedback about the class it sounds like other classes can perform that role better then the Nb can.

If that's true which class synergizes better with a bow and has good self sustaining capabilities for when things don't go as planned. I'm assuming sorc or dk. I'm leaning towards Dk due to the nice heal they have but looking at there class abilities it doesn't appear that they would get a whole lot out of using a bow and that all fights would end up close quarters. I havn't looked at sorc skills much yet, and is a bow even good in solo pvp or do people use destro staff?

TLDR: am I wasting time trying to level a nb to sneak around for solo people at pve areas and skyhards with a bow/melee weapon of any choice. Or does a Dk or sorc have skills that compliment that style of pvp better? If so, why? Thank you

  • Tankqull
    sorc - bolt escape is far to potent to neglect when aiming for solo play. on top of that no other class can come close the dmg and cc potential of a well played sorc.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • lao
    I have a 26 nb, I don't get to play very much and I don't know if the buffs they're planning to do will make any significant difference or not but my goal is to find people solo near pve places or sky shards etc and snipe with a bow and then switch to whichever melee weapon would work best for if and when they get up close. I thought the man was going to excel at this but after reading a lot of feedback about the class it sounds like other classes can perform that role better then the Nb can.

    If that's true which class synergizes better with a bow and has good self sustaining capabilities for when things don't go as planned. I'm assuming sorc or dk. I'm leaning towards Dk due to the nice heal they have but looking at there class abilities it doesn't appear that they would get a whole lot out of using a bow and that all fights would end up close quarters. I havn't looked at sorc skills much yet, and is a bow even good in solo pvp or do people use destro staff?

    TLDR: am I wasting time trying to level a nb to sneak around for solo people at pve areas and skyhards with a bow/melee weapon of any choice. Or does a Dk or sorc have skills that compliment that style of pvp better? If so, why? Thank you

    while both sorc and DK are overall the far superior classes NB is still fine for what u intend to do. keep in mind NB has by lightyears the highest single target dps in the game. i have dropped vet ppl before they could even react.

    despite what alot of ppl might tell you NB is the best 1v1 class in the game. even with half our skills not working properly. problems arise when fighting more than one guy. 1v2 is still doable, 1v3 is hard but doable. anything more than that will require ur opponents to be braindead in order for you to be able to win. sorc and dk perform alot better in these situations. however they also kill ALOT slower. so in those "get in - kill something - get out" situations NB is best but when fighting straight outnumbered u will most likely die. that can even happen if u just blindly charge into a 1v1. as a NB u need to utilize stealth and get a good jump on ppl. if they get the jump on you, you can go down very fast even in 1v1. that is if u go the "normal" build (medium armor+assassination/shadow) ofc u can also build for beeing a tank but if u plan to do that id just go DK in the first place.

    personally i like my NB cos i dont feel like playing a cheesy class like dk/sorc that require no skill whatsoever. it feels much more like an accomplishment when u kill ppl with the class that is considered weak by the majority of the playerbase. ;D

    that doesnt mean that it is actually as weak as ppl say. its just that it has a higher skill ceiling than other classes and therefor more ppl suck at it. but yea alot of our abilitys also dont work as they should atm.
    Edited by lao on May 5, 2014 3:44PM
  • lao
    sorc - bolt escape is far to potent to neglect when aiming for solo play. on top of that no other class can come close the dmg and cc potential of a well played sorc.

    wrong and wrong. bolt escape is good sure but smart use of cloak is a far better and more reliable escape tool. about the dmg comment, well thats just horribly wrong when it comes to single target dps. high crit build NB will outdmg a sorc anytime anyday there and by quite abit too.

    this is however the typical response ud expect from a lesser experienced player. (no offense) sorc is easy to play which is why they are considered best at everything. reality however is different. NB can crit for an absurd amount of dmg on alot of skills.
  • Chiefwilliams
    What skills or passives make the nb best single target? Also is this best single target with a bow or melee opener?
  • Armitas
    If you consider PvP as hiding around skyshards for solo players to come by and get locked into an animation while you kill them uncontested then really any class will do.
    Edited by Armitas on May 5, 2014 7:17PM
    Nord mDK
  • awkwarrd
    Dk.. easy choice.
    1v1 DK wins, the only thing a Sorc can do is Bolt Escape.
  • lao
    What skills or passives make the nb best single target? Also is this best single target with a bow or melee opener?

    ambush, killer blade, soul harvest all crit for 800-1400 dmg. surprise attack crits for 600-1000 dmg. im using a 2h sword but im not sure if it even matters since its all class skills. heavy attack with a 2h sword is also another 400-600 dmg tho
    Edited by lao on May 5, 2014 8:48PM
  • moXrox
    Best class for "ganking" is probably a Nightblade.
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  • Chiefwilliams
    so you do more dmg opening up with melee attacks rather than with the snipe skill from a bow?
  • davidhorstub17_ESO
    lao wrote: »
    What skills or passives make the nb best single target? Also is this best single target with a bow or melee opener?

    ambush, killer blade, soul harvest all crit for 800-1400 dmg. surprise attack crits for 600-1000 dmg. im using a 2h sword but im not sure if it even matters since its all class skills. heavy attack with a 2h sword is also another 400-600 dmg tho

    yeah if people dont block or break stuns, unfortunately for nbs not everyone is terrible. tanking/healing damage while dishing it out is what wins in pvp.
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